Miss Maxim

Miss Maxim

The secret of female attractiveness is simple – you need to be able to correctly emphasize your merits and hide flaws. How to stay beautiful without makeup? What to do to look spectacular with a lush bust, and not vulgar? How to deal with problem areas?

Irina Vidnaya is a participant of the Miss Maxim 2017 contest from Chelyabinsk, she entered the top 5 most sexually attractive girls in the country. She knows for sure all the answers, secrets and tricks of beauty and shared them with Woman’s Day. Read more – become a prominent and effective girl!

Look beautiful and fresh without makeup: 3 simple rules

Many people feel without makeup, as if without clothes. But there are times when it is completely inappropriate, for example, on the beach, in the gym, in the sauna.

In such situations, tanning always helps me. It visually contours the face, makes it chiseled. I add a couple of drops of concentrated self-tanning to my day cream, and a beautiful skin tone is ensured. Also, beautifully designed eyebrows, if naturally thick, transform the face. On a face without makeup, eyebrows are likely to be the focus of attention.

How to properly emphasize lush breasts

The owners of a luxurious bust are always in the spotlight. But how to emphasize the chest, so as not to look vulgar, but on the contrary, to create a harmonious image?

It’s simple: you can best emphasize your outstanding forms with a dress or blouse with a deep neckline and clothes with a deep V-neck. However, when putting on a thing with a revealing neckline, it is imperative to take into account the place and event so that the outfit is appropriate. This option, for example, is suitable for going to a restaurant or a nightclub.

A less restrained and defiant way to emphasize seductive volumes is to wear tight clothes with a small cutout, here it is important to choose the right underwear so that the lace elements of the bra do not stand out. Underwear with a smooth surface and wide straps is what you need!

In cases where large breasts need to be hidden and made so that it less attracts the attention of others, it is enough to wear a sports top instead of a bra, it will press and visually reduce the volume of the breast.

It should also be borne in mind that not only clothes in bright colors will draw attention to the chest, but also a beige tight blouse will not disregard your forms. Black is the best way to hide the volumes.

Big breasts are not always a gift from nature

Happy owners of a luxurious neckline know all about the shortcomings of a large bust. Most often, this is discomfort, difficulties with the choice of clothes and underwear, health problems, and men, first of all, do not look in the eyes, but a little lower.

But my breasts do not bother me in my life, because I do not have too large volumes. Everything is in moderation, and no more is needed. In addition, now the fashion for a lush bust has replaced the trend for a lush ass and hips, and I would like to see more of them.

I know how to “burn” all unnecessary in problem areas

Every girl has problem areas – body parts in which fat is deposited first. There is even such an interesting term – “the last 5 kilograms.”

Since I am a terrible sweet tooth, the first thing I do is add a belly. As soon as I stop eating sweets, the excess goes away by itself. Of course, take into account the fact that I regularly work out in the gym – three times a week. So that my abs are always firm, contoured and attractive, after every workout in the gym, I do the usual crunches for the press: 3 sets of 15 reps.

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