On April 15, 1951, a new era began for women: on this day, the “Miss World” was invented. Many sources mistakenly report that the first queen was chosen as early as April. Nope. The final took place only on July 29th. In the meantime, advertising agent Eric Morley from London only came up with an idea: to collect beauties in bikinis from 30 countries to draw attention to the opening of a dance hall. The idea was one-off, but that’s how it turned out. Woman’s Day will tell us about the important trends and tendencies presented to us by the world beauty contest.
This is perhaps the most important thing. If you don’t believe me, then count all the beauty queens by their heads (more precisely, by their hair color). Although we will save your time: we have studied all the protocols of the competition for as much as 63 years. And here are the statistics. The winners of the Miss World:
- brunettes – 45 times;
- blondes – 16 times;
- redheads – 2 times.
It is interesting that the first miss of the world – Kerstin Hokkanson nicknamed Kiki (1951) and May-Louise Fludin (1952) represented Sweden in the competition. But contrary to the trend of this Scandinavian country, they were brunettes.
The trend is confirmed by the last three queens – Ivian Sarkos (Venezuela), Yu Wenxia (China) and Megan Young (Philippines). If they let their hair down in a dark room, you will not see them there at all.
Traditionally, no more than three blondes are included in the final top ten. Either the contests are too complicated for them, or the anecdotes played a role … Not the point. It is important that blonde hair is rapidly being left out of fashion trends. And producers of hydrogen peroxide nervously bite their nails. And brunettes rule.
Brad Pitt will confirm!
More fashionable swimwear
The appearance of girls in a beach suit is the main decoration of the beauty contest. Actually, for the sake of fashionable bikinis, this beauty contest was originally started. Then, in 1951, the legendary festival of Britaindesigned to show how the country flourished after a devastating war, to raise the morale of the British and inspire the nation. The highlight of the festival program in London was the world beauty contest “Miss World”.
But one must understand that the then British society was still covered with a thick crust of ice of stiffness. The Beatles will melt it only ten years later, and in those years they skipped lessons in Liverpool schools. It turned out to be a scandal. The newspapers wrote that “even at the present time of falling morals, the swimwear on the participants of the competition looked too defiant.” And the tabloid tabloid put a bright headline: “It would be better if they were completely undressed!” The audience was not ready to see so much beauty at once.
To the credit of the organizers, they did not cancel out in swimsuits. But they made the costumes more morally stable. A kind of arms race began: whoever is able to better combine openness, brightness and chastity will win. Such famous fashion designers as John Galliano, Gianni Versace, Roberto Cavalli and Gianfranco Ferre sewed for “Miss World”. They were able to transform the same type of bikinis into real fashion items.
And all the women of the world have benefited from this: now they have something to wear to the beach!
Plastic surgery does not help
Alexandria Mills (2010) and her ears
The rules for the competition say that girls aged 17 to 25 years old, not less than 172 cm tall, unmarried, without children can enter the fight for the crown. Oh yes, and so that there are no pictures of an erotic nature in my career. Even topless – no, no. There is not a word about plastic surgery in the Miss World charter.
That is, there is no official ban on participation for silicone-botox girls. However, a beauty with a corrected nose, chest or buttocks will never be admitted to the final top ten. A candidate with a corrected lip line can slip through, and even then it is unlikely. The jury receives strict instructions in advance: the main beauty must be above suspicion. If there is even a shadow of doubt, the crown will not be given.
Beauties from Venezuela и USA… These countries have always been famous for their body remodeling clinics. And several participants (we will not point the finger) were convicted of seeking help from surgeons.
Venezuela Pilin Leon in 1981, it was also suspected of correcting the chin. But after viewing children’s photos, the participants gave the coveted Miss World tape. At home, an oil tanker was immediately named after the girl. None of the beauty queens received this honor either before or after it.
А Alexandria Mills after the victory in 2010, he was accused of adjusting the ears. Allegedly, there was even a surgeon who shared his revelations with the yellow press. But why wave your fists after a fight?
I would like, of course, that the plastic in the competition was condemned more aggressively and stigmatized by the participants for the fact that the wrong example is set to young people. But there are many ways to fight for natural beauty. They chose the calm option. They have a right.
Models were equated with movie actresses
Aishwarya Rai and her double at Madame Tussauds
- Photo Shoot:
- madametussauds official website
Everyone knows a fast-paced career Aishwarya Rai… A beauty from India became Miss World in 1994, and three years later she was in full swing Bollywood… Leading roles in 40 films, songs and dances, commercials. Then marriage with a star actor and producer Abhishek Bachchan… And as the crown of his career – participation in the jury of the Cannes Film Festival (2003). Could she have achieved all this without the Miss World crown ?! Who knows. But models and beauty queens came to the cinema even when Aishwarya’s parents refused to eat semolina in kindergarten.
The account of the roles was opened by Miss World – 1953 Denis Perrier… She was invited to play in the film “Diamonds are forever“. The role is small, but noticeable: James Bond strangles a French woman on the beach with a bikini bra. This is not forgotten!
