Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

Hybrid varieties of mock orange are becoming increasingly popular with gardeners. Any site will receive a unique flavor through the use of shrubs with different types and flowering periods. The plant is unpretentious, so it is suitable even for beginners. The main thing is not to make a mistake when buying a seedling. Varieties of mock orange with photos and descriptions need to be studied carefully, choosing a shrub, depending on climatic conditions.

What is mock orange and how does it grow

The Latin name Philadelphus mock orange comes from the Greek words “love” and “brother”, because the shoots of the shrub are located opposite and close to each other. According to another version, the name of the deciduous shrub was given in honor of one of the kings of Ancient Egypt, Ptolemy Philadelphus.

Chubushnik belongs to the Hortensia family. Botanists know more than 60 species of this plant growing in the wild. No more than half of all varieties of garden jasmine are cultivated.

What does a mock-up look like

All types of mock orange are similar in basic parameters. These are shrubs from one to three meters high with closely spaced opposite shoots. Its leaves are roundly elongated, sometimes pointed, small (5-7 cm), more often even, but also found with jagged edges.

The bark of the plant is predominantly gray. In some species of jasmine, it is brownish. In most varieties, the bark darkens on the shoots of the second year of life. Some completely, others only at the base. The bark exfoliates on adult shoots.

Flowering garden jasmine begins in late spring and lasts from a month to two. Its flowers are simple, white, from two cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences from 3 to 9 pieces, bloom on short lateral branches of the shoot. Most types of mock orange, or garden jasmine, as it is often called, have a delicate aroma. But there are also odorless species. In varietal hybrid varieties, inflorescences can consist of double flowers and reach a size of more than 10 cm.

Blooming mock orange (jasmine) photo:

Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

The fruit of the mock orange is not large. Boxes consisting of several chambers are filled with small seeds.

In nature, mock orange grows in regions with a warm and temperate climate (north of the American continent, East Asia, Europe). The culture of the edge of deciduous or mixed forests prefers. It is often found on stone screes and cliffs. Bushes grow singly and in groups.

How fast does mock orange grow?

Garden jasmine gardeners refer to fast-growing shrubs. It takes only 2 – 3 years from the moment of planting, so that the height and size of the mock orange crown reach a maximum for its variety.

The use of mock orange

In landscape design, jasmine is versatile. Single bushes perfectly decorate garden arbors, they look original against the background of brick and stone walls of the house and other buildings. Due to the rapid growth of shoots, mock orange is suitable for creating hedges of various heights.

Photo of a single planting of a mock orange bush:

Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

Types of mock orange with photo and description

Varieties of garden jasmine must be carefully selected for growing conditions. Some of them are not suitable for frosty winters. And although most species grow quickly after sanitary spring pruning of frostbitten shoots, the main characteristics of mock orange should be studied before buying a seedling.


Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

In nature, this type of garden jasmine grows in the southern regions of Western Europe and the Caucasus. A three-meter shrub blooms earlier than other representatives of the glorious family. Mock orange, or common (Philadelphus pallidus), is distinguished by bare erect shoots. The leaves of the shrub are pointed, with rare small notches along the edge. Their upper side is dark green, and the lower side is much lighter and covered with fluff. Milky-white simple small, up to 3 cm, flowers are collected in brushes up to 7 pieces each.

Mock orange became the progenitor of several forms and varieties of shrubs: large-flowered, golden, loose-leaved, terry, silver-bordered, low.

The hybrid varieties of the pale mock orange Virginal, Belle Etoile and Bicolor are very popular with gardeners.


Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

The South European alien has taken its rightful place in gardens around the world. The selection of this variety of garden jasmine began in the XNUMXth century.

A bush up to 3 m in height forms a lush crown – up to 2 m in diameter. Even young shoots are covered with exfoliating bark of a red-brown and yellowish hue.

The deep green leaves are oblong and pointed. The reverse side of them is pubescent on veins. Fragrant inflorescences, consisting of 3 – 5 simple creamy white flowers, cover the shrub for 3 – 4 weeks, starting from the 5th year of life.

Philadelphus coronarius (Latin version of the name) is one of the longest-lived members of its family. According to the description and photo, the coronal mock orange in nature can reach the age of 80 years. At the same time, it blooms for at least 30 seasons.

Breeders have worked hard on the oldest type of jasmine. Many varieties have been created that differ in the structure of the flower and other characteristics. Among the most famous hybrids, gardeners note Innosens, Variegatus and Aureus.


Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

This type of garden jasmine got its name because of the airiness of the lower leaves. Layered brownish bark covers shoots only from below. Lush cups of snow-white flowers, collected in inflorescences (7-10 pieces each), have almost no smell. Shrub blooms by mid-summer. This is one of the most late flowering mock oranges.

