Modern methods of contraception

Once in a conversation with friends, we touched on the topic of contraception. It turned out that each of us used a different method. And for each he was the most optimal. But after listening to them, I became even more convinced of the correctness of my choice. Why?

Take a condom, for example. One friend uses it and is very pleased with its simplicity and reliability. But for me, with my individual characteristics, it gives me discomfort. The same goes for the vaginal ring used by the other couple. During ovulation, my sensitivity increases sharply and the presence of a ring would cause unpleasant sensations when intimate. Although the method is undoubtedly effective and convenient. Oral contraceptives – the choice of another pair – definitely not for me precisely because of the mode of administration. I have a tight rhythm of life and I just don’t want to keep unnecessary information in my head and remember that I have to take pills every night. In addition, I have always had a very painful and heavy menstruation. Together with the doctor, we decided that the best option for our couple would be the installation of an intrauterine hormonal system.

The intrauterine hormonal system releases a hormone into the uterine cavity, which affects the endometrium, which can lead to the fact that periods become less abundant and almost painless. The system is installed for up to 5 years, but if you want to get pregnant again, it can be easily removed and the ability to conception in the same month will be restored, because it does not affect ovarian function and does not suppress ovulation. By the way, in the absence of contraindications, the system is approved for use in both nursing mothers and women after 35 years old, when it is no longer desirable to use some oral contraceptives.

I told all this to my friends, but they still have many questions that I, probably, cannot competently answer. It is better to consult a specialist.

Pearl Index

Then we talked about efficiency. How can I check it? Who keeps statistics? One friend said that there is a certain Pearl index. It shows the effectiveness ratio of the contraceptive. The research is quite simple: the couple is offered to use only one method of contraception during the year. If among a hundred women using the same method, 6 become pregnant within a year, then for this method the Pearl index will be 6. Of course, the lower the number, the better. It is clear that it is impossible to predict the individual characteristics of each pair, and the error takes place. In addition, the figure is sometimes double – the minimum shows the effectiveness of the contraceptive when used correctly, and the second shows the number of pregnancies that have occurred when used incorrectly. The second figure is always much higher.

We decided to compare Pearl indices for our methods of protection. According to statistics, the lowest index – 0,1 – for the intrauterine hormonal system, for combined oral contraceptives and the vaginal ring – 0,3 –8. A condom has 2-15, and such a popular method of contraception as interrupted intercourse has a Pearl index of 4-18. So everyone decides for himself what he needs.

Leaving the meeting, I realized how important it is to choose your own path in life and follow it, preserving everything that you gain on this path.

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