Film about agent 007 “You only live twice“Gave a ticket to the big movie Miss World – 1964 Anne Sidney… It is not surprising that the creators of the spy saga (British) often took beauties from the “Miss World” (British). And they never invited the Miss Universe contest winners. After this episode, she was noticed by the cult director. Nicholas Roug and shot in the film “Performance” with himself Mick Jagger… Plus roles in five British TV series – not Bollywood, of course. But let’s not be capricious here!
Another British model – Rosemary Frankland, who won in 1961, went to the cinema with a light hand Boba hope… This American actor was the chairman of the jury for “Miss World” and right on the stage, presenting the crown, invited the girl to his new comedy “Better in Sweden”. She agreed. Then she also appeared in an episode of the film “A Hard Day’s Evening” with Paul McCartney и Ringo Starrom.
Rђ RІRѕS, Marita Lindal from Finland turned down two great directors – and Federico Felliniand Luchino Visconti… After winning in 1957, she said: “I’m not sure that I have enough talent for a career as an actress. And I don’t want to waste time on empty experiments ”. Self-critical and honest.
That would be so many modern film stars to approach their work. Otherwise, they are marching into blockbusters right from the fashion catwalks. But only Heidi Klum by and large.
There are women in Russian villages
Our beauties have been participating in Miss World for the last 25 years only. Before that we were not called: the Berlin Wall, the Cold War … And although the competition is declared as free from politics, everyone understands everything. We wouldn’t have gone there before perestroika. From the principle. Because there is imperialism and swimwear, and in the Soviet Union there was not even sex! Actually, when it became possible, only two female citizens managed to perform under the flag of the USSR: Anna Gorbunova (1989) and Lyme Zemzare (1990).
But then immediately into the queens! Russian model Julia Kurochkina in 1992 she took the Miss World crown. A young Muscovite got into the competition for the patronage of a modeling agency, without any reviews and selections. What kind of selection could there have been ?! Later, only the winners of the Miss Russia national contest traveled.
They wrote about Julia’s victory in the Western press: dishonest. This, they say, was done on purpose in order to capture a huge audience of Russian TV viewers, who had not watched anything more beautiful than “Slave Izaura” before. For the sake of money, everything! But we will talk about money later (a little later), and as for justice, we have proved that Kurochkina’s victory is not accidental. And the beauty of Russian women to this world, oh, how you like it.
In 2008, an excellent student, an athlete, a beauty Ksenia Sukhinova from Nizhnevartovsk conquered the same height. In addition, the following people reached the Miss World semi-finals, which is also prestigious:
- Irina Kovalenko (2001)
- Anna Tatarintseva (2002)
- Tatiana Sidorchuk (2004)
- Julia Ivanova (2005)
- Tatiana Kotova (2007)
- Irina Sharipova (2010)
Thanks to these girls, the world again believed in the beauty of Russian women. Overseas suitors began to actively call us to get married on the Internet (although here the magic word “borschch” still plays a role). And actresses with a Moscow residence permit are invited to Hollywood.
Tanya KotovaBy the way, right after the beauty contest she went to sing at VIA Gro.
Beauty is not a profession
This is indeed the case. The crown of “Miss World” was often won not by professional models, but by girls from the people.
Petra Schurmann, queen of 1956, was a philosophy student from West Germany.
Leslie Langley (Miss World 1965), before participating in the competition was a dentist’s assistant on the outskirts of London.
Doctor Rita Faria from India won the title in 1966, lived a year in the British capital (as required under the contract), and then left for her homeland and returned to her profession – treating people in poor areas of the country.
Polish beauty Annette Beata Krenglitska in 1989, shortly before the enchanting appearance in swimsuits, she defended her thesis and became a candidate of economic sciences.
Penelope Ann Kelen from South Africa (Miss World 1958) and Zhang Zilin from China (“Miss World 2007”) until the victory worked as ordinary secretaries. And the gibraltar Kayane Aldorino worked as an ordinary clerk in the personnel service of a local hospital.
These Cinderellas decided to try their luck in a beauty pageant without having any modeling skills. They did not know how to walk on the catwalk and keep their posture, no one taught them to pose correctly in a bikini. However, this did not prevent them from winning.
Because beauty is power.
You can make money on beauty
Eric Morley, Who Invented Everything
Yes, alas. This is also a Miss World trend.
Its creator Eric Morley – a genius master of advertising tricks. He started a beauty pageant to get richer. He patented its name and opened an agency that is now turning over millions of dollars.
