You can propagate mock orange or garden jasmine in various ways. Depending on what result they want to get, they choose cuttings, layering or growing seedlings from seeds. It may take more than one year, but self-grown seedlings will turn into strong and beautiful plants.

How to propagate garden jasmine

Mock orange or garden jasmine is a wonderful plant with white flowers. It is called garden jasmine due to its strong, pleasant aroma. The shrub is unpretentious, does not require special care and grows rapidly. If you regularly trim the mock orange, it will have a compact, beautiful shape, and will decorate the site. The choice of propagation method depends on the type of shrub.

Mock orange (garden jasmine): propagation by cuttings in spring, summer, autumn, seeds

There are different varieties of garden jasmine. They differ in the shape and size of flowers, shades of color and aroma: some smell like strawberries, others smell like exquisite perfumes.

Mock orange (garden jasmine): propagation by cuttings in spring, summer, autumn, seeds

Shrubs bloom in late spring, early summer. Depending on the variety, the flowering time may shift to a later date.

Varietal varieties are propagated vegetatively – layering or cuttings.

Seed propagation of a shrub called mock orange is used for natural species. They do not have such large flowers, but the flowering is plentiful and beautiful, pleasant and rich aroma.

How to cut a mock orange

Mock orange or garden jasmine is easy to propagate from cuttings. There are several ways of cuttings, depending on the season. In the spring, green branches are harvested for rooting, breaking them off along with the “heel”. They do the same in the summer, immediately after flowering, breaking off strong shoots that begin to lignify.

In autumn, cuttings can be prepared using a sharp pruner, leaving at least two internodes on each shoot.

Advice! Autumn lignified twigs are stored in the basement until spring, and then planted in open ground.

Recommended dates

For reproduction of the mock orange by cuttings in the spring, the shoots are cut when the flower buds swell. Summer semi-lignified shoots are broken off for rooting during flowering or immediately after it – in June. In autumn, they begin harvesting cuttings when the leaves fall off so that pruning does not cause intensive growth of new shoots.

Collection and preparation of cuttings

Collect and prepare cuttings according to the scheme:

  1. A green branch is broken off with a “heel”.
  2. The lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are shortened by half, leaving two nodes and one internode.
  3. Lignified cuttings are cut with secateurs. You can use the branches left after the formation of the crown.
  4. On lignified shoots, an oblique cut is made at the bottom, and a straight cut at the top, so as not to confuse in the spring which end to plant in the ground.

The choice of grafting method and soil preparation

Soil for planting is bought at the store. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing vermicompost or fertile loam and peat with neutral acidity in equal parts.

For disinfection, the soil is calcined in the oven, and watered with Fitosporin.

For planting, take a clean plastic pot with holes in the bottom to drain water. Prepared green shoots are planted in a pot of earth, and covered with a cut plastic bottle or a transparent bag.

Mock orange (garden jasmine): propagation by cuttings in spring, summer, autumn, seeds

Planted cuttings of garden jasmine are placed under a tree where there is no direct sunlight. Roots will appear in about a month. All this time, the seedlings are being watched. If condensation has accumulated on the walls of the bottle or bag, do not water the soil. In cool weather, cuttings are brought into the house or placed in a greenhouse. The optimum temperature for rooting is not lower than + 20 … + 22 ° C.

How to root a mock orange stalk in water

After cuttings of mock orange in the spring, the branches take root with difficulty in the water. Sometimes they rot due to gardener’s mistakes – using dirty containers or cutting with a blunt tool.

There is a unique method of propagation by cuttings in water, which gives excellent results. Chopped sprigs of garden jasmine are placed in a solution containing a natural root stimulant.

Such a solution is obtained independently by draining water from a vessel with a cutting that has already taken root. When the plant begins to take root, it produces special substances that pass into the water. It is good to water recently transplanted crops with such water or to root capricious mock orange cuttings. They quickly form calus – white tubercles, which are the beginnings of roots. It is not necessary to wait until real roots begin to grow, you can plant jasmine in the soil.

How to propagate mock orange cuttings in the ground

A place for reproduction of mock orange cuttings in the summer is chosen in a shaded place in the garden with fertile and loose soil, without weeds. Holes are made in the ground and cuttings are planted at a short distance from each other.

Pour over with water and cover with cut plastic bottles. If there are a lot of shoots, they build a greenhouse by stretching a film over the arcs. The cuttings take root at an air temperature of + 22 … + 25 ° C. Garden jasmine is aired daily, opening the greenhouse for 10-15 minutes, moistened as needed.

Propagation of mock orange cuttings with a “heel”

“Heel” or bully bark on the basis of a shoot broken off from the mother bush contributes to better root formation – this is what experienced gardeners think. Propagation of mock orange in spring with green cuttings:

  1. Shoots break off with a “heel” before flowering.
  2. Cut off the lower leaves.
  3. Planted in light soil, consisting of high-moor peat and sand, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.
  4. Roots appear in 2-4 weeks.

Rooted shoots of garden jasmine can be immediately planted in open ground for growing, and next year, in spring, transplanted to a permanent place.

Peculiarities of mock orange propagation by cuttings in spring, summer and autumn

Mock orange (garden jasmine): propagation by cuttings in spring, summer, autumn, seeds

Garden jasmine is propagated in two ways: lignified and green shoots. Propagating mock orange cuttings in the fall is a fun way to get new plants. Lignified cuttings are cut in the fall. In winter, the prepared mock orange is stored in moist sand in the cellar, just as grape cuttings are stored. In early spring, as soon as the earth warms up, the mock orange is prepared for planting.

