Mom is a fit baby! A large Ufa woman lost 32 kg in a year
After giving birth to three babies, Yulia Senatorova recovered greatly, but was able to lose weight by exercising at home and changing her diet. And now 33-year-old Ufa has become an athlete in the fitness bikini category.
Ate 5-6 bars of chocolate a day
Julia recovered to 86 kg
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Yulia Senatorova
“When I got pregnant with my first child, I weighed 54 kg,” the woman from Ufa told Woman’s Day. – I was a first year student and between lectures I ran to a cafe, where I ate several giant burgers at a time. There wasn’t even a day when I didn’t eat 5-6 bars of white aerated chocolate! She swept everything off the table, reassuring herself that pregnant women can eat without restrictions and that a growing baby needs it. Mothers and grandmothers said, they say, everything is fine: you will give birth, you will breastfeed and “you will be blown away.” But I put on weight up to 67 kg. “
“Three months after the birth of my son, I became pregnant again,” continues Yulia. – Despite the extra pounds, she continued to eat day and night and began to weigh 79 kg. Against this background, I even had a premature birth. Then I did not think about the figure. Well, she’s fat, but she gave birth to two children. Two years later, a third baby appeared in our family. There was still no question of proper nutrition – I ate everything indiscriminately. So from a fragile girl after the birth of three children, I turned into a fat woman weighing 86 kg. “
On March 8, instead of a restaurant, my husband took him to a sports store
Julia said that everything was decided in one evening, when on the eve of March 8, her husband invited her to her restaurant.
“I, like any woman, wanted to look gorgeous at the holiday, but I went to the mirror and finally saw who I had become. I looked at myself and roared, – recalls the heroine. – Instead of a restaurant, I asked my spouse to take me to a sporting goods store and bought dumbbells and a rope there. There was no time with three children for the fitness club, I studied at home while the kids were sleeping. I jumped rope, did push-ups, squats, rocked the press – everything about everything took 30-40 minutes a day. I tried to study 2-3 times a week. “
Woman’s Day learned how Julia ate to get back in shape.
“The most important thing is that I stopped overeating,” the Ufimka shared the details of the diet. – Eliminated cereals (except oatmeal), pasta, potatoes, stopped eating soups (except vegetable). Of the meat, I left only turkey and low-fat fish. She also refused bread, jam and pickles. She ate vegetables in any form in large quantities. As for dairy products, I preferred cottage cheese, with a fat content of 9%, because I think that fat-free “milk” is not useful. If I wanted something sweet, I would bake an apple with cinnamon and add a little honey. “
For six months of home workouts and proper nutrition, Julia threw off 15 kg:
“By the New Year, I was just a sweetheart! And my birthday, January 3, was celebrated in a dress three sizes smaller than before losing weight. After another six months, that is, by the summer, she completely returned to the form that was before the birth. Since then, I have always tried to adhere to proper nutrition and exercise. If I want, I can eat Olivier at a party, but then I will definitely work out in the gym. They often turn to me for advice, ask for help in social networks of women who cannot lose weight. I am trying to convey that being pregnant or nursing is our duty. But we must understand that overeating harms not only the figure, but also the baby who is born or is already growing up. We must overcome and love ourselves! There is no need to reproach and reproach yourself for being overweight – everything is fixable. I am an example for my children, they like to eat tasty and healthy. We ride bicycles, go for walks, go rafting together. In October, I took part in the republican championship as an athlete in the fitness bikini category. I didn’t take a prize, but I already have the main victory – these are my children and love for myself ”.
By the way, Yulia became one of the brightest participants in the article “Heat in Ufa! 50 beauties in bikinis. Admire! ” (read more HERE).
Nutritionist comment
Mariyat Mukhina, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Origitea network of clinics:
– Most Russian women believe that food breakdowns during pregnancy are normal, so the first advice to expectant mothers: what you eat, your child eats. Are you sure that five burgers and ten chocolate bars will not lead to a diabetic? Of course, there are no strict diets during pregnancy. But you shouldn’t overeat! Now about Julia. The main mistake of the heroine is that she successfully accepted the role of the mother of three adorable babies and forgot about the role of a woman for her man. It’s good that the husband reminded Julia of himself and their relationship. The results, judging by the photos, are excellent!