Tips for getting organized
Free yourself from stereotypes
We do not expect the impossible from anyone, except mothers, and it is completely unfair! Free yourself from the diktats that society has imposed for generations, sharpen your critical sense and take the risk of doing things differently than our grandmothers! You just have to decide: “Now I take time for myself, and if my mother, my partner says anything, too bad. I do what I want ! It is not selfishness, but a question of survival. “
Do not let yourself be devoured
“Loving your child does not mean meeting all of his needs, accepting all his requests, anticipating his desires even before he formulates them”, underlines psychologist Lyliane Nemet-Pier *. When he is still an infant, responding to all his requests is normal. He’s completely dependent and that’s how he builds his internal security. But after the first months of fusion / adoration, it is essential to make him wait a few minutes before his bottle, d” introduce small frustrationsthat will prepare him for the frustrations of life. The older he gets, the more he needs parents who can say no, not allow everything and frustrate when necessary. Learn to say no. If you don’t, if you are totally in love with your little one, if he does what he wants, if his temperamental side appeals to you, you will quickly be overwhelmed by his increasingly numerous requirements. .
Read also:Mothers have authority too
Take the time to breathe
Being an organized woman doesn’t mean being on the block 24 hours a day. On the contrary, plan for breaks during the day, times when you take a breath, when you don’t do anything useful. Enjoy a little tea, flip through a magazine, call a girlfriend, watch your favorite series in replay, daydream. Acfit a decompression airlock before starting the second day, meals, baths… Take the time to chat with your partner, to share a moment with adults while your children are playing. Sit down to discuss the day and plans for the weekend. These small breaks allow the batteries to be recharged and the tolerance level to be significantly raised. Everybody wins !
Stop making lists
The “to do lists” are great, as long as you don’t overload the mule. If your list is long like a winter’s night, if you objectively don’t have the time to do everything, you will self-flag with “I don’t assure you, I’m never on time, I’m not ruined. to do what I planned! “. Result, instead of feeling in agreement with oneself, we sit down with an overdose of stress.
Accept your negative feelings
You certainly happen to think “I can’t take it anymore, fed up with these kids, this house, running, doing food and cleaning… How can this child that I adore get on my nerves? so much ? “. Well say it! Stop pretending everything is okay. Expressing your ambivalence is an effective way to regain your inner calm. But no question of telling the child himself! It is to your girlfriends, to your spouse that it is necessary to speak about it. What hurts is the repressed hostility. You can’t always be a zen and understanding parent. We all go through moments of discouragement, we feel overwhelmed. It is inherent in the parental function!
Don’t aim for perfection
No woman can be both the best of mothers and wives, an accomplished household fairy, while having an astounding professional career. And of course, in a sex bomb body! Ditto for the young dad, dynamic, sexy, juggling admirably between his great job, his gym, his children and his wife. The more you run after this mirage, the more you will feel guilty for not getting there … The reality is that we are not always at the top, we make mistakes, in short we are human beings !
Put off until the next day
You are chasing procrastination, well you are wrong! Learn to sort out the essential and the superfluous, let go. A house where children live is bound to be a mess. “What is not done today will be done tomorrow!” Must become your new motto.
Ban marathons
Before being a mother, you never imagined that you would turn into a taxi driver, under the pretext that each of your dear little ones does two activities in different places! As long as there is an appointment with the doctor and shoes to buy, and the marathon is guaranteed. The result is the morning race, the evening race, the weekend race. So reduce your schedules, give up hyperactivity. Do not fill the days to the brim anymore, find the right rhythm and the countless and stressful “Hurry up, we don’t have time!” Will only be a bad memory.
Learn to delegate!
Asking for help proves that you are aware of your limits and need a break. Trust other arms, pass the baton to the father of the child, to the grandparents if they are there, to your friends and to trusted babysitters. Leave a real place for the dad, encourage him to develop his own one-to-one relationship with his child.
Read also: Why moms struggle to delegate
Ration screens
Usually, this recommendation is for your children, but this is for you! Children are time consuming, that’s a fact, but if you add to that, the hours of surfing the Internet, playing Candy Crush, sending texts and tweets, you will feel more and more like you’re running out of time. Ration the use of new technologies, organize outings and activities without a screen. And when you devote time to your children, be 100% available, don’t do anything else at the same time, don’t listen for your texts. If you’re not available, don’t pretend.