This type of mock orange became the basis for the creation of many varieties by breeders: Ballet of Moths, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Unusual Pearls, Academician Korolev.

And although hybrids were bred several decades ago, they are still popular with gardeners.


Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

Not only small leaves of about 2 cm are a distinctive feature of garden jasmine. The photo of the mock orange does not convey its main feature – the unique strawberry aroma. This type of gardeners is often called Strawberry.

A small (1,5 m) bush has an equally compact crown. Simple flowers are arranged singly or in small inflorescences. The flowering of the shrub is usually active. It is covered with a snow-white veil so much that its upright shoots bend, forming a cascade.

On the basis of small-leaved jasmine, amazingly beautiful hybrids Snow Avalanche, Ermine Mantle and Avalange were created.


This category includes many interspecific combinations that have been created by breeders around the world. Among the most popular varieties, gardeners note the French hybrids of the Lemoine selection and the academician Vekhov, many of which received their own names.

The flower of the mock orange shrub hybrid Minnesota Snowflake in the photo:

Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

When crossing various natural types of mock oranges, new varietal characteristics were obtained. The main achievements were the production of two-color varieties of garden jasmine, an increase in the flowering period and frost resistance of the crop.


Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

One of the tallest shrubs in the garden jasmine genus. It reaches a height of 4 m, and its crown diameter is about 3 m. The plant is distinguished by long and lush flowering. But its main feature is the absence of aroma. Four- and five-petal simple flowers are collected in brushes up to 5 pieces. Their leaf plates are very long for mock oranges. On non-flowering shoots, they are up to 12 cm.


Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

As a result of selection by the French originator Lemoine, the first hybrid with increased frost resistance and unique decorative qualities was bred. Currently, there are about 40 hybrid varieties of Lemoine’s garden jasmine. Most of them are undersized, reaching a height of no more than 1,5 m. At the same time, the crown of shrubs quickly grows to the same size.

The flowers of French mock orange hybrids are striking in variety. Among them there are terry varieties and two-color. Shrubs and foliage differ. Oval, ovate and pointed leaves can be from light green to pale golden in color. The most popular varieties: Dame Blanche, Avalanche, Avalanche Mont Blanc, Belle Etoile, Pyramidal.

Lemoine was the first of the breeders who managed to create a mock orange with white and purple flowers. Natural specimens have only white or cream inflorescences.


Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

This tall mock orange was named after the famous scientist and traveler Alexander von Schrenk. In nature, the shrub is found in the Far East and neighboring countries.

The shrub grows up to 3 m in height. The bark on its young shoots is brownish and covered with hairs. But from the second year of life, it begins to crack and crumble. In this case, the color changes to a grayish-brown.

The leaves of Schrenk’s mock orange are ovate and slightly narrowed at the upper edge. Color shrub in early June in central Our Country. Medium-sized (up to 4 cm) flowers with a delicate aroma are collected in clusters of 9 pieces.

The best varieties of mock orange

Among the many species and varieties of garden jasmine, you can choose a shrub for your garden that is ideal for its decorative qualities and growing conditions.

Fragrant varieties of mock orange

Most natural types of mock orange are scented. But breeders have strengthened this quality. If the garden needs garden jasmine with a smell, then you should pay attention to the Lemoine and Vekhova varieties.

  1. Snow avalanche – a miniature French hybrid (up to 1,2 m), which blooms from the end of June. Its tiny flowers emit a strong strawberry scent. The fragrance lasts for about 2 weeks.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  2. Bouquet Blanc – called the White Bouquet. Terry inflorescences with a sweet aroma cover an almost two-meter shrub for 3 weeks.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  3. Glacier – blooms with double snow-white flowers for almost a month. Large inflorescences emit an aroma similar to the smell of jasmine.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  4. Alabaster – combines terry and simple flowers during flowering. Their aroma is strong and pleasant.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  5. Air Troopers – surprises with drooping flowers, similar to parachute domes in the sky. The aroma of this unique variety is strawberry, with a hint of exotic fruits.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  6. Miniature varieties of Vekhovskaya selection Gnome and Karlik – they speak for themselves. From 50 to 80 cm tall, compact bushes spread a unique aroma when flowering.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

The most beautiful varieties of mock orange

It is difficult to argue about tastes, especially when it comes to such beautiful plants as mock oranges. Each hybrid is beautiful in its own way. Some are covered with double flowers, while others have an attractive shape of the petals or the structure of the flower. And the top of splendor are varieties with a two-tone color. After all, absolutely all types of mock orange naturally bloom white or slightly creamy.