Three components of the benefit of Morley and his heirs:
- Advertising… It is unrealistic to have a lot of it during the competition. All dresses are branded. All food is product placement. Resorts, hotels, cars, jewelry, furs … And with what paste do the participants brush their teeth? Such and such. And believe me, the “So-and-so” paste pays an astronomical amount so that competitors do not fit into this position. It is no coincidence that Eric Morley postponed the competition to the end of November (it was originally held in the summer) – closer to the sales. Before Christmas, British stores are attacked by crowds of buyers, and manufacturers of goods are not stingy with advertising. You can make tons of money in three weeks of competition. In the past two years, the competition was again shifted for the summer in order to advertise the beaches and have time to sell vouchers for the velvet season.
- Television broadcasts… Here again, let’s talk about ratings and audience. The final shows of girls in bikinis are watched in 180 countries of the world. Approximately one billion viewers. Therefore, the press is already beginning to say out loud that if over the past seven years, Chinese women won the competition twice, then this is a rigging for the sake of ratings. The same story happened in the late 90s, when Miss World was actively promoted to the Indian audience and the beauties from India won the crown in 1997, 1999 and 2000. Suspicious coincidences. Well, they slandered about Russia. But not proven. And the money is dripping.
- Jury Seats… You will laugh, but British tabloids claim that Arab sheiks and Russian oligarchs are ready to give up their monthly income for this. And even the budget of a small country like Andorra. A well-known person is usually chosen to chair the jury – Hugh Jackman, for example. Here he comes for free, for the love of art. And those billionaires who are called general sponsors open a wallet. But on the other hand, we did not look into the accounting department of the competition, and the tabloids could lie.
We are not saying that making money on beauty is bad. This is business, nothing personal. It’s just that when women start talking about the fact that beauty is a commodity and you need to have time to sell it at a higher price … Did they not teach them this behind the scenes of the Miss World contest ?!
A woman should have a twist.
Kajane Aldorino, Gibraltar (2009)
Exotic beauty as a challenge to the established stereotypes of a fashionable society. This is also a trend promoted by the competition. Julia Morley (the spouse of the creator of the competition) said 50 years ago: “If Marilyn Monroe had come to our competition, she would hardly have reached the final. Too standard appearance! “
It is clear that this is her from envy. But the fact remains: beauties from small states often win the competition, who have no chance at the pompous Miss Universe pageant (where Donald Trump, glamor and pathos are). And “Miss World” was won by girls from Grenada, Trinidad-and-Tobago, Puerto Rico, Gibraltar and Bermuda. Girls from Jamaica and Iceland won the competition three times. An unexpected beauty. Wild orchids. As I once noticed myself Eric Morley: “They won’t be featured on the cover of Playboy or in beer commercials. And thank God!”
Kayane Aldorino from Gibraltar for her victory in 2009 was awarded a great honor in her homeland – she was put in a convertible right at the airport and taken along the main street with a parade. The Royal Regiment marched in front of her. And people threw flowers and plush toys into her car. Before that, only Princess Diana и Prince Charleswho came to Gibraltar after the wedding.
And the Jamaican beauty Carol Crawford won in 1963, although she was not supposed to participate in the “Miss World” at all: her height is only 160 cm. But they made an exception (then the parameters were not monitored too strictly), and this little girl bypassed everyone. Her triumph is captured on the Jamaica Post stamp, which has a circulation of 3 million copies. And everyone could lick the exotic beauty.
For a beauty, the main thing is the brain
In 1983, the selection for the beauty contest was considerably tightened. At first, the girls began to be taken to a psychologist, to pass all kinds of tests for personality development. And then also check their IQ. The time has come to overcome another stereotype – the image of a beautiful fool, which in those years was cultivated by a large number of stupid comedies.
True, only once publicly announced the result of “Miss World” in the test for intelligence and ingenuity. In the same 83rd Sarah-Jane Hutt from the UK scored 144 points. For comparison: y Barack Obama 110 points, and y Einstein it was under 200. The data of the winners of the following years are classified.
But they check – and that is bread. But the trend is correct: it is not enough to be beautiful and walk in a swimsuit, you also need to develop your mind.
Beauty must save the world
Megan Young does good deeds
Charity is another feature of recent times. Everyone does it: Angelina Jolie and other Hollywood actors, Bill Gates and other wealthy citizens. So it all started back in the distant 70s. And also on “Miss World”.
Initially, the winner received only £ 1000. And the opportunity to live in London for a year in a paid apartment. The years passed, the requirements for beauties grew. They were even forced to sign a contract – how to behave throughout the year, while you are a beauty queen. Due to the refusal to fulfill the terms of the contract, two Misski were disqualified – in 1974 and 1980.
Well, the prize money was getting bigger. Now, for example, girls receive about $ 250 thousand for the first place. But under the terms of the notorious contract, they all donate to charity. No, they themselves do not live in poverty either, since they receive a pretty penny or two from all advertising shootings, posters and posters. But the gesture is beautiful – a quarter of a million to the hungry children of Zimbabwe! Or to save whales. Yes, for any good deed. In order to get to the final, you need to present your charity program. And then carry it out for a whole year. For example, Miss World 2013 Megan Young helps open hospitals in poor countries in Africa and Asia.
Nice trend. Beauty should save the world.