Momordica: medicinal properties

Momordica immediately attracts attention with its sonorous name and spectacular appearance. However, few people know what outlandish bright fruits are and where they are used. In fact, this exotic plant is a real storehouse of medicinal properties.

What is momordica and how is it eaten

Momordica belongs to the gourd family and has many names. It is called karela, bitter melon, Indian or Chinese mad cucumber, Indian pomegranate. Under all these names, they usually mean a whole genus of plants, which includes more than 20 varieties of this unusual culture. The species of momordica charantia and momordica kokhinkha are of the greatest economic importance.

Momordica is a vine-like plant with long stems, the length of which can reach 2 m. The large carved leaves of bitter melon have a light green tint.

The fruits of momordica are very beautiful. They have a rounded oblong shape, and their surface is covered with small growths resembling spikes. In the process of maturation, their pale yellow color is replaced by a rich pink or orange color. Ripe momordica in the context has a flesh of a bright crimson hue. It resembles the pericarp of a pomegranate: this is clearly seen in the photo. The fruits of the plant have a lot of useful medicinal properties.

Momordica: medicinal properties

Momordica grows in the subtropical regions of India, Australia, Africa and Southeast Asia. In these regions, it has been grown for gastronomic purposes since ancient times. However, recently this plant has begun to gain popularity in European countries among lovers of exotic dishes. The unique medicinal properties of this plant also contributed to the growth of interest in momordica.

Composition, nutritional value and taste of momordica

At home, bitter melon is known for its health benefits, thanks to a range of vitamins and minerals in its composition. Momordica contains several essential amino acids, phenols, alkaloids, resins and essential oils that are beneficial for the body. In addition, the fruits and other parts of the plant are rich in B vitamins, as well as C, A, E, F. In addition, it contains a large amount of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, momordica is a source of charantin, which has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels.

The nutritional value of momordica is only 15 kcal per 100 g, which allows us to consider this fruit a dietary product. It does not contain fats and water at all, and the main share of calories comes from carbohydrates and proteins. So bitter melon dishes may well take pride of place in the diet of people who follow the figure.

Moreover, the taste of momordica is quite pleasant. Unripe fruits, like seed pericarps, have a juicy pulp that resembles a cross between sweet honeydew melon and persimmon. This unusual taste makes the fruit an ideal ingredient for a variety of dishes.

When can you eat momordica

Momordica: medicinal properties

The healing and gustatory properties of bitter melon intrigue many lovers of exotic products, but choosing the right fruit for maturity is not always easy. So, when choosing a momordica, you need to remember that it ripens in September-October, so it’s better to buy a fruit in a store during this period.

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the degree of maturity of bitter melon. Ripe fruits of momordica have a rich orange or pink color, when grown in the garden, they crack with noise, shooting seeds at high speed in different directions. The pulp of such fruits is too bitter and is suitable for food only after pre-treatment. It is worth giving preference to fruits of light yellow or green color: they have a fresh sweet taste and are more suitable for culinary experiments. As for the benefits of momordica for the body, it is the same for ripe and unripe fruits.

How to cook momordica

Taking into account the benefits and taste properties of momordica, it is not surprising that Chinese medicinal cucumber is widely used in cooking in different countries. Almost all parts of the plant are eaten – leaves, fruits, seeds, stem and even rhizome.

So, bitter melon leaves are added to salads and soups to give a light spicy flavor. However, the composition of the leaves contains bitterness, which can sometimes spoil the taste of the dish. To prevent this, the leafy plates of the fruit are soaked in salt water for several hours.

The same applies to the fruits of the Chinese cucumber. Ripe, they have a bitter taste, so they are either soaked or harvested and cooked unripe. The immature flesh of mormodica is sweet in taste and goes well with vegetables, meat, fish or poultry. It is suitable for making desserts, salads, jams; it can be fried, used in stuffing, marinated, boiled and canned.

Mormodica seeds are also sweet and very juicy, so they can be eaten raw: in this form, they will not do any harm, only benefit. They are equally delicious fried and boiled. In addition, the seeds of the fruit, like other parts of the plant, have unique medicinal properties, which makes bitter melon an even more valuable crop.

Momordica Recipes

The benefits of momordica and its unusual taste can inspire even the most conservative cooks to try out a couple of recipes based on this medicinal fruit. So, a salad with bitter melon will become a very appetizing vitamin side dish for meat or fish:

  1. One medium mature momordica is de-seeded and then cut into pieces.
  2. The onion is thoroughly washed and cut into half rings.
  3. Seeds are removed from half of the chili pepper and cut into rings.
  4. In a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, fry the onion until golden brown, then add pepper, momordica, salt to taste and simmer over low heat for another 5-7 minutes.
  5. Washed beet tops or lettuce leaves are laid out on a plate, tomato rings are placed on top. Hot vegetables are placed on top of the tomatoes and seasoned with vegetable oil left over from frying.
  6. Ready salad is consumed immediately as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat dishes.

Stuffed mormodica will serve as an unusual alternative to the usual cabbage rolls:

Momordica: medicinal properties

  1. From an unripe Chinese cucumber, the core is cleaned and cut into rings 2-3 cm thick.
  2. Minced meat for the dish is prepared in the traditional way: by mixing pork, beef, rice, onions, grated carrots.
  3. Momordica rings are stuffed with minced meat, put in an enamel pan with a small amount of water, allspice and spices are added if desired.
  4. Stew the dish until the fruit becomes soft. Before serving, momordica is decorated with tomato sauce, sour cream and herbs.
Advice! Small-sized bitter melon fruits are cut lengthwise, put the filling in them and fasten with toothpicks.

