Mom’s son – a story from a girl’s personal life

😉 Greetings to everyone who wandered here in search of stories! “Mom’s Son” is a story of young people that could have continued if …


I must say right away that my experience was unsuccessful. Five years have passed, and it’s still a shame. After school I didn’t go to college, I didn’t get enough points and went to work in the library. There she met Petya, a student.

Quiet, polite, with glasses. I always sat at books until late. Now they say about such a botanist. But he was good-looking – tall, stately, blue eyes, fluffy eyelashes. He kept blushing when I gave him books, and did not dare to invite me anywhere. I had to take the initiative into my own hands …


It’s time to get to know his parents. My father is nothing, good-natured, friendly, but my mother … I seemed to be interrogated by the Gestapo. Eyes drills me, burns through. We sat, had supper, drank tea, she went to wash the dishes, and I volunteered to help. On your head.

It seemed to her that I did not wipe the saucers from the outside, although I know for sure – I wiped them. She says to Peter: “Son, look, Katya doesn’t even know how to wash dishes!” And Peter laughed and blurted out: “But she knows how to kiss!”

Maman, from such a turn of events, the cup fell out of his hands, and a grimace of horror froze on his face. He himself realized that he had blown too much. And my mother, a snake like that, was silent and quietly asks: “Well, who taught her?” Petya, apparently, had never asked such a question before. And suddenly wondered.

Then “mother’s son” began to inquire about kisses – with whom, and when, and how many guys I had. It is clear – maman “dripped on his brains”, exposed what a spoiled girl I was, seduced her pure boy and taught her bad things.

I immediately realized that she would not give us life, she would not give it to me. Well, thank God that I understood everything in time. We parted with Petya. I soon got married, although I still remembered him often. Who knows, maybe if not for his mother, Petya and I would have lived happily ever after …

Friends, if you liked this story from the life of “Mom’s son”, share it on social networks. 😉 Thank you!

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