Description of planting lignified shoots:

  1. An oblique cut is made at the bottom of each cutting. The top cut is straight.
  2. Each cutting is planted in the soil at an angle of 45 °, completely falling asleep with earth, leaving only a kidney on the surface.
  3. Over the summer, the plant will take root, if you do not forget about watering it.

In autumn, spruce branches or fallen leaves are placed on top to protect against frost. And next year, in the spring, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Rooting of summer and spring cuttings occurs more quickly and efficiently. Description of how to propagate garden jasmine cuttings in summer:

  1. Immediately after flowering, young shoots are broken off.
  2. Prepare them for rooting. An oblique cut is made at the bottom, a straight cut at the top, the leaves are shortened by half.
  3. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse, under metal arcs with oilcloth.
  4. Every day, the plants in the greenhouse are sprayed so that the leaf plate does not dry out.

From the summer shoots of garden jasmine, young seedlings will grow by autumn. For rooting, the ground in the greenhouse with seedlings must be constantly wet.

Features of propagation of mock orange seeds

Seeds for breeding mock orange can be bought at the store. In species shrubs of garden jasmine, seed material is harvested independently, at the end of summer. Germination persists throughout the year, so it is better to use fresh seeds.

Advice! For sowing, it is advisable to buy a cassette with small cells in order to decompose a seed into each cell. They use a common container, but when shoots appear, they are planted in separate pots, this will take a long time and slow down the growth of seedlings.

The soil mixture is prepared for sowing seeds. You can buy potting soil at a seedling store, or use the economical option by mixing equal parts commercial and garden potting soil. Having filled the cells with soil, lay out the seeds in them, and sprinkle them with a small layer of sand. Then sprayed with a spray bottle.

Further, stratification is necessary, the process of seed treatment with prolonged cold. Seeds in a cold state, at a temperature of 0 to + 4 ° C, should spend 2-3 months. At the same time, the soil in which they are located is kept slightly moist. For stratification, the seed cassette is placed in the basement or in the refrigerator at the beginning of January, having previously wrapped it in film.

Mock orange (garden jasmine): propagation by cuttings in spring, summer, autumn, seeds

They take out garden jasmine seeds from the refrigerator in March, and put them on the windowsill. Seedlings will appear in 1-2 weeks at temperatures above +22°C, regular moderate watering and good lighting. You can sow mock orange seeds immediately in open ground on frozen ground in the fall, shoots will appear in the spring. Growing from seeds is an easy and affordable way to get a lot of planting material at once.

How garden jasmine propagates by layering

A simple option for propagating garden jasmine is with the help of layering. Process description:

  1. In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, they make a small trench next to the mock orange bush.
  2. The lower branch is lowered into the prepared groove and secured with a metal pin.
  3. From above, the shoot is covered with earth.
  4. The top of the buried branch is lifted and tied to a support so that it occupies a vertical position.
  5. When roots appear on a branch underground, it will begin to actively grow.

Drop a branch of garden jasmine to get layering in the spring. Next year, in the spring, with the help of a shovel, they cut off a part of the shoot that is in the ground, and get a young mock orange seedling.

Propagation of garden jasmine by dividing the bush

Reproduction of mock orange or garden jasmine by dividing the bush is carried out after autumn leaf fall in October or before the start of spring sap flow in April. Dates may vary depending on the climate zone.

The dug bush is shaken off the ground and divided into several parts with a pruner. Immediately plant each delenka in a new place in the prepared hole, water it, and cut off excess branches.

Important! If the division is carried out in the fall, new plants are warmed before the onset of cold weather with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

Care of seedlings

A young mock orange needs special care. It needs to be watered regularly, the plant does not like the soil to dry out. Complex fertilizers contribute to the growth of shoots. Garden jasmine blooms early, so in the spring not only nitrogen, but also phosphorus and potassium are added under the bushes. It is convenient to buy a ready-made complex fertilizer containing all the necessary elements.

For the correct formation of the crown, the bush is pruned in the summer, immediately after flowering, at the same time cuttings of the mock orange are carried out. If seeds are not needed, wilted inflorescences are cut off so that the plant does not waste energy on their maturation. After watering, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed. Close the near-stem circle with mulch, which will retain moisture longer and prevent the growth of weeds.

A young mock orange is insulated for the winter with spruce branches or an air-dry shelter is built. Adult bushes tolerate frost well, do not need shelter. In early spring, they prevent the spread of fungal diseases and pests by treating garden jasmine with insecticides and fungicides, along with other garden bushes and trees.

Transplant rules

It is better to transplant a bush to a new place at a young age, up to five years. The old mock orange can be propagated by cuttings in the spring to plant a young plant in a new place.

Garden jasmine is transplanted in the fall, at the end of September, or in the spring, before the buds open. A pit is prepared in a new place two weeks before transplantation. The bush is watered, and half of the old shoots are removed under the root. The next day, they dig it out with a clod of earth, and move it to a new hole. Water and mulch the near-trunk circle. In the first two weeks, shade from direct sunlight.

Jasmine mock orange how to plant grow mock orange growing care planting mock orange jasmine


It is not at all difficult to propagate mock orange on your own. There are several ways in which you can get a lot of free, strong seedlings of a beautiful plant. Which breeding option to choose, each gardener decides for himself. By fulfilling the agrotechnical requirements for the care of seedlings, it is easy to grow a young mock orange or garden jasmine from cuttings, seeds or cuttings on your own.

Mock orange (garden jasmine): propagation by cuttings in spring, summer, autumn, seeds

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