Mixed workouts – for those who love activity and variety

Mixed workouts combine several exercises of different pace at once, aimed at improving various body parameters. They increase endurance, strength, flexibility.

Athletes who have been training for a long time often introduce special mixed training into their training system. They combine several exercises of different pace at once, aimed at improving various indicators. In this case, athletes train two or three muscle groups at the same time.

High efficiency is achieved by changing the usual order of exercises and adding new ones. When the complex simultaneously includes different types of activities: stretching, strength, cardio, this gives the right load on the body and significantly improves the result.

This type of exercise perfectly develops the cardiovascular system, qualitatively works out all muscle groups with the right impact on them, and also burns calories.

How to start mixed training

Any sports activity should begin with a warm-up. With its help, the body warms up, the muscles become mobile, and the likelihood of injury or sprain is reduced. Mixed training also needs to start with warm-up movements. Usually these are swinging arms and legs, shaking the head in a circle and in different directions.

For mixed workouts you will need:

  1. The form of clothing is comfortable, not restricting movement. Tracksuit fabric is breathable, elastic and moisture-absorbing. On the feet should be soft training shoes or sneakers with a comfortable shock-absorbing sole.
  2. Of the accessories, you need a training mat so that training on the floor is as comfortable as possible.
  3. From additional equipment you will need dumbbells of different weights, fitball, weights on the legs.

On average, a workout lasts about an hour. Be sure to observe the drinking regimen and do not forget about the rhythmic accompanying music.

Types of Mixed Workouts for Beginners

  • Stretching+ABS (stretching and abs workout) – A great way to get the best out of your workout and visibly reduce workout fatigue. The lesson is a combination of a power load on the abdominal press with a slow stretching of the main muscles of the whole body. At the same time, it is active and not boring. ABS + Stretching involves alternating loads on the back and abs with stretching and relaxation. Such training perfectly helps to strengthen the back, acquire a flexible and graceful body, pump up the press.
  • HIT+ABS (High Intensity Workout)  – Combines short sessions and rest. At the same time, the exercises are characterized by increased intensity. They work both the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the back and arms.

Reasons to start blended training

  1. Mixed training virtually eliminates the possibility of injury from the monotonous performance of the same exercises. The impact occurs constantly on different muscles, which evens out the balance and strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Beginning athletes may not be afraid to get unpleasant consequences in the form of muscle strain, sprains.
  2. Mixed training improves the relief and increases the overall tone of the body. During the lesson, every part of the body works, the general condition becomes better, more cheerful. A person who prefers mixed training will very quickly see the result of his efforts in the mirror.
  3. Blended classes will help you gain flexibility. Stretching and elements aimed at increasing flexibility, paired with power loads, work very effectively. By starting mixed training, you can forget about lower back pain. The main thing is not to forget about warming up all muscle groups.
  4. Down with laziness and boredom. Such an activity will not let anyone get bored. The abundance of new movements, quick change of exercises, lack of monotony cheers up and creates an incentive to train. The new mixed workouts included in the calendar of classes will add some creativity and novelty to ordinary sports everyday life.
  5. Even an injured athlete can keep his body in shape with mixed training. The main rule: do not put a load on the diseased limb and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Conclusions and recommendations for mixed training

Mixed training is indispensable if a person has a sedentary job in the office or at home. In the absence of moderate exercise, there is a risk of hypodynamia. To prevent this from happening, you need to visit the gym, swimming pool or work out at home several times a week.

Mixed workouts are almost universal, however, there are contraindications for them:

  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • myopia;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • SARS or ARI.

Sport is a great way to keep fit, but we must not forget about the risks. In order not to harm the body, it is important to consult with your doctor.

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