Carole has launched a website selling 100% organic and fair trade baby clothes. She gave everything knowing that she had three years to make her project a reality.
Christel, meanwhile, offers home-cooked meals, fresh, to be delivered to your home. It starts very slowly with the neighborhood, the friends. Today, his company delivers throughout Ile-de-France. Virginie always knew she would. Set up her box, almost a little girl’s dream. She creates decorative objects and textile birth gifts, 100% made in France. As a business incubator throughout 2011, it became autonomous in June 2012.
Carole, founder of the “Baluchons bio de fleurs d’ô”
“I was an optician. I was made redundant after my first pregnancy. Yes, it still exists! I decided to bounce back and become my own boss. The concept of my company was born from my personal experience. When I was pregnant, the midwife gave me the list of things to pack for the maternity ward. I was working six days a week, I was tired of running right to left to buy everything. I asked in a shop if there was not a ready-made suitcase. The answer was no. So that’s what I offer: the one-click maternity suitcase. I refined the project by offering baby clothes 100% from organic farming and fair trade. Launching your box is a marathon. Financially, you have to be able to last three years. I am very happy with what I am doing. My problem right nowis that I saturate with working at home. I miss reading in the metro! So, to keep me cool, I plan to travel every other week. “
Christelle, founder of “Petites casseroles”
“A child, then two, then three, and a managerial position in a communication agency which was constantly in recovery … There was a period of hesitation, a time when I was working a little less, and I was went back to cooking to calm my nerves. One evening, I was preparing blanquette and through my window, I could see my girlfriend’s kitchen, which at 20:30 p.m. was still not on. I told myself that she was not going to eat blanquette. I gave it to him. It started like this. Why not sell this service? I too, when I came home at odd hours, my children ate industrial sandwiches. The idea is to offer home-cooked meals, fresh, which allow them to reconnect with the pleasure of family meals. We started with the neighborhood, friends, and today, we deliver throughout Ile-de-France. We work with a chef and a dietician, and we offer a range of dishes that change weekly. Our customers buy a prepaid card and can order for two, three days or for the whole week. This business has been like another baby at home. Everyone has given their opinion. I work as much as before, but the pressure is different. The time I spend with my family is a more comfortable time where I’m really there. I have flexible hours that allow me to be present when the big one comes home from college and when the little one’s nanny leaves. At first my husband was quite reluctant. But my project was so strong that it won. »
Virginie, founder of “C’est mon mien”
“When I was little, I already knew that I would create my business… Maybe to follow the path of my grandfather, an entrepreneur. After working for ten years in direct marketing for several youth publishing houses, I found myself pregnant with my first child. The issue of conciliation has therefore arisen more acutely. I volunteered in the social plan which occurred concomitantly in my company. The support from a specialized firm and the financial compensation were a real opportunity. I naturally went to the target of young parents, which was familiar to me. I opted for the creation of decorative objects and textile birth gifts, 100% made in France. In business incubator all year 2011, I registered in June 2012. I looked after my son myself the first year. Then I entrusted him with a golden childminder. I am fortunate to be supported by my family and friends who believe in the project from the start. Above all, I am part of a group of extremely tight-knit mompreneurs. We are a real team. “