Mom decided to get a tattoo for her five-year-old son, children’s tattoos

Needless to say, the woman approached the choice of a gift for her beloved child for his birthday in a very unconventional way.

If you have a child, then you probably rack your brains at least once a year with how to please your blood on New Year’s or birthday. Toys? Full house. Book? The best gift, but trite. Give money? But what about “from the heart” and all that?

In general, that is still a problem. But not for this adventurous mom, whose post on the social network Reddit has been actively discussed for several days.

“Can you tell me where to get a tattoo for my little son Jackson,” the woman asked the subscribers. – Where they make them to me, they refused. They say the child is still small.

Of course, she was asked a counter question: how old is your son? Maybe 13-14? Then it is worth waiting a few more years, and he will consciously make such a decision.

The response of the fan of drawings on the body stunned even the experienced.

– He’s five. I know that he is very young, but I found very cute pictures on the topic of the relationship between mom and son. And I would like to give him one of them for his sixth birthday.

The number of comments to this post has exceeded 2 thousand. Most of them are critical. Users are interested in whether a woman is in her mind who plans to put a drawing on a small child’s body that will stay with him for life.

“Not only is his body not yet fully developed, just think what kind of psychological trauma it will be for him,” people are indignant. – It’s not just one injection to endure. This is pain, and not for one day.

Many even decided that this post was a reason for the guardianship authorities to pay attention to such a mother. But the woman rebuffed her opponents.

“You don’t have to lecture me on how to be a good parent,” she wrote. – If you think something is wrong, it does not mean that it is so. Children who are a little older can easily get tattoos if they come with the consent of their parents and with them.

Moreover, there were people who supported her.

– What kind of double standards? – they were amazed. – One-year-old girls walk with pierced ears, no one shouts that this is a piercing! Everyone is just delighted. And in some countries and tribes, it is generally part of the traditional culture.

Some have suggested a compromise. Make a temporary tattoo that will wash off after a few months. Whether mommy listened to the voice of reason, alas, is unknown.

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