Monarch grape

To date, a large number of grape varieties with large clusters can be distinguished. But not all of them are in great demand. I would like to note the variety that many agronomists love. Monarch is characterized by medium-sized clusters, but at the same time very large berries. In addition, it does not require complex care for a generous harvest. In this article, we will consider a description of the Monarch grape variety, as well as photos and reviews of those who have already grown it on their site.

Monarch grape

Description of the Monarch grape variety

Variety Monarch was bred by an experienced breeder Pavlovsky. The varieties Talisman and Cardinal were taken as a basis. It is a table variety with medium-sized bunches, although it is often referred to as a large grape. The mass of each bunch is about 1 kg. Grons can be conical or cylindrical.

On the bush, the fruits are placed on branches that have an average density. The grapes of this variety are very large. The weight of each berry can be from 10 to 30 grams. Such large fruits can reach the size of a small plum.

Attention! Inside the berries are quite juicy, have a pleasant sweet taste. There are few seeds in the fruit, no more than three pieces.

Monarch is classified as a mid-early variety. The vegetative period of such grapes is from 120 to 140 days. Due to the high sugar content in the chemical composition, the vine can ripen quickly. The bush has a high yield and gives 7 or more kilograms of ripe berries.

Monarch grape

Young shoots of grapes grow rapidly. The vine can mature to a third of its original size. To optimize the load on the bush, about 25-35 eyes should be left while pruning the bush. Grapes have a bisexual flower, which independently conducts pollination.

Important! Agronomists have noticed that pollination is best done from the shaded side of the bushes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Monarch variety

This species is valued for its fragrant fruits and beautiful clusters. Sort Monarch has a pleasant taste with a slight nutmeg aftertaste. In addition, the following advantages of grapes can be distinguished:

  • berries can remain on the bush without spoiling or crumbling;
  • the taste of grapes does not depend on weather conditions and air humidity;
  • the fruits are almost the same size, there is no pea effect;
  • the grape bush has a high disease resistance, easily tolerates bad weather;
  • the plant quickly and successfully takes root when planting a cutting, the grafted fruit bearing also quickly takes root;
  • the grape bush is resistant to high frosts, the vine will not suffer even at a temperature of -25°C.

These advantages allow you to harvest a fairly good harvest without much effort. But, like any other grape variety, it has some drawbacks. One of the most serious drawbacks is the variety’s tendency to shed ovaries. True, if you do not thin out the bunches, then this problem can be minimized.

Experienced agronomists believe that thinning the shoots while the bush has not blossomed is the biggest mistake in caring for the Monarch. It is better to do this at a time when berry rudiments began to form.

In addition, the Monarch variety may be susceptible to powdery mildew. This significantly affects the quality and appearance of the crop. With prolonged damage, the vine begins to die. To protect the bushes, it is necessary to use special prophylactic preparations.

Selection and preparation of the cutting

The first step is to choose suitable cuttings. Agronomists with experience can independently propagate the fruit. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a ready-made seedling. The main thing is to take into account the following points:

  • the seedling must have a strong root system;
  • on the cut, a high-quality stalk has a green color;
  • the roots should have only whitish branches of the roots;
  • there are at least 3 buds on the shoot.

Before planting, the cutting should be placed in water. You can also place the rhizome in moist soil. In this form, the grape seedling should stand until the moment when the root system grows and the green mass blooms a little.

Monarch grape

If the stalk will be grafted, it is first cut off, and only after that it is placed in a special solution. It can be prepared from Humate (10 drops of the substance per liter of water). In order for the sprout to be better preserved, and then well rooted, you can paraffin the upper part of the petiole. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the young shoots. A branch of Monarch grapes is quickly dipped in liquid paraffin, and then immediately taken out and transferred to a container of cold water.

Where to plant Monarch grapes

This hybrid is a thermophilic plant. Without enough sunlight, the berries simply won’t be able to ripen on time. Also, the variety does not tolerate cold northern winds. For this reason, for planting grapes, it is better to choose areas that are located on the south side of the buildings. It is not recommended to plant a plant in an open area.

Advice! Some courtyard buildings can not only protect the bushes from the wind, but also serve as an excellent support.

These grapes prefer light, moderately moist soils. But clay soil is categorically not suitable for growing this crop. Grapes can grow on sandy soils, but young seedlings take root on them rather poorly.

Monarch grape

It is best to plant Monarch grapes in black soil. Groundwater in the ground should melt at a depth of about 1,5 meters. If the water level rises, then drainage should be done. To do this, make a wide recess or dig a ditch.

Monarch grape care

Monarch grape care consists of the following simple steps:

  • regular watering;
  • mineral and organic supplements;
  • pruning;
  • shelter for the winter;
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

Monarch grape

Watering grape bushes need infrequently. This plant requires more moisture only during drought. If the soil where the grapes grow is dry and quickly evaporates moisture, then you may also have to water the plant more often. If there is no special need, then the bushes are watered only in two cases: before flowering and during the period when ovaries begin to form. Next, you need to monitor the condition of the plant and soil. If necessary, carry out additional watering of the grapes.

To retain moisture in the soil, you can mulch the soil around the bush. For this, a variety of materials and substances are suitable. For example, ordinary humus will perfectly cope with its task. It is poured out and distributed around the bush so that the thickness of the mulch is no more than 3 cm.

Monarch grapes are fertilized simultaneously with loosening the soil. For this, special fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus are used. They are brought into the soil and dug up, while deepening the substance.

Attention! Top dressing cannot be simply spread over the surface of the soil. In this case, it simply will not be absorbed.

Monarch grape

Pruning of grape bushes begins at a time when they are at rest. It is also necessary to thin out the shoots. Do this after the formation of berries. Only 4 or 6 eyes should be left on each sleeve. On each bush leave, in general, about 40 buds. No need to feel sorry for the vine when pruning. Leaving more branches than you need will simply reduce the yield of bushes.

Monarch has a high resistance to various diseases. However, it is often affected by powdery mildew. To protect the plant from a destructive disease, it is necessary to carry out timely prevention. Bordeaux liquid is perfect for this. A 1% solution is prepared from it, and then the bushes are simply treated with a solution.

This hybrid tolerates severe frosts well. Therefore, you need to cover the plants only in regions where the temperature in winter drops below -25 ° C. Before this, high-quality pruning of bushes is carried out. Then they are laid on the ground and covered with hay. From above you need to cover everything with plastic wrap, which is properly fixed to the ground. In this form, water will not flow under the shelter and it will not be blown away by the wind.

Advice! If the winter in your area is warmer, then it will be enough just to mulch the soil around the bushes. For these purposes, sawdust and moss are used.

Monarch grape


The Monarch grape variety is an excellent grape with large berries. It is not difficult to grow such bushes. As we have seen, care for this hybrid consists of several waterings throughout the season, top dressing and pruning. In addition, it is advised to carry out the prevention of powdery mildew and, if necessary, cover the plant for the winter. We are sure that the description of the Monarch grape variety, photos and reviews convinced you to start growing this hybrid.


Evgenia Pavlovna, 46 years old, Voronezh
Monarch grapes are native to Germany. In our area, such bushes are very rare. But this is only the beginning. The technical variety Monarch has excellent characteristics, so many people will soon switch to this German variety. Personally, I grow it not so long ago, but I already managed to fall in love. By the way, it makes a very tasty wine. I have been making it from Black Monarch grapes for 3 years now. An excellent wine variety.
Dmitry Petrovich, 43 years old, Samara
Monarch grapes, both black and white, just captivated me. Bushes grow very quickly and bear fruit well. Instead of vineyards, you can use the walls of any outbuildings. I do.
Monarch grape

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