“I think it is time to go pack your suitcase”,my Scottish midwife told me just hours before my delivery.
I live in Paris, but I made the choice to give birth in my country of origin to be able to be with my family, but also because there, pregnancy is not a hassle. Three weeks before my term, my partner and I started our journey from France to Scotland by car. We are not of a worried nature! Women have the choice between the hospital or the “Birth centers” which are very popular. It is given birth in a natural way in baths, in a soothing atmosphere. I didn’t really have a preconceived idea about my childbirth because we don’t plan too far in advance, but from the first contractions, I lost my Scottish relaxation, and I begged the doctors to give me a epidural, an act that is not very common for us.
As the system dictates, barely 24 hours had passed since we got Oscar and I home. A midwife comes to the young mother for ten days in a row to help and support her in setting up breastfeeding. The pressure is pretty strong, and it’s not uncommon to hear people meddle in women’s decisions, asking them why they don’t breastfeed their babies. Oscar was nursing poorly because of a problem with the tongue frenulum. I quit after two months, feeling guilty. With hindsight, I accept this decision which allowed my son to eat normally. We do as we can!
“No kids in a pub after 19pm! ” This is what the owner of the bar where my companion and I were playing billiards told us one evening, Oscar installed peacefully in his cozy room by our side. Scotland is a country that faces an alcohol problem among minors, and therefore, this rule is no exception, even if the minor in question is 6 months old. In return, the country is entirely “kids friendly”. Each restaurant has its changing table, baby chairs and a separate corner so that the little ones can play. In Paris, I always consider myself lucky to find a space for my son. I know that a megalopolis should not be compared with my country made up of small country towns. Children are brought up in communion with nature, the natural elements. We fish, we hike, walk in the forest even in rainy weather, which is our daily life! Besides, it makes me laugh to see the little French people all bundled up as soon as it’s a little chilly. In Scotland, children still go out in shorts and t-shirts in November. We do not run to the pediatrician at the slightest sneeze: we prefer not to panic and let small illnesses live.
“The Haggis is hiding in the mountains and Loch Ness in the lake.” The little ones are rocked to the sound of traditional stories.I read a Scottish tale every evening to Oscar so that he knows our traditions. He knows that in our forests live fairies (the Kelpies) who should not be disturbed. I am looking in France for Scottish dance lessons, essential to our customs. Children learn it from elementary school and every Christmas, they put on a show in typical outfit: little boys are in kilt of course! Oscar has to get to know them, because if he ever wants to get married in Scotland, we swing our hips for at least two hours to our traditional dances. Our national dish, the Haggis (named after our imaginary animal), accompanies our celebrations. As soon as their teeth first appear, Scots eat them with their family and sometimes on Sundays for Scottish breakfast. I am nostalgic for these brunches that I have a little trouble importing here. It must be said that the French can hardly imagine exchanging their croissant, toast and jam for our sheep’s stomach stuffed with the heart, liver and lungs. A real treat !
Scottish moms tips
- From the 8th month of pregnancy, grandmothers recommend drinking raspberry leaf tea every day to facilitate childbirth.
- It is necessary to avoid certain areas with babies in summer because they are infested with swarms of mosquitoes, called midges. We are used to not taking the little ones out when they approach.
- I usually buy diapers, wipes and baby food in Scotland, which are much cheaper than in France.