Miss Bicycle City 2016 contestants: details, photos

Beautiful cyclists in the heat are the most popular figures on the streets of the city! We present 32 participants of the Miss Cycling City 2016 contest. Choose the most beautiful one according to Woman’s Day!

The winner of the vote and “Miss Bicycle City – 2016 according to Woman’s Day” was Anastasia Krenz. She gets a prize – a certificate for 3 rubles in beauty studio “Kare” (st.Mikheeva, 12, tel .: 361−33−67, +79221813367).

Prize for 2nd place – a certificate for 500 rubles for aromatic coffee in “Espresso bar # coffee bars” goes to Diana Ivanova.

3rd place was taken by Elena Korosteleva. She gets a face scrub from “Espresso bar # coffee bars”.

Choose Miss Bicycle City 2016 according to Woman’s Day!

  • Anastasia Krenz

  • Anastasia Nizhnik

  • Alena Metelica

  • Svetlana Golicina

  • Kristina Kamenskih

  • Yulia Trofimova

  • Elena Korosteleva

  • Diana Ivanova

  • Daria Sych

  • Inna Podaneva

  • Margarita Koksharova

  • Julia Matkina

  • Evgenia Gusarova

  • Daria Mineeva

  • Alexandra Maltseva

  • Lyudmila Nokhrina

  • Daria Nechaeva

  • Daria Kazakova

  • Anastasia Leonova

  • Irina Maltseva

  • Yulia Spitsyna

  • Louise Starikova

  • Victoria Sorokina

  • Irina Podaneva

  • Yana Devyashina

  • Julia Permikina

  • Maria Chernova

  • Albina Shibaeva

  • Anastasia Merzlyakova

  • Marya Vorobyova

  • Ekaterina Babkina

  • Kristina Botova

Who: student, video blogger.

About bicycles. I got a bicycle when I was 11 years old. On it I traveled all over my hometown of Kostanay and its surroundings. I came to Yekaterinburg three years ago to study. I don’t have my bike yet, so I borrowed it from a friend. He completely redesigned the bike – from the handlebars to the wheels. The result is an “iron horse” that no one else in the city has!

About life on two wheels. Recently I decided to take a ride around the city and on the side of the road I noticed a voting friend. As it turned out, she was very late, I offered her a ride on the frame. Her dress fluttered in the wind, and cars honked after us. An unforgettable experience!

Who: engineer.

About bicycles. My parents bought my first bike when I was three. It was called the Olympic. My childhood happiness knew no bounds. Dad taught me how to ride. I will never forget this time, this is how my friendship with bicycles began.

About life on wheels. I ride a bike most often in the evening and at night city. This is the perfect time to enjoy the views and gain the energy to pursue desires and projects. One autumn, during the harvest, my family and I broke down the car on which it was planned to take this crop home. I had to carry it on bikes. Mine heroically withstood four “trips” with a weight of seventy kilograms for two and a half kilometers. Since then I have not eaten potatoes!

Who: the hairdresser.

About bicycles. I’ve been cycling since I was four. The one on which I ride now is the fifth in a row. As soon as the snow begins to melt and until the end of autumn, I ride exclusively on a two-wheeled friend!

About life on wheels. Once I got caught in a very heavy downpour. In a few minutes, almost the entire street along which I was driving was flooded. I had to swim to get home in the literal sense of the word. Now I’m joking that you can swim on my “horse”.

Svetlana Golicina, 27 years old

Who: lawyer.

About bicycles. I bought the bike only two years ago, although I learned to ride as a child. I love him for the ease of movement. The longest distance I could drive is 40 kilometers.

About life on wheels. Once I persuaded a friend to take part in a bike quest. We got a team of mountain bikers. According to the terms of the competition, no one could lag behind the team: if one person drops out, everyone drops out. As luck would have it, my friend had a teenage bike that was not able to compete with mountain ones, and after the next task she decided to leave the team! But I couldn’t afford to fail seeing how the other participants tried. Without thinking twice, she offered her bike to her friend, and she got on her “horse”. It was not easy for me … But the story ended well – we took third place.

