Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Momordica, whose photo impresses even experienced gardeners, has successfully migrated from a tropical to a temperate climate. The plant is adapted for growing in household plots as a fruit or ornamental crop. Thanks to the interesting shape of bright fruits, it does not go unnoticed.

What is a momordica plant

Momordica is a plant belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. There are more than 20 species in the genus that live in the tropics and subtropics of Southeast Asia. In Our Country, the plant appeared relatively recently and immediately became popular with summer residents. In horticulture, you can mainly find two types – momordica charantia and momordica kokhinkha. The first species is grown more often, both as a fruit and as an ornamental crop.

Momordica has many names – Indian pomegranate, Indian cucumber, Chinese gourd, crocodile cucumber, bitter melon. It is an annual liana, reaching a height of 6-7 m. The leaves are beautifully carved about 12 cm wide. Flowering begins in June, the plant throws out medium-sized light yellow buds, male and female on the same bush. That is, one momordica is enough to set fruits. Flowers have a normal appearance, but fruits give a decorative effect to the culture.

Young plants are equipped with hairs that cause irritation on contact with the skin. This explains the name of the creeper – momordica in Latin means “biting”. You can also grow a culture as a houseplant – leaves, flowers and fruits look unusual and interesting.

What kind of momordica plant can be seen in the photo:

Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Description of the fruits of momordica

The elongated fruits are covered with tubercles and growths. Their size is 7 cm wide and ranges from 7 to 35 cm in length depending on the variety. At first the fruit is green, but then it becomes bright orange, the seedlings are red. Momordica is also considered a medicinal plant due to the content of many vitamins and trace elements in it.

The fruits set immediately after pollination. When ripe, the fruits burst and become like large flowers with seeds similar to pomegranate seeds. The pulp itself is juicy, has a pleasant taste with a slight bitterness.

Types and varieties of momordica

Momordica has several species and varieties, each gardener can choose his own, based on needs. This vine is often grown as a simple ornamental. The fruit size varies from variety to variety.

Momordik Drakos

The plant loves warmth and open light areas, but it should be protected from the wind and the scorching sun. The soil should be light and fertile. Liana grows up to 2-2,5 m. The fruit of the momordica is similar to a cucumber with tubercles, its length is about 23 cm, and the color is yellow-orange when ripe. Weight on average 170 g. Inside the pericarp of a ruby ​​​​hue, reminiscent of the taste of a persimmon. The flesh of the shell itself is similar to a pumpkin.

Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Momordika Gosha

Momordica variety Gosha was bred for cultivation in Siberia, it was entered into the State Register in 2006. The fruits are painted in a light green color, their size reaches 35 cm, and the weight is about 400 g. The yield is high. The tubercles on the surface are pronounced, the taste is characterized as spicy with hints of bitterness. The plant loves light and when planted in shady places there is a risk that the vegetation will be delayed. Momordica in Siberia is grown in greenhouses under a film; it does not survive in open ground. The Gosha variety is practically not susceptible to diseases, resistant to aphids and spider mites, but can be damaged by the greenhouse whitefly.

Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Momordica Jadeta

This variety is distinguished by its decorative appearance. Momordica Jadeta has bright yellow fragrant flowers on long stems. The fruits are covered with a peel that is slightly bitter, but inside they have a sweet pleasant taste. Yellow-orange in color, reach a size of 20 cm, have a pointed tip. The height of the vine is about 2 m, and the average fruit weight is 100 g. In order to obtain a crop, momordica is planted in greenhouses, and if only its decorative qualities are needed, then they are placed along fences or in arbors.

Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Momordika Naya

The creeper has long and thin stems, it is placed on a trellis and pinched in the process of growth. The culture does not tolerate frost at all, so it is planted in the ground when the warm weather finally settles. The fruits of the momordica Naya variety are elongated, oval in shape, in a mature state they have a size in the range of 15-25 cm. The crop is harvested after 8-10 days from the formation of ovaries. The fruits are bitter, so they are soaked in cold water before use.

Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Momordica balsamic

Liana grows up to 5 m and has a large green mass of leaves. The fruits are warty bright orange. Harvested on the 10th day, and to remove bitterness, momordica is soaked in salt water. When fully ripe, the fruit bursts with a bang, releasing the seeds. This variety has the best healing properties of all. However, its fruits are relatively small, spindle-shaped.

Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Momordica smelly

This is a perennial plant, reaching 7 m in length. A not very pleasant smell emanates from it, which is the reason for such a name. The leaves are carved triangular in shape, pubescent, their size reaches 20 cm. Dioecious flowers reach 4 cm in diameter, male flowers are collected in inflorescences of 8 pieces, and female ones remain solitary. Their color can vary from yellow to orange. The fruit is elliptical in color, reminiscent of a pumpkin and covered with thin spines. Its size does not exceed 10 cm. In the climate of the tropics, it is often found in fields as a weed. This vine does not have pronounced decorative qualities and is not used for food, but retains its medicinal characteristics.

Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Momordica Nephrite

An annual plant, which is a highly branched vine. From planting to fruiting takes about 70 days. When mature, the Nephrite momordica is orange-yellow, quite large, about 30 cm long. The weight of the fetus reaches 300 g. The surface is covered with deep tubercles. Unripe fruits are slightly bitter, but the main taste of their pulp is pleasant and allows them to be consumed fresh. The plant has high decorative qualities.

Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Planting and caring for momordica

Momordica is an annual plant, so it is propagated by seeds. Moreover, both seedling and seedless methods are used. The first option is more often used, especially in regions with a cold climate.

Growing momordica from seeds at home

Before growing momordica from seeds, you must first prepare them:

  1. The light ones are removed because only the dark ones are mature.
  2. Seeds should be dipped in a glass with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. A piece of cloth is soaked in 200 ml of warm water with a teaspoon of honey.
  4. The seeds are placed in this napkin after disinfection and put them in a warm place.
  5. The fabric is moistened as it dries.

Shoots will appear after a couple of weeks. Planting germinated seeds is carried out in peat cups.

Attention! Momordica does not tolerate picking, so it must be planted immediately in a separate container.

A mixture of earth and humus is placed in cups in a ratio of 1: 3. The soil is calcined for 2 hours for disinfection. In this way, insect larvae and fungal spores are destroyed.

Landing is carried out as follows:

  • seeds with an edge are buried in the ground by 2 cm;
  • then they are sprinkled with sand and gently watered;
  • the top is covered with polyethylene, but so that air remains and the desired humidity is maintained.

The room temperature must be maintained at least + 20 °C. It is worth waiting for the emergence of seedlings no earlier than in 2 weeks. When sprouts appear, the film is removed and the ground is sprayed with a spray bottle. Momordica seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight.

When the first true leaves appear, the plant is fed with potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Nitrogen fertilizers are not recommended. The temperature in the room is reduced to + 18 ° C. It is required to provide seedlings with protection from drafts and a sufficient amount of light. Two weeks later, organic top dressing is introduced, and after another two mineral compositions. Do not allow the soil to dry out in cups, but at the same time, watering should be moderate. Seedlings must be hardened, exposing, for example, to a balcony.

Transplantation in open or protected ground

When the plants reach a height of 25 cm, they are transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground. In the case of growing at room conditions, simply move it to a larger pot. Momordica is transferred to a permanent place right in the cups, because the root system is very sensitive and does not tolerate transplantation.

The best time for planting in open ground is the beginning of June, because there are no return frosts at this time. Liana is placed in a dry, lit place, the earth should be loose and pass water well. Too much moisture in the soil can cause roots to rot. For momordica, loams with a sufficient amount of fertilizer and low acidity are well suited. Before planting, a solution of urea is added, mullein is also suitable. The soil is dug up, weeds and large clods of earth are removed.

When moving seedlings into the ground, make sure that the root collar does not deepen. Between seedlings it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 85 cm, otherwise they will slow down the growth of each other. Liana is planted to a support – at the trellis or fence. After planting, momordica is watered and at first they create a small shadow to avoid direct sunlight on the plants.

Momordica: growing from seeds at home

Growing and caring for momordica

Some time after planting, the momordica root system will adapt, and the plant will begin to gain green mass. A large number of leaves reduces fruiting, so you need to immediately prioritize, if the vine is grown for decorative purposes, then leave the greens, and if you plan to eat momordica, then you need to cut off the extra leaves.

In the heat or when grown in a greenhouse, plantings are watered with settled warm water at the rate of 8-10 liters for each bush. It is better to do this in the evening, and in the morning just loosen the ground a little. The roots of the plant can be exposed when watering, so new soil is often poured under the momordica.

Once every 3-4 weeks, fertilizing with complex fertilizers containing calcium, potassium and nitrogen is carried out. You can also make mullein with bird droppings.

Momordica most often suffers from the same diseases as the rest of the pumpkin:

  • powdery mildew;
  • bacteriosis;
  • gray rot.

To combat them, ash, colloidal sulfur and mullein solution are used. Of the pests, aphids are common.

How to form momordica in a greenhouse or in the open field

When forming a vine, the following rules are followed:

  • at the main stem, all side shoots are cut 0,5 m from the ground;
  • when the first ovaries appear, it is necessary to thin out the bush, remove the overgrown lashes, and pinch the stem at a height of about 1,5 m;
  • to get a good harvest, side shoots are periodically cut to 50 cm as they grow;
  • it is better to leave three main stems;
  • wilted and dry parts of the plant should also be removed in a timely manner.
Attention! Cut momordica should be so that the skin does not come into contact with parts of the plant, otherwise there may be irritation similar to a nettle burn.

Harvesting and recycling

Yellow cucumber momordica is removed from the bush slightly unripe, at the age of 7 to 10 days. The peel should be colored yellow, when an orange tint appears, the fruits lose their taste. Harvesting is carried out from the end of June until the onset of frost. The more fruits are removed, the more new ovaries are formed. But it should be borne in mind that a large number of simultaneously ripening momordica fruits weaken the plant. Fruits are stored for about 20 days at a temperature of about + 12 ° C and air humidity of 80%. Since the shelf life of fresh fruits is relatively short, they try to make various preparations from them.


The momordica plant, whose photo will attract even those who are not interested in gardening, is successfully grown even in Siberia, without requiring complex care. The culture has high decorative and medicinal properties, and it can also be simply eaten. Experienced gardeners leave only positive feedback about momordica.

Momordica What an interesting plant?

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