Moisturizers for hands and body can cause cancer

A team of scientists from Rutgers University n New Jersey has tested several of the world’s best-selling moisturizers for how they affect the development of cancer cells. Moreover, the composition of cosmetics did not include any special ingredients like extracts of exotic plants or other branded know-how… All the drugs tested were the most common average creams used by millions of women to get rid of dry skin.

Tests have shown that the cream significantly accelerates the development of cancer by increasing the number of tumors and tumors. True, the experiment was carried out not on humans, but on mice, but, as the authors of the study say, rodents are very similar to us in terms of chemistry.

In the experiment, scientists applied the cream to the bodies of animals five days a week for four months. All this was accompanied by active exposure to sunlight, which ultimately caused cancer. It turned out that the number of tumors in the mice that “used” the creams was twice as much as in the experimental group. Moreover, the tumors were larger in size and developed much faster.

The researchers tried homemade cream as well. It lacked ingredients like mineral oil and lauryl sulfate, which are used in many types of cosmetics. Result – this mixture did not affect the process in any way. tumor development.

However, Professor Brian Diffey of Newcastle University warns that in order to draw any serious conclusions and assess the real risk from the use of cosmetics, it is necessary to conduct more similar studies. In addition, to prevent skin cancer, you just need to stay in the sun as little as possible.

But there is still a certain risk for lovers of cosmetics, the authors of the study say. The use of the cream provokes the development of not every type of cancer, but only skin cancer, the mortality rate from which is quite low (0,5% of the total number of cases). By comparison, melanoma (cancer affecting the skin, retina, throat, and intestines) kills up to 20% of people every year. At the same time, in order to get sick, one must not only use creams, but also intensively sunbathe – or at least stay in the sun for 3-4 hours a day. And yet, in one not-so-sunny Britain, for example, up to 100 people suffer from skin cancer, 000 of whom die every year.

However, scientists are unanimous on one thing: it is necessary to further study how the widespread use of moisturizers may affect the occurrence of skin cancer caused by the sun’s rays. After all, now cosmetics manufacturers only make sure that face creams do not irritate the skin. But no one tests whether they can cause cancer.

Based on materials

Daily Mail


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