You can lose weight at any age, if you wish. And the 46-year-old mother of two children had desires above the roof: she so wanted her daughter to be proud of her!
Many parents go through this stage in a relationship when their children are embarrassed about them. They are ashamed of being caressed in public, too much attention. And they are also shy when their parents look “not cool”. The daughter of 46-year-old Donna Carter never said that she was embarrassed by her mother, but the woman still thought so. She wanted her daughter at the graduation to be able to proudly say: “Here is my mother.” And I also wanted to look at the photos from the prom without horror – after all, Donna at that time weighed almost a centner. 99 kilograms 400 grams, to be precise.
This is what Donna before looked like – in the photo she is the first on the left
“I was scared even to just get on the scales. I knew it would be difficult. But I firmly decided that I had to cope, ”says the woman.
46 years old, behind two pregnancies – with such a history it is difficult to lose weight. And someone will say that after 35 years in general it is better to part with the dream of harmony, still nothing will come of it, the age is not the same. However, Donna had the best motivator – her daughter.
All fitness gurus unanimously say that you need to set yourself achievable goals. Donna decided that she would lose 12 kilograms by graduation. I decided – and got to work.
Donna in the center – twice the size of any of the girls
First of all, she made a nutrition plan so as not to go over the calorie intake, bought a fitness bracelet to count steps. 10 thousand a day – that is how Donna hasn’t walked for a long time, but then she started.
“Sometimes I just walked around while watching TV. I know it’s silly and it sounds funny, but I tried to prove to myself that I still have willpower, ”she says.
Donna did not seem to make excessive efforts, but the weight began to creep down. The hardest part was, of course, sticking to the meal plan. It turned out that often she grabbed something in between, without even thinking too much about what she was eating. Biscuit? Excellent. Candies? Even better. And now I had to literally beat myself on the hands so as not to eat too much. There was a lot of excess, but she simply did not notice it until she started counting calories.
“I ate all this not because I was hungry. Because you want something, ”explains Donna. A familiar feeling, right?
Donna is at the very beginning of her weight loss process …
12 kilograms slipped off Donna even faster than she expected. With joy that things are moving forward so quickly, the woman signed up for the gym and began to exercise 4 times a week. I had to fork out for the coach, but this is a contribution to my own health!
“I realized that my old clothes no longer fit me. I tried to put on my daughter’s dress – and managed to fit into it! Now I have much more opportunities to develop my own style ”, – Donna rejoices.
Still not to rejoice. After all, in just three months she lost more than 20 kilograms! At the graduation, Donna felt great: she confidently posed for a photo, smiled and beamed with pride for herself and her daughter. In addition, she was told that she was too young to have such adult daughters – the eldest is 22 years old, the youngest is 18 years old. As if age had slipped from Donna along with the fat.
After such a compliment, Donna seemed to have a second wind. She continues to follow a diet, play sports. Now she weighs 75 kilograms – such a figure is not a shame to voice.
“Now I know how I want to look, and I am sure that I can achieve this”, –