Moisture under the mask helps fight COVID-19
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Moisture under the mask may – contrary to appearances – help fight respiratory diseases such as COVID-19. This surprising conclusion was reached by scientists from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).

  1. Increased humidity in the air breathed by the mask wearer is associated with less disease symptoms in those who are infected. Moisturizing the respiratory tract also increases immunity, argue the researchers from the NIH
  2. Previously, high humidity has been shown to relieve flu. According to the authors of the study, this also applies to the course of COVID-19
  3. To confirm their beliefs, the researchers conducted a series of experiments using various types of masks
  4. More stories can be found on the Onet homepage.

It is already known that masks that protect the nose and mouth help protect against SARS-CoV-2 virus infection and spreading it to other people. Now researchers at NIH’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases have discovered another potential benefit for face mask users.

In their opinion, significantly increased air humidity in the person wearing the mask is associated with lower severity of disease symptoms in people infected with SARS-CoV-2. This is due to the fact that good hydration of the respiratory tract has a positive effect on the immune system.

  1. Scientists have checked what is most important in assessing the effectiveness of the mask

“We found that masks strongly increase the humidity of the air you breathe. We believe that the resulting lubrication of the airways may be responsible for the lower severity of COVID-19 disease in people wearing face shields. This is confirmed by the data, says lead author of the study, Dr. Adriaan Bax. – High humidity has previously been shown to relieve flu. In our opinion, this relationship may also apply to the course of COVID-19 ”.

The scientist explains that high humidity limits the spread of the virus to the lungs by promoting mucociliary transport (MCC), a defense mechanism that removes mucus and harmful particles from the lungs. High levels of humidity can also strengthen the immune system by producing special proteins called interferons that fight viruses. At the same time, low humidity levels weaken both the MCC and the interferon response, which could be one reason people are more prone to respiratory infections in cold weather.

  1. Dr. Grzesiowski: We should forbid the wearing of pseudo masks or helmets. The scarf does not protect against the virus

For the purposes of the study, the group of Dr. Baxa has tested four popular mask types: the N95 mask, the three-layer disposable surgical mask, the two-layer cotton-polyester mask, and the heavy cotton mask. The researchers measured the level of moisture under the masks, making participants breathe into a sealed steel chamber. To prevent leakage, the masks were tightly fitted to the volunteers’ faces using high-density foam rubber. Measurements were made at three different air temperatures ranging from about 8 to 37 degrees Celsius.

When a person was not wearing a mask, the steam they exhaled filled the chamber, leading to a rapid increase in humidity inside. However, when the participant wore a face mask, the moisture level decreased significantly as most of the water vapor remained under the mask. There it condensed and was inhaled again.

The results showed that all four masks increased the humidity level of the inhaled air, but to a different extent. At lower temperatures, the moisturizing effect of all types of face shields increased significantly, but overall, regardless of the temperature, it was the thick cotton mask that increased the level of humidity the most.

  1. Two masks are better than one? Scientists checked

“Elevated levels of humidity are something that most mask wearers probably feel on a daily basis, without even realizing that it is beneficial for them,” concludes Bax.

“Even now that more and more people have been vaccinated, we must remain vigilant to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus,” adds director of the institute conducting the study, Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers. “Our findings confirm that wearing masks is a simple but effective way to protect people around us and ourselves from respiratory infections, especially during the winter months when susceptibility to these viruses increases.”

Author: Katarzyna Czechowicz

Also, remember about proper face care if you wear a mask. You may consider choosing the Embryolisse moisturizing serum that intensely moisturizes and smoothes the skin.

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