Mixed martial arts (MMA) workouts

MMA is not only a health-improving sport, but also a rather complex combat system, classes should be conducted in groups under the guidance of experienced masters with officially confirmed qualifications.

Difficulty level: For advanced

MMA mixed martial arts are becoming more and more popular in the world. An indicator of this is the constant opening of new sections and the growth of those wishing to devote themselves to this sport. Since MMA is not only a health-improving sport, but also a rather complex combat system, classes should be conducted in groups under the guidance of experienced masters with officially confirmed qualifications.

MMA is a complex direction of martial arts, which includes elements of various styles of martial arts of the West and East: boxing; muay thai; jujutsu; wrestling, etc. See also: boxing training

How to start training in mixed martial arts

MMA is a great opportunity for physical development. In addition, MMA classes provide an opportunity to master real self-defense skills. If we are talking about professional MMA classes, then they open the way to a brilliant and successful sports career.

Important: Each workout should begin with intense warm-up and stretching exercises. Sparring in MMA should be preceded by intensive work with a pear and other means for setting a blow. See also: kickboxing training

What you need to practice MMA

  • Equipment – Equipment in MMA does not require large financial expenses. The following protective equipment is required: boxing gloves or gloves with open fingers; bandage-shells; helmet.
  • Apparel – From clothing at the initial stage, shorts and a T-shirt are required, then it is desirable to purchase compression pants and a rashguard. For women, it is important to purchase a sports bra.

Top Reasons to Start MMA Training

  1. MMA teaches effective self-defense techniques in various situations. Having absorbed all the best from various martial arts, this system in a number of cases is most effective in a street fight. Many techniques allow you to fight in various stances and even falling to the ground.

  2. Mastering the martial art of MMA is impossible without a high level of physical fitness. An MMA fighter needs not only physical strength, but also flexibility, endurance, and psychophysical qualities that make it possible to conduct hand-to-hand combat. All this is achieved by long and hard training.

  3. MMA training is not only about strengthening the body, but also about educating character. Seriously involved in this sport, self-confidence is distinguished, which manifests itself in various life situations and contributes to success even in a career far from professional sports. And even in personal life, MMA increases the chances of young people – after all, girls like bold and decisive ones.

  4. For successful socialization in modern society, not only self-confidence, but also self-discipline is still important. The MMA combat system teaches you not only to control your own actions, but also to master your emotions perfectly, which is important. With such skills, a person confidently integrates into any team.

  5. And finally, MMA classes provide an opportunity to become one of the highest paid professionals in the world of big sport, since this type of martial arts attracts many spectators and sponsors.

Basic MMA exercises

  1. Stretching and warming up are the most important elements of a workout. Without them, punching or sparring loses much of its effectiveness and can result in serious injury. Stretching includes lunges, wall bars, twine, butterfly and other elements that develop and develop joints and ligaments.

  2. Practicing blows on a pear bag and other means allows you to improve the technique of MMA techniques. Without preliminary exercises with a pear, it is strongly not recommended to go to sparring.

  3. Working with a sparring partner is a complete imitation of a sports fight. Without it, mastering the MMA martial arts system is impossible.

MMA offers a variety of benefits, and each budding fighter should determine their own priorities. Some do it to improve their health and gain self-confidence, others strive to master an effective system of self-defense, and still others are attracted by a professional sports career. See also: tai bo training

Recommendations and contraindications for training

  • Recommendations – MMA classes are recommended for correcting the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, for general strengthening of the body, increasing immunity, getting rid of stress and depression.
  • Противопоказания – Contraindications include bronchial asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system, significant dysfunction of the limbs.

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