Moisture-resistant wall panels for a bathroom under a tile

Bathroom remodeling is an expensive and time-consuming undertaking. A lot of money requires wall decoration. But there are materials that allow you to quickly and inexpensively put everything in order. One option is moisture-resistant wall panels for the bathroom. They are of different types and in different forms of release. General – the speed and ease of installation and low cost (when compared with tiles). 

Plastic under the tile looks good

What are the

Moisture-resistant wall panels for the bathroom are not only the well-known PVC slatted panels. There are four more types of finishing materials of this type:

  • Based on high pressure MDF.
  • Fiberboard laminated with moisture resistant film.
  • Chipboard coated with PVC film.
  • PVC sheet panels.

Most often, wall panels for bathrooms are designed to look like tiles or mosaics. It is understandable – the most common design. The pattern also imitates the seams – they are slightly recessed, dyed in a different color. All as in the original. With good performance, you can’t immediately understand whether the tile is in front of you or the wall panels are tiled. The difference is in the degree of gloss. The panels are very light. But in recent years, the use of matte ceramics for finishing bathrooms has become increasingly popular – it is easier to care for it (traces of water are not visible). Here it is really difficult to catch the difference without touching the surface.

Most often, moisture-resistant bathroom panels are tiled, but there are other patterns.

You can also find options imitating stone (marble, wild stone), brickwork, wood, leather, and other natural materials. If we talk about the appearance, the choice is wide, and there are very interesting designs.

Wall panels based on MDF, fiberboard and chipboard are available in three types:

The release form is chosen depending on the design that they want to receive. Please note that the method of installation depends on the form of release. Rack wall panels are mounted on the crate, the other two types can also be on the frame, or you can directly on the wall. In this case, the choice depends on how curved the walls are.

a brief description of

Although all materials have the same name, their properties are different. First of all, the degree of moisture resistance differs. PVC can safely endure direct contact with water, MDF and fiberboard – provided that the cuts are properly sealed and the integrity of the laminating film. Chipboard-based panels are most exposed to moisture, so, if possible, they are best used for finishing the toilet, kitchen, corridor and other rooms with relatively normal operating conditions.

Looks like wood, but it’s actually wall panels

PVC sheet panels

Of all the listed 100% waterproof PVC panels. This is a sheet of plastic a few millimeters thick (usually 3 mm) on which a pattern is extruded. An image is applied to the front of the panel using special abrasion-resistant paints. These moisture resistant bathroom wall panels can be used without any hesitation. They are definitely not afraid of water.

They are mounted directly on the walls – glued to a moisture-resistant composition. Moreover, the walls do not have to be perfectly flat. Plastic hides irregularities well, especially notches, but it is better to remove sharp protrusions. Such panels are cut with scissors or a sharp knife, glued end-to-end. The joint can additionally be passed with a moisture-resistant sealant – transparent or matched.

For the design of corners, there are also special plastic profiles that simultaneously join the material and give the joint a finished look. All in all, a good option for a budget bathroom renovation.

MDF wall panels

In areas with high humidity and the possibility of direct water ingress, MDF-based wall panels can be used. For this material, high pressure technology is used, as a result of which the plate is very dense. The wood particles are pressed so tightly that water practically does not penetrate between them. To improve the performance, additional binders and impregnations are added to the composition, which make the base almost waterproof. As a result, moisture-resistant MDF wall panels feel more like plastic to the touch.

A laminating film with a pattern is applied to this base and all this is covered with a thin layer of a transparent dense polymer. This film is an additional barrier to water and it is thanks to it that moisture-resistant wall panels for the bathroom can be used even in the area of ​​direct water ingress.

This type of finishing material has a feature: in order for the finish to be waterproof, the joints are coated with sealant. They also pass the junction to the floor and ceiling. To prevent moisture from entering the material through the cuts. This method of installation is a guarantee of a long service life of the finish, even in wet rooms.

When choosing a material, be careful: there are MDF wall panels for dry rooms in large quantities in stores. Installing them in the bathroom is a mistake, as they will warp very soon.

Fiberboard panels

Wood fiber boards are made using a similar technology, only wood fibers have a larger fraction and a lower density. Accordingly, they are more susceptible to moisture – they can swell. To eliminate this drawback, the material is impregnated with moisture-resistant compounds. The best for bathrooms are fiberboard panels impregnated with bitumen, which are also called hardboard.

Based on fiberboard with impregnation

Next, fiberboard is laminated with a film, on top of which a protective coating is applied. This material is also called laminated hardboard or hardboard wall panels. As in the case of MDF, the film is an additional protection against moisture and it must be intact. During installation, it is also necessary to coat the joints and cuts with sealant.

Based on chipboard

Chipboard wall panels are made from even larger pieces of wood – shavings and small chips. Ordinary material is afraid of water ingress. At high humidity it swells and after drying it does not return to its normal state. For wall panels, a moisture-resistant version is used – with the addition of additional binders. As in other cases, the surface is laminated. But even after that, you should not use such a finishing material in the bathroom. The exception is special waterproof panels. But their cost is almost the same as that of moisture-resistant MDF, and if you choose between the two, then MDF is clearly better.

Imitation of wall tiles on sheet finishing materials – a way to quickly and inexpensively make repairs in the bathroom

Chipboard wall panels are well suited for decorating a toilet, corridor or hallway. They are rigid to withstand the load and significant mechanical stress. So in these rooms they showed themselves well. But when choosing, pay attention to the formaldehyde emission class. In the production of this material, synthetic binders are used that release formaldehyde. This parameter is normalized and controlled. In documents, it is indicated by the Latin letter E and numbers next to it. The lowest emission class E0 is no higher than that of wood. Safe – E1. From such materials it is even allowed to make children’s furniture. It is better not to take other materials – they cannot be used for residential premises.

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