  1. Few people will be left indifferent by the Salyut variety. Shrub more than 2 m tall during flowering strewn with inflorescences, consisting of fairly large double flowers of creamy white color.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  2. Escapes Komsomolets – slightly curved upwards. Large (up to 4,5 cm) inflorescences cover the shrub with a snow-white blanket. Flowers have an interesting structure. The lower petals are rounded and shorter than the upper ones. And thin inner petals envelop pale yellow stamens.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  3. Belle Etoile, or the Beautiful Star, is a hybrid of the Frenchman Lemoine, which bears its name for a reason. The shrub has snow-white simple flowers with a purple center and yellow stamens. Flowering lasts about a month.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  4. Ballet of moths – beautiful with its simple asymmetrical colors. During flowering, this lush, powerful shrub has almost no foliage.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  5. Bicolor – differs in large, about 5 cm, flowers. Its distinctive feature is the middle of a burgundy-pink color, against which yellow delicate stamens stand out brightly.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  6. Schneeshturm – is considered the most furry hybrid. Its flowers – very large and terry – cover a three-meter bush for a month.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

You can list unusually beautiful varieties of mock orange for a long time, and every gardener has his favorite representative.

Frost-resistant varieties of mock orange

The shrub grows naturally in temperate climates. Most species easily endure winters with temperatures down to -20 °C. But for the cold climate of Our Country, jasmine varieties that are more resistant to frost are needed. It was precisely this quality that Academician N. Vekhov was engaged in. He managed to develop hybrids that can tolerate frosts of -25 – 30 ° C in open ground.

  1. snow avalanche – was created on the basis of another hybrid. Academician Vekhov improved the winter hardiness of Lavina French garden jasmine.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  2. Moonlight – quite easily tolerates frosts of -25 ° C. An amazing shrub with double flowers of a greenish hue.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  3. flight of moths – does not require shelter in frosts of about -30 ° C. At lower temperatures, the tops of the shoots freeze slightly.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  4. Air Troopers – suitable for Siberia and central Our Country.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  5. Variety of garden jasmine Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya with its double large flowers and unobtrusive aroma, it is suitable for Siberia and the Far East. In the northern regions, the culture grows well when sheltered for the winter.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

Advice! Varieties of mock orange, even with high resistance to frost, can freeze slightly in especially severe winters. To save the bush, it is enough to cut off the frostbitten shoots. The shrub quickly restores growth, and this almost does not affect flowering.

Low-growing varieties of mock orange

In nature, mock orange is represented by species reaching 3 m in height. Thanks to scientists, varieties have appeared in our gardens that do not exceed a meter in height. There are also very dwarf hybrids among them.

  • Ermine Mantle – 1 m;

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  • White Lady -1 m;

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  • Enchantment – 1 m;

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  • Moonlight -70 cm;

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  • Duplex – 60 cm;

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  • gnome – 50 cm;

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  • Dwarf – 30 cm.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

Interestingly, the crown diameter of these miniature garden jasmine bushes can be several times higher than their height.

Tall varieties of mock orange

In addition to the already mentioned Blizzard and Minnesota Snowflake, the following varieties of garden jasmine, reaching 3 meters or more in height, are called tall by experts:

  • pyramidal;

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  • Kazbek;

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

  • Mock orange Gordonwhich reaches 5 m in height.

    Mock orange (garden jasmine): photo and description of the shrub, types, sizes, characteristics, application

Tall shrubs are suitable for the back line of garden compositions.

How to choose the right variety of garden jasmine

It is difficult to decide on the choice of a variety of garden jasmine. Each of them is remarkable in some way. In order not to be mistaken, you should buy seedlings in specialized institutions. In the nursery you can learn about the types of mock orange with photos and descriptions. It is important to pay attention:

  1. The frost resistance of garden jasmine should correspond to the region of residence. In the southern warm climate, any variety will thrive. And in colder areas, species are needed that can withstand frosts up to 25 – 30 ° C.
  2. Before buying a seedling of false jasmine, you need to decide on a landing site. If a hedge is planned, then it is worth looking at varieties no more than one and a half meters in height.
  3. Seedlings with an open root system can be bought for spring planting. In autumn, it is better to opt for seedlings in containers.

It is better for beginners to try their hand at low-growing varieties of mock orange. Unpretentious plants require less attention when growing.


Varieties of mock orange with photos and descriptions are numerous on various sites that provide landscape design services. When choosing a garden jasmine for planting, you should consider the possibilities of planting and caring for this flowering shrub.

CHUBUSHNIK – MIRACLE – SHRUBS. Growing, care, planting, watering, reproduction, flowering

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