Very honest photos. As Mel Watts herself, the author of the photographs, said, “this is not a work of art for you.”
Hashtag # without filters. Melanie Watts lives in Australia. She has four children and a blog about all the joys associated with this fact. More than 145 thousand people have subscribed to Mel’s Instagram page. And how many people have seen her photo after the cesarean, already can not be counted.
A mother of many children gave birth to her fourth baby quite recently, just 10 days ago. The caesarean section was planned for medical reasons. Therefore, the due date was known in advance. Going to the hospital, Mel even shared her latest “pregnant” selfie. But she hardly imagined that the stomach would leave her so soon, because it usually decreased in size instantly.
Four days after the operation, Mel published a picture in which she compared her belly with how it looked in the 30th week of pregnancy. To be honest, a little shocking.
“Wow. Yes, this is not a castle or any work of art. Stretch marks, pits. But this is the body that gave one more new life. Another little man that you can carry in your arms and love, – she signed the picture. – Of course, this is not a photo for a magazine or even for a trip to the beach in a bikini. But for my husband and I, this is the place where our children grew up. The place where everything that we love more than anything in the world began. “
Mel is sure: too many women are ashamed of themselves, because society has instilled in them certain ideas about how they should look. “But in fact, we have to do what we think is necessary,” – says mom.
Someone liked Mel’s post. Many simply applauded the woman for her honesty and sincerity.
“I hated myself after cesarean! For seven years I tried to get rid of my belly. Why couldn’t I accept myself before? I would be much happier, “wrote Melanie in the reviews.
But there were other comments as well. About which the woman later wrote a separate post:
“Some say that this is the real body of a young mother. Some people find it disgusting. Which is perfectly normal. I often see women being depressed and oppressed by other women for the way they look. Too slim, too fat, too sluggish, too athletic. Women begin to worry about how they look during pregnancy. But I think that any body of a woman is real. Some people work hard to look good. Some … I watched my friend go to the gym with a bag of donuts in her hands. But we all have a right to exist, even if we don’t fit into some categories. We are all women who have given birth to small people. Instead of fighting each other and writing nasty things, maybe you should hug? “