Mock orange (jasmine) Lemoine Girandole (Girandole, Girandole): planting and care

As soon as gardeners try to decorate their plots. They plant bright annuals and perennials, creating unusual flower arrangements. But what is most striking is their ability to choose the right plants for their garden. Chubushnik Girandol is a shrub that, by its very appearance, can tell that the gardener treats his favorite hobby with special trepidation. A compact shrub, also called the jasmine of the garden, blooms profusely and for a long time, delighting with snow-white flowers and a pleasant aroma.

Mock orange (jasmine) Lemoine Girandole (Girandole, Girandole): planting and care

Description of mock orange Girandole

Mock oranges, common in gardens, are often confused with jasmine, but in fact this shrub has nothing to do with a representative of the Maslinov family. And they call it that because of the slightly similar aroma and white flowers.

Chubushnik Girandole, belonging to the Hortensiev family, is a hybrid variety. The main sources about its origin indicate that it belongs to the Lemoine hybrids, and it was bred by French breeders in 1916.

According to the description, Lemoine Girandol’s mock orange does not exceed 1,5 m in height, as well as in width. The flowers are medium, white, with a milky tint. The leaves are small, ovoid, light green in color with serrations along the edges. In a young plant, the branches are vertical, erect, but with age and as they grow, they begin to bend under the weight of numerous inflorescences, forming an arc.

How the mock orange Girandole blooms

Mock orange Lemoine Girandol is a variety of medium flowering time. It blooms profusely throughout the month – from June to July. At the end of flowering, the shrub does not lose its decorative effect, because thanks to its compact and green crown it becomes an excellent backdrop for other flowering plants.

The flowers themselves are medium in size (4-4,5 cm in diameter), densely double, white or creamy, collected 5-7 pieces in a lush inflorescence. Inflorescences are located on short lateral processes of shoots. In a fully opened flower, you can see the core with yellow stamens. The aroma of the flowers of the mock orange Girandole only from a distance resembles the aroma of jasmine, since it is more delicate and interesting. With the age of the shrub, the doubleness of the flowers increases.

Shrub Girandole is light-loving and, with a sufficient amount of light, blooms evenly and profusely. It can grow in partial shade, but it should be borne in mind that flowering weakens in shady places. With a lack of light, the flowers become smaller, and the branches of the shrub are drawn out.

Attention! Mock orange Lemoine Girandole has excellent decorative effect during and after flowering, so it is often used in landscape design for single or group planting, as well as to create a hedge.

The white and cream flowers of this plant are not accidental, since the mock orange Girandole, unlike tall trees pollinated by the wind, grows only up to 1,5 m, so it needs to attract insects for pollination. Also, in attracting pollinated insects, a stable delicate aroma helps.

Photo of mock orange flowers Girandole.

Mock orange (jasmine) Lemoine Girandole (Girandole, Girandole): planting and care

Main characteristics

Mock orange Girandole, also known as garden jasmine, unlike real southern jasmine, tolerates minus temperatures down to -30 degrees. In care, it is also not whimsical, drought-resistant and does not tolerate an excess of moisture. Perfectly takes root in urban conditions.

An adult mock orange Girandol does not need shelter for the winter, but young (1st year of life) bushes require some protection from winter frosts. It is important to perform mulching, which will protect the root system from freezing, as well as cover the bush itself with any covering material.

With proper care and autumn preparation for winter, the mock orange Girandol tolerates winter frosts quite easily and recovers in the spring, increasing its green mass.

The shrub is resistant to various diseases, but the pleasant aroma attracts many insects that can damage both flowers and leaves. Therefore, it is important to timely treat the mock orange Girandole with insecticides against pests.

Features of reproduction

For reproduction of mock orange, you can resort to:

  • seed method;
  • vegetative reproduction.

The seed method of reproduction, although it is one of the simplest methods, has a significant disadvantage – varietal characteristics are not transmitted through seeds. There is a risk that during seed propagation, the seedling will have significant differences from the mother plant.

Girandole mock orange is vegetatively propagated using:

  • green or woody cuttings – is the most difficult way;
  • layering is a more accessible method;
  • dividing the bush is the most common and frequently used method.

Planting and caring for mock orange Girandole

From the photo and description, you can be sure that the mock orange Girandole blooms very beautifully, but in order for it to please its flowering for as long as possible and be completely healthy, it is important to properly plant the shrub. The planting process itself, as well as the subsequent care of the mock orange, are not particularly difficult, but there are still some nuances, taking into account which, you can decorate your site with a magnificent flowering shrub.

Recommended dates

Planting mock orange Lemoine Girandole can be done in early spring or autumn.

Attention! Best of all, mock orange takes root precisely during the autumn planting in the period from September 10 to October 10.

If it is necessary to plant in the spring season, it should be done before the leaves have blossomed, otherwise it will be difficult for the plant to take root, which can lead to its death.

