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Summer is a long-awaited time for many. The sea, the sun, a good mood and a burst of energy, but every modern girl who does not want to look like a dried date by the age of 45 thinks about what procedures will help protect, restore, moisturize, and most importantly, preserve the skin after ultraviolet radiation and the beautiful salty sea.
Unfortunately, many effective cosmetic procedures are banned in summer due to the negative effects of sunlight. But! New items appear in modern cosmetology – about them in order.
Let’s start with the fight against the notorious fat. I will say right away that the procedure is still available in only three cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and here in Krasnodar – there are only three such devices in Russia, and one of them is in the Estetic Italia clinic. The result is instant, in just one procedure you can
Smas-lifting of the body (this is the name of the novelty) is absolutely painless and will help get rid of those deposits that are no longer subject to either fitness or injections, in fact, SMAS-lifting is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.
The principle of operation is quite simple: under the influence of ultrasonic waves, fat cells are destroyed, the freed fat is excreted from the body in a natural way. The fundamental difference between SMAS-lifting (carried out by the Ulstam apparatus) from ultrasound predecessors is that it uses point-focused sound waves, which, as they say, “hit right on target”, simultaneously destroying cellulite and starting the process of collagen production in the skin. The main advantage of this procedure is a guaranteed predictable result.
So, we figured out the harmony, now we figure out what technology can be used for rejuvenation, if mesotherapy and chemical peeling are prohibited in the summer? With the help of the same Smas-lifting, but already of the face, you can
It’s just an hour of time and a young beauty with an ideal figure is ready for a bright holiday in fashionable dresses, bikinis or defiantly short shorts. The bottom line, compliments and male attention you can not avoid.
We figured out the shapes, but any summer outfit does not tolerate any hairs on the skin! Finding out how to remove hair as painlessly as possible, achieving perfectly smooth skin?
With today’s variety of procedures for removing unnecessary hair, it would seem that there should not be problems with “increased shaggy”, but this is not a fact. Unfortunately, not all types of hair removal ideally remove all hairs that are currently in the active growth phase. For now, perhaps we can talk about
So, the aesthetic preparation is over, now it’s time to take care of the nutrition of the skin, namely, how to keep the skin moisture while being in the sun.
One of the express procedures is oxygen therapy. Its advantage is that it has practically no contraindications and is suitable for absolutely all skin types. The result is hydrated, enriched, radiant skin. Moreover, this procedure will help eliminate traces of accumulated annual fatigue and
The doctors of the Estetic Italia clinic emphasize that oxytherapy is perfectly combined with other methods of hardware cosmetology. And the technology is extremely comfortable and painless.
And if you decide not only to freshen up, but to keep the acquired with
Enjoy your holiday!
Best wishes, Head of the Cosmetology Department of the Estetic Italia Clinic
Irina Berezovskaya
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