Mixed skin tumor – who it affects, location, treatment

Syn .: Chondroid syringoma.

Def.: Benign tumor of sweat glands.

Epid .: Occurs in older men.

Loc.: Most often the lesion is localized on the head and neck, but may also appear on the trunk or extremities.

Wedge: Hard, asymptomatic flesh-colored lump.

Hist.: A number of structures can be found in the histopathological picture. Small, round shielded wires or larger branched apocryphal wires with fibrous stroma are found. Another characteristic change is the amorphous cartilage fields that are relatively cell-free and mucin-rich. Chondrocytes, often myofibroblasts, may be present.

But.: Surgical removal.

Year.: Very good.

Lit.: [1] Braun-Falco O., Plewig G., Wolff HH, Burgdorf WHC: Dermatology, eds. half. Gliński W., Wolska H., Wydawnictwo Czelej, Lublin 2004, 1411-1412. [2] Du Vivier A .: Atlas of Clinical Dermatology. Majewski S. (ed.), Elsevier Urban & Partner 2002, 140-1.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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