Mom of six children lost 63 kg, giving up sports

Physical activity was banned by doctors due to health problems. But this did not prevent the woman from becoming slimmer than before childbirth.

Size 64 – can you imagine that? And Lisanna Dale lived at that size. Bulimia, sugar addiction, constant snacks – Lizanna’s whole life revolved around food. But by the age of 39 she already had six children. So energy would be useful not only for eating.

“I realized that it couldn’t go on like this when I suddenly saw myself in the mirror and felt hatred for what I see,” Lizanne admits. She then weighed 134 kilograms. Twice as much as necessary.

In such cases, the recipe is usually simple: move more, eat less. But Lizanna also had problems with movement. Doctors forbade her to do any serious stress when the girl was diagnosed with a rare type of spinal stenosis. Any exercise hurt Lizanna – just a little, the nerve roots were pinched, and there was no time for physical education.

What about your relationship with food? It was even more difficult to change them.

“I’ve always been big, as long as I can remember, – recalls Lisanne. – To refuse buns or chocolates – I was not capable of that. But she could easily gobble up a packet of cookies in one sitting. I couldn’t even do the cleaning without packing Oreo or a bar of chocolate in my pocket. “

All of Lizanne’s mobility ended up in fussing around the children, housework, and endless chewing. It is no wonder that with such a lifestyle, her weight grew steadily. And even when she was almost paralyzed due to problems with the spine, Lisanne continued to eat.

“I can cook, I’m a good cook. But for some reason I ate mostly take-away food, ”- now she herself is surprised how she managed to gorge herself on diseases and kilograms for many years. Yes, there are tens of kilos.

Now Lizanne had to carefully control what she eats. There was no other way out.

“Everything I eat I cook at home myself. No semi-finished products, semi-finished products and ready-made mixtures. I cook everything from scratch. If this is pizza, then homemade, where the filling is low-fat, and there is very little cheese. If it’s a shish kebab, then it’s dietary, ”she explains.

The girl saw the results almost immediately. The extra pounds literally flowed off her. And the thought of starting to eat chips or store-bought pizza again didn’t seem tempting, but disgusting.

After just eight months, Lisanne lost 63 kilograms. Yes, we repeat, completely abandoning sports. True, the children – the oldest child of a mother with many children turned 22, and the youngest only one year old – still make her sweat.

“My children are proud of me,” smiles Lisanne.

She still cannot wear open things, much less a swimsuit. This is because after losing weight there is a lot of excess skin, which she is frankly embarrassed of.

“I hope I get rid of her someday,” she shrugs. “In any case, I am much happier now than I have ever been.”

And you can read about the most athletic mother of five children HERE. She once calculated that after all her pregnancies, she lost a total of 115 kilograms.

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