Mom needs a break from the baby, at least for one weekend

– They cannot go to the doctor, go to their friends’ wedding, because they have no one to leave the disabled child with. Sometimes for years they don’t have a day to themselves. They can take their daughter or son here for a few hours or a weekend, knowing that they are safe and in good hands – says Jolana Świderska, Łukasz’s mother, founder of the Oswoić Świat Foundation. The first so-called respite flat in Poland was opened in Białystok.

  1. -We know how a huge burden for parents and guardians is the constant care of a disabled child. We want to help those who sometimes need time for themselves, regardless of the reason, says the president of Białystok Tadeusz Truskolaski
  2. The city converted a 64-meter flat into a hotel where people with intellectual disabilities can stay for a few hours or over the weekend, without their parents. They have XNUMX/XNUMX professional care during this time. The apartment is administered by the Oswoić Świat Foundation. Parents do not pay for the child’s stay
  3. – Twelve families have already used the apartment. Everyone is very happy, and so are their children. We have already booked all the days until mid-July – says Jolanta Świderska, head of the Oswoić Świat Foundation and founder of the first in Poland Daily Center for Adults with Autism

Persons over 18 years of age with moderate intellectual disability may stay in the apartment. A dozen or so people have already spent several afternoon hours and weekends in the apartment without their parents or guardians who take care of them on a daily basis.

– Occupancy is on all the time. For many parents it was the first weekend without a child in years. The only time they can only devote to themselves. Deal with some postponed matters, see a doctor, or go to the baptism of another child in the family or a wedding of friends – says Jolnata Świderska.

In order for a disabled person to be able to use a free hotel, a parent or guardian must complete a questionnaire. The questions concern the state of disability, medications taken, eating habits, everyday habits. – The point is to create the most safe and comfortable conditions for this person. Because he will spend this time with a different person than usual – says Jolanta Świderska.

After the weekend, on Monday, the driver drives the disabled person to his home or center, which he usually attends from Monday to Friday.

– I was very scared, unnecessarily. My son was very pleased with the day he spent in the apartment. We made such an attempt because I had a referral to the hospital last year and I did not go because I was afraid to leave my child in the care of a stranger. Now there was a test, I wanted to see how the child reacts. If a similar situation happens again, I know that my son will be well looked after, and I will go to the hospital without fear – says one of the mothers.

Disabled people do not stay there all the time if they spend the weekend in a rest flat. Together with the guardian, they go for a walk, for ice cream or to the cinema. It all depends on what they want and what the parents suggest in advance.

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