Site selection and soil preparation

For good flowering mock orange Girandole, it is important to choose the right place for planting it. A well-lit, sunny location is ideal. You can choose a site where during the day for 2-3 hours there is a slight penumbra.

When planting several shrubs, the distance between them should be from 0,5 to 1,5 m, and when planting a hedge – 0,5-0,8 m.

The mock orange Girandol is not picky about the soil, but it will take root better if it consists of leafy soil, humus and sand. You can prepare this soil mixture yourself in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. Also, for successful growth, you can add 70-90 g of special complex fertilizers.

Important! You should not plant mock orange in wetlands and with highly saline soil.

Landing algorithm

The algorithm for planting mock orange Girandole is simple. To begin with, a couple of weeks before planting, it is necessary to dig a landing hole measuring 60x60x60 cm. A drainage layer of 10-15 cm must be laid out at the bottom of the hole.

Photo of Lemoine Girandole mock orange seedlings ready for planting.

Mock orange (jasmine) Lemoine Girandole (Girandole, Girandole): planting and care

The seedling is lowered into the pit to a depth of no more than 50 cm, it is important to ensure that only the roots of the plant are lowered, since the contact of the branches with the ground can lead to their decay.

The seedling lowered into the planting pit is sprinkled with prepared soil, it is lightly tamped on top, then 10-12 liters of warm water are abundantly watered and mulching is performed to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture.

Growing rules

Important rules for growing any garden flowering plant is the correct mode of watering and feeding. Also, for the formation of the crown and lush flowering, the shrub requires timely pruning.

Watering Schedule

In the first year after planting, the young bush needs regular watering. The irrigation regime is based on climatic conditions. In dry weather, the Girandol should be watered once a week.

An adult shrub is watered every 18-20 days, and with heavy rainfall, watering may not be required.

Weeding, loosening, mulching

Weeding and loosening the near-stem plot of land is an important process for enriching the soil with oxygen. Loosening should be done after each watering to a depth of at least 8 cm.

To prevent the evaporation of moisture from the soil, it is recommended to mulch the near-trunk circle of the mock orange Girandol. As mulch, you can use dry grass or leaves, peat, bark.

Top dressing schedule

For good growth and abundant flowering of garden jasmine Girandole, it is also desirable to carry out systematic feeding of the shrub. It is required to feed the plant 3 times per season:

  1. Spring top dressing, including mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium.
  2. During the period of ovaries of buds. For a young plant of the 1st year of life, it is necessary to apply only organic fertilizers (manure mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10). Mature shrubs need the addition of mineral fertilizers. For a given amount of organic fertilizer, 15 g of urea and potassium sulfide and 25 g of superphosphate are added.
  3. Autumn feeding. A 5 cm layer of compost or humus covers the near-stem area. You can also apply a solution with mineral fertilizers – 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate, 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate per 10 liters of water.


Pruning should be done annually after flowering. Perform it by removing weak and dried shoots.

Also, every 3-4 years, the mock orange Girandole needs sanitary pruning. In this case, it is necessary to remove old shoots to the base so that they do not interfere with the development of new, stronger shoots.

Preparation for winter

It is advisable to cover the young mock orange Girandole with any covering material in the first winter. To do this, all the branches are collected and tied, after which they are wrapped. As necessary, the shrubs are freed from the snow layer in winter.

An adult plant calmly tolerates sub-zero temperatures, so it does not need shelter.

Pests and diseases

The mock orange of Lemoine Girandol is immune to diseases. But pests can often cause irreparable damage to the shrub. For preventive purposes, some gardeners recommend planting volatile insect repellent plants, such as lavender or oregano, next to the Girandole mock orange.

In case of defeat of mock orange by pests, spraying should be applied using insecticidal preparations:

  • “Decis”;
  • “Kinmix”;
  • Apollo. 


Mock orange Girandol is an undemanding to care, but rather beautiful garden plant. No wonder this shrub is compared with jasmine, because it also has a delicate and unforgettable aroma.

Mock orange crown Girandole. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of philadelphus coronarius Girandole


Irina, 48 years old, Belgorod region.
5 years ago, we bought an unusual shrub at the flower market, which the seller called jasmine. In fact, of course, it was not jasmine, because in our winters such a plant simply will not survive. It was the mock orange Girandole, as we found out later. It took root quite well in our country house, but we waited for the first flowers only in the 3rd year. But today he makes us incredibly happy, because every year his flowers are bigger and more of them appear. We are completely satisfied that we took the risk 5 years ago to purchase it and plant it.
Sergey, 52 years old, Ufa
I have 3 bushes of mock orange Girandole growing in my summer cottage. And every summer they delight us with abundant and insanely beautiful flowering. The aroma is delicate, dispersing throughout the site. When the bushes fade, I simply cut off the ripened buds, while the mock oranges do not lose their decorative effect, they fit perfectly into the landscape design of our summer house, creating an interesting background for late-flowering plants.

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