Modeling for children 4 years old from plasticine, salt dough, what is important, lesson

Modeling for children 4 years old from plasticine, salt dough, what is important, lesson

Modeling for children 4 years old is a very useful hobby. It does not require a lot of investment, but it develops useful skills for the child. You can do the sculpting with your child to make the lessons even more fun. A large number of modeling masses will make this process even more interesting and varied.

Sculpting develops many useful skills that need to be developed at this age. Kindergarten activities often include modeling, but doing it at home is also beneficial.

Sculpting for children 4 years old helps to develop hand motor skills, imagination and perseverance.

Sculpting is useful because it:

  • Develops hand motor skills. The child, kneading plasticine and making different figures, develops fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Develops patience and perseverance. To create something you need to concentrate, make an effort and spend your time on it. This will help you keep him busy for a while, which he will usefully spend.
  • Imagination. To dazzle something, you first need to imagine it in your head. The kid can make a favorite cartoon character, animal, superhero or his own character.
  • Hard work. Constantly engaging in modeling, the baby gets used to constantly applying efforts to something and begins to understand that in order to achieve something, you need to make an effort and spend time.

By regularly sculpting, he will get used to this lesson and he will get better and better. Perseverance is also important for school, since at 4 years old he has a couple of years before her.

Varieties of interesting modeling 

Your child can sculpt from different materials:

  • From plasticine. In stores, you can buy a variety of its types, including one that hardens itself. But more often they still buy a standard one. It can be used several times by constantly dismantling the crafts. But sometimes children don’t like this material, then you can offer him other material.
  • Try salt dough. It hardens when dried in the oven. To prepare it, take equal amounts of flour and salt and half of this amount of water, knead. The dough should be smooth so that the figures do not crack. Dry in the oven at XNUMX degrees or just in the air for several days. After drying, the figurine can be painted and varnished. Such a figurine will delight you for a long time. It is also a great gift from a child to relatives: grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts or uncles.

With such a variety of materials, you can find something your little one will love to sculpt from.

Try to get your child interested in sculpting. Try different techniques, and also sculpt different figures so that he doesn’t get bored.

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