Momordica fruits will bring no less benefit if they are marinated. For this:

  1. Ripe fruits are thoroughly washed and cut into slices, after which they are placed in a clean jar.
  2. Garlic, dill, blackcurrant leaves, allspice peas are also added there.
  3. For marinade, add 1 tbsp to a liter of water. l. salt, sugar and 9% table vinegar. The mixture is brought to a boil and, without cooling, is poured into a jar.
  4. The container is hermetically sealed and left in a dark, cool place for at least 7-10 days.

Fans of simple and quick dishes will appreciate fried momordica:

  1. Unripe fruits are cut lengthwise, de-seeded and cut into lengthwise slices.
  2. The bitter melon is then salted and fried over medium heat in a pan with sunflower or olive oil until crispy.
  3. The cooked dish is eaten hot with meat or fish.
Important! Before cooking, ripe fruits of salted melon are soaked in salted water for 3-4 hours.

Useful properties of momordica

Momordica: medicinal properties

In China, India and other countries where Mormodica grows, the medicinal properties of this useful Indian cucumber have long been noted. So, he proved his value as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent for colds and other infectious diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, the seeds and fruits of bitter melon are able to regulate the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood due to charantin, which is why it is actively used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The benefits of mormodica are seen in the treatment of measles, scabies, arthritis and asthma. Its medicinal properties are also used in the creation of antihelminthic drugs and preparations for snake and insect bites. In addition, there is a hypothesis that certain plant parts of bitter melon bring significant benefits to people suffering from leukemia and some other cancers.

The medicinal properties of bitter melon have made it a popular ingredient in the manufacture of traditional medicine. So, depending on the disease, ointments, tinctures, decoctions are made from the fruits, seeds and roots of the plant.

Benefits of Momordica Tincture

The healing properties of bitter melon can bring a lot of benefits if you make alcohol tincture from the fruits of this plant:

  1. The fruit must be cleaned of seeds, cut into small strips and put in a 3-liter jar so that the pulp of the fruit occupies the entire space.
  2. Then the bitter melon should be poured with 0,5 liters of vodka, then tightly closed and hidden in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks.

Such a drink is taken 30 minutes before meals, 1 tsp, 3 times a day. This tincture has proven itself as a remedy for colds, rheumatism and to enhance the body’s resistance to pathogenic bacteria.

Benefits of bitter melon tea

From the seeds of momordica, you can make tea, which, in terms of its medicinal properties, will not be inferior to the tincture described above:

  • 10 – 20 seeds of bitter melon should be crushed in a blender or by hand and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  • The resulting composition should be boiled for 7 – 10 minutes over medium heat, then insist for an hour.

Ready tea is filtered and drunk at ¼ tbsp. 3 – 4 times a day. Such a drink has benefits for fever, and also serves as an effective diuretic.

How to use momordica for treatment

In addition to tinctures and decoctions, ointments, infusions and lotions from bitter melon are used in the treatment of various diseases. However, with all the medicinal properties of bitter melon, one should not forget that the use of an exotic fruit for medical purposes is possible only after the obligatory consultation of a qualified doctor.

Is it possible to have momordica with diabetes

Among other medicinal properties of bitter melon momordica, its beneficial effect on the health of people with diabetes is often mentioned. To date, research is being actively conducted on the actual benefits of bitter melon for diabetics.

So, charantin in the composition of the fruit actually reduces blood sugar, which equates it to some insulin preparations. However, not all people with diabetes have shown sensitivity to compounds contained in momordica-based formulations.

At the moment, we can say with confidence that preparations based on Chinese cucumber can be beneficial, but only as part of complex therapy. You can achieve tangible results in the treatment of diabetes if you combine folk remedies from bitter melon and traditional medicines.

The use of momordica in homeopathy

The medicinal properties of bitter melon have also been used in homeopathy. So, from the ripe fruits of this plant, a remedy called Momordica Compositum is obtained. It is made in the form of ampoules of 2,2 ml for intravenous, subcutaneous or intramuscular injections. This drug can be taken by mouth orally. Momordica Compositum is used in acute and chronic pancreatitis, as well as to alleviate the symptoms of dyspacreatism. The drug is taken in courses of 3 to 5 weeks with a frequency of up to 3 times a week. The dosage for adults and children from 6 years old is 1 ampoule, for children under 6 years old – ½ of it. Children under 2 years of age are not recommended to exceed the dosage of ¼ ampoules.

Limitations and contraindications

Momordica: medicinal properties

Although attractive photos of juicy and fresh momordica may prompt you to immediately buy this medicinal fruit, it is worth remembering that, along with beneficial properties, bitter melon has some contraindications. So, under certain health conditions, you should not use momordica, since this will not bring any benefit to the body. Contraindications include:

  • to pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • those who have an individual intolerance to substances in the composition of the product.

Despite all the medicinal properties of bitter melon, in order to avoid poisoning, its peel is strongly discouraged from giving to young children.


Momordica is an amazing fruit with an unusual appearance and various medicinal properties. And, although the unique features of the fetus require further study, the proven medicinal properties, when used correctly, can give an undoubted positive effect on health.

Fried momordica with chicken

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