Modeling from plasticine for children 6 years old: what gives lesson

Modeling from plasticine for children 6 years old: what gives lesson

Plasticine sculpting for children at the age of 6 will help develop useful skills that will also come in handy at school. A child at this age is already old enough to sculpt more complex figures.

What modeling gives at this age

The child is also quite independent and can cope with this process on his own. But if you want, you can help him, so he will feel more confident, and the sculpting process will be more fun.

Plasticine sculpting for children of 6 years old is useful, as it develops useful skills necessary for school.

Modeling at this age helps:

  • Continue to develop motor skills. Soon, the child will need to learn how to hold a pen and write, which modeling can help him, as it develops the hand.
  • Develop imagination. Imagination is important for every person. Thanks to this, the student will do better at school and become a more creative person. During sculpting, he can mold whatever he wants: a favorite character or a fictional one, animals and superheroes.
  • Perseverance and patience. This is especially important at this age, since at school the child will have to concentrate on one subject for a long time. Thanks to sculpting, he will understand that in order to achieve a result, you need to spend your time and make an effort.
  • Memory. If a child wants to reproduce a figure that he has already sculpted, then he has to remember how to do it. It is important to develop memory at this age, as it is especially useful in school.

You don’t have to do this every day, you can sculpt several times a week. Support the preschooler and help when difficulties arise.

To do this, prepare:

  • A special plastic board so as not to stain the table.
  • A knife that cuts plasticine.
  • Choose the clay that you like. Now you can buy one that freezes.
  • Knead the material in your hands to make it soft and pliable. A child at this age can already do it himself, so he will not need your help.
  • Prepare molds and special sculpting tools. So this process will become even more interesting, and the figures will be more beautiful and varied.
  • Blind the figurine. If it is made of hardening plasticine, then let it harden. If not, then you can save or disassemble and mold something else.

The sculpting process is very simple, requires little time and also does not require any expenses. If your preschooler enjoys this activity, you can try other materials for this hobby. The most common is salty dough.

There will be no time for this hobby at school, and many children are no longer interested in this. Time before school is ideal for sculpting figures and developing useful skills.

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