Mokhovik velvet: where it grows, what it looks like, photo

Velvet flywheel is an edible mushroom belonging to the Boletaceae family. It is also called matte, frosty, waxy. Some classifications rank it among the mushrooms. Outwardly, they are similar. And it got its name because fruiting bodies often grow among moss.

What do velvet flywheels look like

The mushroom got the definition of “velvet” because of the peculiar coating of the cap, which looks like a wax coating or a layer of frost. Outwardly, it resembles a motley flywheel, but its hat looks a little different – there are no cracks on it. Its diameter is small – from 4 to 12 cm. And the shape changes as the fruiting body grows. In young specimens, it has the appearance of a hemisphere. Over time, it becomes almost flat.

Mokhovik velvet: where it grows, what it looks like, photo

The color of the cap is brownish, with a hint of red. Overripe mushrooms are distinguished by a faded color – beige, pinkish. The surface of the cap is dry and velvety. In old mushrooms, it turns into a bare, wrinkled, may crack slightly. Some have a matte finish.

The leg is smooth and long, up to 12 cm. It is rarely wider than 2 cm in diameter. It is painted yellow or reddish-yellow.

The flesh is whitish or yellowish. If the fruiting body is cut or broken off a piece of the fruiting body, the place of the cut or break turns blue. The aroma and taste are pleasant, highly appreciated. Like all flywheels, it has a tubular layer. The tubules contain pores. They are olive, yellow, greenish in color and spindle-shaped.

Where do velvet flywheels grow

Velvet flywheels are common in Our Country and European countries. Their habitat is in temperate latitudes. Most often they are found on sandy soils, among mosses, sometimes on anthills.

The velvet flywheel mainly grows in small groups, less often there are specimens growing in forest clearings and forest edges singly. They prefer deciduous forests. Found under beeches and oaks. They often grow among conifers, under pines or spruces.

Mokhovik velvet: where it grows, what it looks like, photo

Velvet flywheels create mycorrhiza with deciduous and coniferous trees (beech, oak, chestnut, linden, pine, spruce). They are harvested from July to mid-autumn.

Is it possible to eat velvet mushrooms

Among mossiness mushrooms, both edible and inedible species are found. This type of mushroom can be eaten. It has a pleasant aroma and taste.

Important! It belongs to the second category in terms of nutritional value, along with such mushrooms as boletus, boletus, champignons. In terms of the content of microelements, beks and amino acids, they are only slightly inferior to the most nutritious mushrooms: porcini, chanterelles and saffron mushrooms.

False doubles

The velvet flywheel has similarities with some other types of flywheels:

  1. With motley moss it is united by the appearance and color of the legs and hat. However, the double is usually smaller in size, and cracks are visible on its cap, its color is yellowish-brown.

    Mokhovik velvet: where it grows, what it looks like, photo

  2. Flywheel fissured can also be confused with velvet. Both varieties are found from mid-summer to late autumn. But the first is painted in burgundy-red or brown-red shades. Its peculiarity is the presence of a cracking mesh pattern on the cap and the pinkish color of the cracks.

    Mokhovik velvet: where it grows, what it looks like, photo

  3. flywheel cisalpine or Xerocomus cisalpinus also has a few differences. Its pores are larger. Hats of old mushrooms often crack. The legs are shorter. When cut, they become bluish. The flesh is paler.

    Mokhovik velvet: where it grows, what it looks like, photo

Collection rules

Flywheels found in the forest are checked for similarity with twins. Their fruiting bodies are carefully cleaned from the ground, from adhering needles and leaves. Further processing of the collected mushrooms is as follows:

  1. Instances that are planned to be dried can not be washed. The rest must be washed with a brush, passing through both the hats and the legs.
  2. Then the spots, damaged and hard parts of the fruiting bodies are cut off with a knife.
  3. Remove the layer of spores under the cap.
  4. Mushrooms are soaked. They are placed in a container with cold water and left for 10 minutes. After drying on a towel or napkin.


Moss fly velvet is suitable for cooking and for harvesting for the winter. It is consumed fried and boiled, dried, salted. The pulp is very tasty, emits an appetizing mushroom aroma.

For most dishes, boiled mushrooms are taken. They are boiled before being added to salads or fried. Before cooking, the mushrooms are soaked, then transferred to a pot of boiling water and left on the fire for 30 minutes.

Important! It is recommended to use enamelware for cooking.

Among the most delicious mushroom dishes are soups, sauces, aspic, fried or baked potatoes.


Velvet flywheel is a common edible mushroom that grows in whole groups in forests, on moss. It contains a large amount of protein and trace elements. If cooked correctly, the dishes reveal a stunning mushroom flavor.

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