Miss Bikini 2015 Slim Recipes

Miss Bikini 2015 Slim Recipes

The beauty contest “Miss Bikini – 2015” was held in Novosibirsk. Participants of the competition told how they managed to achieve ideal forms. Choose what suits you, see the photos and remember the summer, the beach and your own vacation!

Anastasia Sytkova, 27, instructor on the Carving ski / snowboard simulator

1. Healthy eating. I don’t use soda, chips and smoked meats, and I don’t want to. I really like stewed vegetable mixtures in various simple sauces, such as soy with half a teaspoon of dark honey or sour cream with herbs. For a snack – dried fruit bars. Also, fermented milk products are necessarily present in the daily diet. I love the usual “homemade yoghurts”, such as fermented baked milk, whipped with blueberries or strawberries and a banana in a blender.

2. Sports. At least 3 times a week training for 40 minutes, stretching is mandatory! Without them, the back “pulls”, and the girls’ gait becomes rough.

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Anastasia Pervushina, 21, interior and advertising designer

I think that every girl and woman has her own recipe for a beautiful figure. And for me it is quite simple – it is a healthy diet and exercise to maintain muscle tone. Every morning starts with a glass of water and a light jog. Breakfast, lunch and dinner – full meals (separate meals). Do not starve yourself or spoil your stomach with incomprehensible diets. Just write down your diet correctly. Fewer carbohydrates, do not be afraid of fats and proteins – these are substances that are well absorbed in the body, without putting off unnecessary folds at the waist. And in order for your figure to be not only slim, but also fit, accustom yourself to a light jog in the morning and exercises for all joints. Morning exercises are good not only for the figure – your body will receive a charge of vivacity and energy.

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Ekaterina Kirgizova, 26 years old, make-up artist, dancer

Active lifestyle, gym, daily workouts. Actually, this may not be an everyday trip to the gym, but at least minimal exercises: squats, push-ups, abs, etc. It is important to eat right and in small portions. Do not forget about the presence of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

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Evgeniya Kameneva, bridal makeup artist

I am never addicted to low-calorie diets, as these are all temporary results. The key to a beautiful figure is the right food! Our body is a reflection of what we eat. Therefore, I eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, chicken meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, and fruits and vegetables are obligatory every day, and I eat often and in small portions, which contributes to safe weight loss and excellent well-being. And of course, no one canceled the sport! Gymnastics in the morning, classes in the gym, and sometimes, when I can’t get to the gym, I do elementary exercises at home.

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Anna Serskikh, 23 years old, analyst in the financial department of an IT company

The path to harmony is to eat only the right and healthy foods. For example, I can’t imagine starting the day without oatmeal. Plus to go in for sports – for me it is dancing and for a couple of months now – a gym.

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Tatyana Volkova, 25 years old, assistant attorney, model, designer, holder of the title “2nd Vice-Miss Bikini”

Where to start for those who want to acquire the desired forms? I do not recommend going straight to the gym and pumping muscles hard on the machines. Without a cardio load, centimeters will not go away, and without proper nutrition you will not achieve the desired result. And in any case, do not go on very strict diets. First of all, you need to normalize your metabolism – do not hesitate to contact a nutritionist, a specialist will prescribe an individual meal for you. I will tell you a few recipes that are known to many, but not everyone uses them. First, drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and be sure to drink a glass immediately after waking up (you can add ginger, lemon or mint to it). Secondly, buy flaxseed at the pharmacy, steam it in the evening and in the morning on an empty stomach eat a little (about a tablespoon), chewing slowly and thoroughly. Breakfast in 20-30 minutes. And third, of course, don’t skip breakfast. It should be satisfying, healthy and no later than 9 o’clock in the morning.

In general, choose healthy foods – steamed or grilled vegetables, lean meat or chicken breast, steamed or boiled breast with a little salt, and plenty of fruit. Sign up to the gym, hire a trainer for at least a couple of months who can prescribe a program for you, or go to fitness. Remember the main thing: if there is a desire, then there are thousands of possibilities. There is no desire – there are thousands of reasons!

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Alena Schwartz, 24 years old, profession – wife, holder of the title “Vice-Miss Bikini”

The basis of a good figure, beauty, not only external, but also internal is the ability to put together the three most important points together: training, rest and nutrition! Let’s take everything in order:

Training. I have been working with a personal trainer for about a year. We combine various loads, strength and cardio, constantly “surprise” the muscles with new exercises. I started with very original sandy loops: first, walking uphill on a treadmill, then back extension – hyperextension. Such series give a lot of adrenaline – so you lose weight faster and you feel very cheerful! At the end of the workout, another superset: treadmill plus abs. So I lost 6 kg. In general, I try to do a lot of glute and abs exercises. At the end of each workout, aerobic activity – at least 10 minutes!

Food. Here I have a scheme proven over the years: 1. Water, 2-3 glasses. I always have a bottle of clean water in my car. If I go home and know that I will have lunch, I drink water in advance. 2. In 20-30 minutes after water – dietary fiber, for example an apple or a couple of kiwi fruit, grated carrots will also go. You can have a fresh cucumber or salad made from fresh herbs: arugula leaves or lettuce. 3. Protein. ½ pack of cottage cheese or 2-3 eggs (only proteins), you can have a piece of chicken or fish (unsalted). A piece of Adyghe cheese is also suitable. Protein is a must (!), As it speeds up metabolism by 30%! Also, for girls, bean curd – tofu or white beans – is well suited, as they are known to slow down the absorption of fast carbohydrates (sweet). 4. Then you can eat whatever you want. Sometimes I allow myself a cake or a slice of cake, I really like apples baked with caramel.

Holidays must be complete. Sometimes you just need to arrange a small holiday for yourself: go to nature, go to a cafe or club. If I manage to sleep during the day, I definitely do it. As my trainer says: “Growth hormone is produced during sleep, and it is he who helps you to be young, slim and beautiful!”

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Maria Zolotareva, 26 years old, chef, winner of the Miss Bikini 2015 and winner of the Miss Audience Award!

The recipe for harmony … is simple! Separate three meals a day and swimming!

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Whose recipes for an attractive figure did you like the most?

  • Anastasia Sytkova

  • Tatyana Volkova

  • Anna Serskih

  • Ekaterina Kirgizova

  • Anastasia Pervushina

  • Evgeniya Kameneva

  • Maria Zolotareva

  • Alena Schwartz

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