Modern treatment for the XNUMXst century
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Huge advances in medicine are happening right before our eyes. Diseases which were a death sentence a few or a dozen years ago are now successfully and long-term treated. Learn about several breakthrough therapies that already give hope to recovery for hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Proton therapy in the fight against cancer

Proton therapy is an advanced and highly precise radiation therapy for cancer that uses protons (positively charged particles) instead of x-rays. According to statistics, since 1954, over 200 patients worldwide have benefited from proton radiotherapy treatment. [000]

Compared to radiotherapy with X-rays, proton therapy has several important advantages – it affects healthy tissues to a lesser extent, while more effectively affecting neoplastic changes and causes fewer side effects characteristic of radiotherapy. Currently, proton therapy is used in the treatment of many types of cancer – incl. chordomas and chondrosarcomas of the base of the skull and the axial skeleton, tumors of the fundus and – increasingly – solid tumors of childhood.

Since proton therapy requires highly specialized, expensive equipment – it is unfortunately only available in a dozen or so medical facilities in Europe, incl. in Germany, Great Britain and the Czech Republic. In Poland, it is available only in one center, where mainly uveal melanomas are treated. [2]

Optune – modern treatment of glioblastoma

For patients with glioblastoma (GBM), treatment options are limited and tumors are often refractory to available treatments. Optune therapy in the United States may be an opportunity for many people.

Optune is a non-invasive head-mounted device that creates a low-intensity, medium-frequency alternating electric field (TTFields) that interferes with cancer cell division. Importantly, research has not shown that the device affects healthy cells. Unfortunately, Optune in Poland is not reimbursed, and the costs of therapy reach several hundred thousand zlotys. [3]

Clinical studies have shown that patients who receive Optune along with standard therapy (radiation and chemotherapy) have an average survival rate of around 20,9 months compared to 16 months with chemotherapy alone. This makes it the only new therapy beyond standard therapies that improves outcomes in glioblastoma patients.

We care without borders for what is important – a new insurance for the organization and coverage of medical treatment costs abroad

In the event of a severe illness, treatment abroad may be an opportunity. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance to receive the greatest possible scope of support in the event of illness – from financial support, through psychological support or assistance in the organization of everyday life, to treatment in reputable foreign institutions specializing in the treatment of various diseases.

We are constantly expanding the scope of protection that we offer to our clients. We were pioneers on the market when it comes to diabetes insurance. Today, people who are concerned about the risk of developing cancer can provide themselves with additional support in the event of this disease: from additional funds for treatment in the country, through additional tests and consultations with specialists, to assistance programs or psychological support (which is invaluable support in any disease). The offer of protection that we propose is complemented by the additional agreement We care without borders, thanks to which our clients can benefit from treatment in reputable facilities abroad – says Agnieszka Majerkiewicz, Product Manager at Nationale-Nederlanden Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie SA

How it works?

We care without borders is an additional agreement to life insurance, Protection of Tomorrow, Way for the Future and Protection + in Nationale-Nederlanden Life Insurance Company. This insurance enables treatment in medical facilities around the world in the event of a diagnosis of cancer, as well as in the event of the need for selected cardiosurgical, neurosurgical or transplant operations.

In the event of an unsuccessful diagnosis, Further / Trustedoctors, acting on behalf of Nationale-Nederlanden, will arrange a second consultation with a doctor from a foreign center. On the basis of a medical assessment, the physician and the patient will select a facility for further treatment. The costs related to transport to the facility, a hotel for a relative who will support the patient in treatment and the care of an interpreter will be covered by the insurance.

Each patient will be able to take advantage of the benefits specified in the contract up to EUR 2 million for the entire duration of the policy. This money will cover not only treatment abroad and the related costs, but also the continuation of treatment after returning home (if necessary) or the benefit for each day of hospital stay abroad in the amount of EUR 100 per day (for a maximum of 60 days). Customers covered by this insurance can also use the “Patient Guide” service, which is a source of knowledge about the disease in question. It includes, among others information on how to treat it, the possibility of obtaining external financial support and how to take care of yourself and maintain a good quality of everyday life.

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