Moisturizing your hair at home. Video reviews
The notion that only dry hair needs moisture and nutrition is wrong. It doesn’t matter what type your curls are, the cuticle of each hair without the necessary care will sooner or later become too porous, as a result of which the hair will no longer give in to styling, it will become electrified and lose its beauty and attractiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly pamper your hair with moisturizing and nourishing masks.
Moisturizing your hair at home. Video reviews
The main rules for the preparation and use of home hair masks
Prepare hair masks only with warm water. Boiling water can significantly reduce the effectiveness of a large number of useful substances included in the components of masks – clay, acetylsalicylic acid, honey, yogurt, cognac, sour cream, fermented milk whey and vegetable oil.
The effect of homemade masks begins within an hour after application. From this it follows that for nutrition and hydration, it is better to leave the product on the hair for at least 8 hours – overnight, and in the morning, wash and dry the strands.
Do not apply masks to the hair roots, otherwise they will become oily very quickly.
Spread the mask evenly over the entire length, paying particular attention to the ends.
Moisturizing and nourishing masks for oily hair
To make a tomato mask, you will need:
- 2 fresh large tomatoes
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1/2 cup carrot juice
Mix all the ingredients, apply to hair and leave for at least an hour, then wash off with plenty of warm water and shampoo.
To prepare a mask based on cognac, dilute 2 tablespoons of blue clay with water until a mushy consistency, then add 2 tablespoons of cognac and stir. Spread the mask evenly over the hair and rinse off no earlier than after 1 hour.
Cognac in this recipe can be replaced with regular alcohol or vodka
Moisturizing and nourishing masks for normal to dry hair
Vegetable oils such as olive, hemp, sunflower, palm, rosemary and so on are perfect for moisturizing and nourishing normal to dry hair. Only if you prefer coconut oil, warm it up in a water bath before use – this is one of the conditions for the correct use of this product.
To make an oil mask, you will need:
- 100 grams of butter
- 2 egg yolks
Mix the components thoroughly and apply the resulting composition to the hair. Leave it on overnight and in the morning wash off with plenty of warm water without using shampoo.
An onion mask is an excellent treatment for normal and dry hair. To prepare it, combine 3 onions chopped in a blender with 3 tablespoons of olive or any other vegetable oil. Stir and apply to hair. Keep it on for at least an hour, then wash off.
To get rid of the unpleasant onion smell, rinse your hair with water and apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons of vinegar to 2 liters of water)
To achieve a visible effect from the use of masks, use them at least 2-3 times a week. Then your curls will become healthy, shiny and vibrant.
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