Modern dance training Dance Mix

Dance Mix is ​​an incendiary mixed dance workout. Classes will help to cope with the consequences of physical inactivity, contribute to the burning of calories, relieve stress and eliminate the causes of depression.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Dance movements are a form of exercise that is not only beneficial for physical but also mental and emotional health. The music itself can have a very strong healing effect. It affects our mood and helps us achieve a state of well-being by evoking memories and other pleasant emotional experiences.

Intense movements to music complement this effect with healthy activity. The healing effect of dance mix training is based on these two components, which are preferably carried out in groups with professional teachers.

Dance mix – a mixture of different (usually modern) dance styles, characterized by high physical activity to rhythmic music. Also Read: Salsa Solo Dance Workouts

Where to start training Dance Mix

A dance mix often includes relatively complex dance elements. Therefore, it is better for beginners to go from simple to complex, first learning the simplest, most basic movements. To achieve the maximum effect, training should be led by a professional instructor.

What you need for dancing Dance Mix

Dance mix training usually requires: sportswear or other clothing that is comfortable for intense movements; sport shoes; protective gloves and knee pads.

Top Reasons to Start Dance Mix Workouts

Dance mix has many benefits for a person’s physical and psycho-emotional health.

  1. Dance is a great way to express emotions that are sometimes difficult to convey verbally. Everyone has the opportunity to show what feelings the music evokes and demonstrate it in motion. Even people with limited mobility can express themselves through their own abilities.

  2. Any form of exercise is great for relieving stress. Dance is no exception. Dance therapy relieves stress because it is beneficial not only physically but also emotionally. Since movement is associated with thoughts and feelings, dance can change emotions and moods almost instantly. A person who comes to the ballroom upset or excited can quickly improve their well-being simply by moving to the music.

  3. Dance mix provides an improvement in physical fitness and the development of general motor skills. Dancing helps to develop physically in a fun and musical atmosphere. You should always start a lesson with some kind of warm-up to feel comfortable. Dance therapy also focuses on developing gross motor skills. Focusing on strength and coordination, as well as balance, contributes to this development, helping to accelerate muscle growth, improve posture and develop a sense of balance.

  4. Dance has been proven to increase social and communication skills, as well as improve self-esteem. In addition, it builds “team spirit” and promotes a high work ethic. Dance classes are the key to developing self-esteem and a sense of self-confidence.

Basic Dance Exercises Dance Mix

  • Stretching and deep breathing must be included in every session to strengthen muscles, prevent injury and increase flexibility.

  • Booty Dance is an exotic dance direction, the basis of which is the movements of the hips, buttocks and back that form a beautiful body. It is advisable to take knee pads with you to training.

  • Zumboy called a dance fitness program based on Latin American and world rhythms. Classes in this direction involve almost every muscle group.

  • Step Dance is an aerobic workout with an average level of difficulty. Reduces weight, prevents the accumulation of fat, develops various muscle groups.

Recommendations and contraindications for training

In general, the dance mix is ​​beneficial, as is any form of moderate physical activity. Rhythmic music enhances the effect. Like all sports activities, dance mix has indications and contraindications.

  • When is training necessary? – Dance mix is ​​recommended for hypodynamia and overweight, as well as in stressful and depressive situations.
  • Противопоказания – Contraindications are injuries, operations, serious disorders of coordination and musculoskeletal system.

Important: the dance mix technique fights the effects of physical inactivity, promotes calorie burning, relieves stress and eliminates the causes of depression. Also Read: Fusion Dance Workouts

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