Monastic herbalist Elena Fedorovna Zaitseva: valuable advice

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Once, while writing an article on the benefits of clover, I searched the Internet for information about herbal treatments. I found an interview where the monastery herbalist Elena Fedorovna told how herbs help to cure any disease. I wanted to know more about this healer. Here’s what I learned …

Herbalist Elena Fedorovna Zaitseva

Elena Fedorovna was born on September 26, 1925 in a large family. Parents of eight children:

  • Fyodor Minaevich Bosykh – holder of the St. George Cross and other royal awards, participant in the Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905);
  • Mother – Evdokia Grigorievna had 4 classes of education, raised children, knew 400 types of herbs that replaced medicines.

A revolution took place in Russia, and in 1918 the whole family moved from Petrograd to their mother’s homeland – to the village of Novo-Perelesovo, Tula region. Collective farms began to be created there. My father refused to work on the collective farm, for which he was declared an enemy of the people and sent to jail for 11 long years. From prison he returned sick and soon died.

And then there were years of famine, people were swollen, dying, but thanks to their mother, her eight children survived the famine. The roots of plants, nettles, runny, quinoa helped them to survive. For example, quinoa can replace meat in terms of protein content. Dry plant roots were ground into flour and bread was baked.

The mother taught the children the art of herbal medicine and helped many herself. During the war years, in hospitals with medicinal herbs, she returned to life the sick, who were considered suicide bombers. During an epidemic of dysentery, in a week she healed exhausted foreign children with a decoction of horse sorrel root.

After studying at a rural school, Elena went to her sister in Moscow and continued her studies at an evening school. Then she entered the institute. After receiving higher education, she worked at the Aviation Institute, where she met her future husband. Then a daughter was born.

The earth is full of rumors

For several years, Elena Fedorovna worked in the sanatorium-preventorium of the Moscow Kosinskaya knitwear factory. She treated 1607 people. The earth is full of good rumors. People began to reach out to the healer for help. Acquaintances have appeared in almost all cities of the country from Estonia to Kamchatka.

Once a herbalist helped to cure Kosygin’s daughter A.N. – Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Then she was invited to treat many ministers. Everyone was happy with the results of the treatment. The healer was invited to work in the sanatorium of the 4th department.

Since childhood, Elena Fedorovna has been doing what she loves: collecting medicinal plants, treating people, giving lectures. She studied over 1000 herbs. In 23 monasteries she taught herbal medicine to monks, treated everyone, never refused anyone.

Shortly before her death, the herbalist-doctor was tonsured into a nun with the name Elizabeth at the Kolotsky convent in the Moscow region. Died on December 7, 2016. The grandson of Elena Fedorovna – Bishop Nestor of Korsun.

Herbalist Tips

When to collect herbs

Plants are like people. At night they sleep, and in the morning they wash themselves with dew and begin to feed on energy. Collect herbs on a sunny day until 15-00. It is impossible to collect later – the process of processing the received energy is going on in the plants.

The roots are harvested (dug out) in early spring or late autumn. At this time, they do not expend energy on flowering and ripening of seeds.

  1. Leaves and stems – harvested before flowering (May).
  2. Medicinal inflorescences – during flowering (June, July, August).
  3. Fruits and seeds – when fully ripe.

It is necessary to dry the plants in the shade or in attics so that the sun does not take away the accumulated energy. A ventilated room is also fine.

How to store medicinal herbs

Dry herbs are stored for a year (from flowering to flowering). Storage is allowed up to 1,5 years. The shelf life of dry fruits is 3 years (rose hips up to 5 years). It is unacceptable to store herbs and fruits in plastic bags or plastic containers. The best option is bags made of thick fabric. Dry herbs are ground only before use.

If the herbs have expired, do not rush to throw them away. Use these fees for healing baths, the body will thank you.

Three magic roots

Earlier in Russia in every hut there were certainly bundles of dry herbs of St. John’s wort, ivan tea, nettles. Eating these plants, people rarely get sick. The herbalist does not get tired of repeating: have St. John’s wort in the house. It is twice as strong as antibiotics. Heals many diseases, relieves pain, heals wounds, it is both cancer and astringent.

Instead of disposable tea bags with tea dust and possibly dye, brew willow tea. And to never get sick, prepare and drink a collection of three roots: burdock, dandelion and wheatgrass. There are no contraindications.

Monastic herbalist Elena Fedorovna Zaitseva: valuable advice

Wheatgrass, Dandelion and Burdock

Wheatgrass treats many diseases, even eye and oncological diseases, and normalizes metabolism. Pets and wild animals are treated with this weed. It helps with edema, cystitis, kidney stones, bronchitis.

Dandelion root treats anemia, cancer, inflammation of the lymph nodes, joint diseases.

Burdock root helps to cure cancer, diabetes, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, osteochondrosis. Treats cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis and intervertebral hernias. Promotes the treatment of skin diseases, burns, bedsores, eczema, purulent wounds, psoriasis.

How to make root infusion

One Art. l. Pour the crushed roots with hot water (0,5 liters). Boil for 10 minutes. Strain after two hours. Take 100 gr. in 15 minutes before meals three times a day.


Don’t miss useful information! Here the monastery herbalist Elena Fedorovna Zaitseva gives valuable advice.

Blades of grass from every ailment! Herbalist Zaitseva Elena Fedorovna.

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