Moldovan wine: history, wine regions, best producers

Winemaking in Moldova appeared so long ago that it is hardly possible to imagine this small country without a traditional occupation.

Recipes for making homemade alcoholic drinks have been passed down from generation to generation: many of them have a centuries-old history of use.

wine cocktails

History and features of local winemaking

The cultivation of the vine in Moldova began about 5 thousand years ago.

Of course, this figure is very approximate: it is likely that the production of wine in a sunny, fertile country for any kind of agriculture originated much earlier, as evidenced by numerous finds.

The development of the wine business was promoted first by the Greeks and Romans, and later by the local rulers, who paid great attention to the ancient craft.

Moldovan viticulture reached its peak under Stefan III the Great, who rooted a large number of imported varieties in the country and made a significant contribution to improving the quality of raw materials and finished products.

Later, local wine production experienced several ups and downs and finally recovered only by the XNUMXth century.

In its second half, local vineyards were replenished with French varieties (Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Aligote, etc.), drinks from which glorified Moldova all over the world.

Local winemaking is notable for several facts:

  1. A greater number of Moldovan drinks are produced for sale outside the country (almost 95%).

    Moldova ranks 7th in the world in terms of wine exports.

  2. Each wine-growing region, not to mention individual farms, uses its own traditions and technologies for the production of alcohol.

  3. Moldovan wine is made not only from grape berries, but also from apple raw materials.

  4. One of the local wine collections (located in the village of Malie Milesti) is included in the Guinness Book as the largest in Europe and has about 1,5 million bottles.

    The total length of the cellars is 200 km, of which about 50 are used for storage.

wine regions

In Moldova, wine production is carried out everywhere, therefore, for convenience, the country is divided into several wine-growing regions:

  1. Northern

    It mainly produces strong drinks (port wines, sherries, cognacs, Madeira) from white varieties.

  2. Central (Codry)

    Specializes in the production of sparkling and semi-dry wines. The main part of the local vineyards is located here. The area is covered with wooded hills that protect the fruits from weather surprises.

  3. South

    Supplies most of the dessert drinks. The region, in turn, is divided into zones Budzhak and South.

  4. Southeastern (Pridnestrovian)

    It is home to most of the local aged wines, the area is favorable for growing red grapes. It includes the Purcari microzone, which is famous for its Negro de Purcari and Rosu de Purcari drinks.

Wine classification

Depending on the method of processing raw materials, Moldovan drinks are divided into three groups:

  1. Varietal – obtained from one type of grape fruit.

  2. Blended – made by mixing several varietal wines.

  3. Separate – appear as a result of combining several types of raw materials at the initial stage.

Depending on the degree of aging, wines can be:

  1. Ordinary

    Drinks for everyday use, simple and unpretentious.

    These include young ones: they appear on sale in the year of the grape harvest; ordinary: sold a year after the procurement of raw materials.

  2. Aged

    They are divided into high-quality ones: they are stored in a special container for about six months before bottling.

    Collection: exposure is at least 2 years and 5 months.

Producers of Moldovan wines

Among the Moldovan enterprises producing alcoholic beverages, the most famous are:

  1. Cricova

  2. Milestii Mici

  3. Dionysos Mereni

  4. Chateau Vartely

  5. Vinaria Purcari

  6. Lion Gri

  7. KVINT

  8. Bouquet of Moldova

The best representatives are

  1. Negro de Purcar (Vinaria Purcari)

    One of the most famous Moldovan wines is dry red. They are produced in Stefan Vodsky district, in the village of Purcari in limited quantities.

    Known as “the wine of the Queen of England”, as it was one of the favorite drinks of Elizabeth II.

    As a raw material for Negro Purcari, Cabernet Sauvignon, Saperavi and Rara Neagre grapes are used.

    The color of the drink is bright ruby ​​with a transition to pomegranate, the aroma is rich, combining shades of prunes, chocolate, figs and saffron.

    On the palate there are notes of blueberry, oak and vanilla.

  2. Crick Cabernet

    Red dry collection wine. It is made from the Cabernet Sauvignon variety.

    The shade of the drink is dark red, the taste has notes of green pepper, vanilla, blackcurrant with a slight oak aroma. The famous Cabernet has a long aftertaste.

    It is manufactured by a factory located in the city of Cricova, near the Moldavian capital.

  3. Feteaska

    White vintage wine made from white grapes of the same name.

    The color of the drink is soft golden, the taste is noble, rich, combining fruit and flower notes.

    There are many manufacturers: Vinaria din Vale, Kozhushna, Cricovo, etc.

This is only a small part of the famous Moldovan wines: there are more than a hundred wineries in the country. In addition to the listed drinks, high-quality sherry, Madeira, cognac, vermouth, rosé and sparkling wines are produced here.

It is also worth trying the national drink izvar, which is made from hot red wine, spices and honey. Sometimes pink or white drinks are used as ingredients, which are combined with citrus fruits, chocolate and plums.

You can taste local products by visiting the annual Wine Festival, which takes place in early October, or at the musical festival in Cricova at the end of winter.

Relevance: 12.09.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine brands

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