Mom’s helpers: top 7 things you need on maternity leave
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Waiting for a baby and the first year of life with a newborn is the most amazing time in a mother’s life. This is the period when a woman is completely focused on the child, on a unique connection with him. However, at the same time, this is a serious test for a woman’s health. The load on the body increases, sleepless nights wear out …
So that the joys of motherhood are not overshadowed by health problems, you need to take care of yourself and use the best practices of modern medicine.
The specialists of the Sales Center of the Special Equipment Plant helped us to choose the most necessary assistants for the expectant mother and her baby.
During pregnancy, the internal organs of a woman are displaced due to a rapidly growing fetus. A maternity bandage can help put them back in place after childbirth. After a woman has given birth, the skin and muscles on the abdomen still remain flabby and sagging for some time, as they stretch excessively during pregnancy. And after giving birth, you will have to make a lot of effort to return an excellent appearance with exercises. This is if you do not wear a bandage, and with wearing, the process of deformation of the muscles decreases, and they return to normal faster, but you should not forget about exercises for the press anyway.
The bandage fully takes the load of the connective tissue apparatus and structural tissues on itself. Tape, in turn, implements a supporting function solely due to its elasticity: it does not take all the load on itself, but only helps the tissues to cope with those increased mechanical loads that arise during pregnancy. There is never any question of size with a tape: it will become so comfortable for you as if it were your second skin. It’s no secret that during pregnancy there is a process of redistribution of weight loads in the body, in some cases causing pain in the feet, lower extremities, and back. The tape can provide soft, delicate support, help stabilize joints and relieve congested muscles. In particular, taping techniques are widely used to help treat leg edema during pregnancy. Taping therapy is also effective in the postpartum period. Taping is used to improve lactation and prevent breast deformation.
The main stress during pregnancy falls on the legs and lower back. If the back can be supported with a bandage, then special compression stockings and tights are needed for the legs. They will correctly distribute the load, help to avoid varicose manifestations, and keep the legs beautiful and healthy. Be sure to consult with your doctor, perhaps the gynecologist will insist that you use compression stockings during childbirth: there are a lot of cases when they are recommended according to indications.
4. Pillows for pregnant women
In the last stages of pregnancy, it is more and more difficult to find a comfortable position for sleep: sleeping on the stomach is extremely undesirable for the safety of the unborn baby, sleep on the back is also contraindicated – the internal organs experience excessive pressure from the uterus, especially the inferior vena cava, blood circulation is disturbed, which can lead to dizziness, edema legs and arms. The baby’s movements can also interfere with sleep: if the posture is unsuccessful, he may not have enough oxygen … How can you help yourself to your beloved? Buy the right special pillow! It can be U-shaped, G-shaped or straight, the choice is quite large. By the way, there are pillows that can be used for a comfortable sleep before childbirth, and after childbirth – for feeding the baby. By the way, do not forget to buy a novelty – a special pillow for the legs, which will help relieve heaviness from tired limbs and look after a special orthopedic pillow for a newborn: after all, you need to get used to protecting your health from childhood.
5. Massagers for mothers and babies
The first few years of life in the body of children is an intensive development of all systems. This is especially true for the skeleton. But for bones to grow and develop correctly, a child needs proper nutrition, good shoes and physical activity. Otherwise, the baby may develop a variety of pathologies, such as flat feet. It, like any other disease, is better prevented than cured. Orthopedic rugs can help with this. A simple and fun daily play on a special rug from the first months of a baby’s life will help him: improve the health of the musculoskeletal system, prepare for growing physical activity.
In hospitals and various medical institutions, quartz and germicidal lamps are often used. This equipment is needed in order to destroy microbes that have accumulated inside the room with its light.
In some medical offices, there are even quartzing sessions, when the office is irradiated with a lamp. During quartzing, you cannot go inside, since the lamp emits ultraviolet light, and it has a very negative effect on the human body if it gets on it in excess.
To neutralize this property, recirculators were invented. Recirculators also irradiate the air inside the room. That’s just during their work, you can be in the room without any restrictions and go about your business. There are many manufacturers of such equipment.
The principle of operation of the recirculator is quite simple. This is a closed device, which in its shape resembles a rectangular elongated object with a hole inside. A fan is installed in the recirculator. It draws air into the interior of the device, where it is irradiated with several lamps. Several fans constantly draw new air into the recirculator and direct the air currents. Thus, in just a few tens of minutes, it is quite possible to completely clean the air from harmful microbes. At the same time, people can freely move around the room where the recirculator works, which increases the convenience in its constant operation.
Oxygen inhalation can be used to prevent the development of fetal hypoxia. Oxygenated blood will flow through the placenta to your unborn baby, which will significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage. After all, it is oxygen that guarantees the normal intrauterine development of the fetus. What is important – you can do oxygen inhalations while lying in bed and making a minimum of movements, which means that you do not violate the doctor’s orders and do not harm your unborn baby. The oxygen concentrator is very easy to use and maintain. It is portable and therefore easy to move from place to place. Oxygen inhalation will be useful in the postpartum period, as well as for the period while you are breastfeeding your baby.