Kristina Kamenskikh, 21 years old

Who: tourism manager.

About bicycles. The first bicycle was inherited from my older brother. At thirteen, I bought a Scorpions bike with my own money. I got my last one this year, as the previous one was stolen.

At the age of 16 I was lucky enough to take part in the Europe-Asia cycling rally. I ride my bike to work because it is very convenient – you can always calculate the travel time and not think about traffic jams. It’s also a great way to wake up and recharge your batteries for the whole day!

About life on wheels. The best thing in my life has to do with cycling. As many as three times I went on hikes on it. The first was on the Sea of ​​Azov. We drove a total of XNUMX kilometers with friends! We lived in tents, cooked food on a fire, washed in the Volgodonsk canal and in the river. We stopped in museums and just significant places in the cities that we passed. The second trip was to Kazan. During the third, we traveled around the Golden Ring with friends.

Who: designer.

About bicycles. I have been cycling since childhood. I used to drive a simple “Kama”, but recently acquired a mountain one. I love cycling very much. I usually choose long distances, which include not only riding on asphalt, but also difficult places where you need to load a bicycle.

About life on wheels. Last year my friends and I went hiking on bicycles. Our path was about 80 km through the natural park “Bazhovskie mesto”. There was everything, up to the crossing of the river with bicycles overhead. And this beauty of nature that surrounded us along the way, I remember forever! It was a very extreme, dangerous and at the same time soul-relaxing journey.

Elena Korosteleva, 27 years old

Who: Senior Specialist.

About bicycles. The bicycle appeared in my life three years ago. Now, in the warm season, I move only on it. This year I took part in a bike ride in May.

About life on wheels. The bike gave me the opportunity to meet many interesting people. For example, when I first came to my current job, I didn’t communicate with my colleagues very much. Until I found out that many of them also have bicycles. Now we often go home in a large company and are friends with families.

Who: student.

About bicycles. I have two bicycles. The first one I bought three years ago, and the second one – BMX for street stunts – this spring. Now this is my main vehicle. On BMX I learn the basics of street skiing (driving down the street with overcoming obstacles – approx. WD).

About life on wheels. Once while walking, I punctured a wheel. I had to change the camera myself. I completely unscrewed the front wheel, removed the tire, replaced the camera and put everything back. It was interesting and difficult, because for the first time. After that, I began to feel much better on my bike.

Who: makeup artist.

About bicycles. Many children in our yard rode a bicycle. I often asked one of the guys for him, at least a circle to go around the house. My parents gave me a significant gift only for the 1st grade. I was so happy that I spent most of my free time skating in the yard.

About life on wheels. Once my friends and I were driving from a picnic. At the most inopportune moment, our car broke down. We found ourselves on a deaf unknown road, there is no connection. The only hope is for the second car of friends, which left the picnic a little earlier. Without thinking twice, I got on the bike (I took it with me in the trunk), hoping to miraculously catch up with the second crew! After 20 minutes she was barely alive … But I could not believe my ears when I heard the incoming call – the guys in front just made a stop for communication, suspecting something was wrong. They went back and towed our car to the nearest service.

Who: designer.

About bicycles. I have been riding them since childhood, but I only got my own bike last year. Before that I borrowed from friends. Now I ride it every day. For me, a bicycle is not so much a means of transportation as a source of positive emotions.

About life on wheels. Two years ago I went to Italy. Bicycles are very popular in Europe, and immediately upon arrival I rented myself a two-wheeled friend. As a result, I managed to visit a maximum of interesting places, even neighboring cities. Thanks to the bicycles, our holiday was perfect!

Margarita Koksharova, 27 years old

Who: business trainer.

About bicycles. I ride a bike since childhood – the first was with four wheels and the emblem of the Olympic bear. I bought the last one a year ago. Nowadays it is very convenient to get around by bike. I drive to work and ride in the parks every day.

About life on wheels. Last year, my supervisor went on a business trip. Before boarding the train, he discovered that he had forgotten his passport at home. There are 25 minutes left before the train departure. There were traffic jams in the city, the nearest taxi would arrive in 15 minutes, the company car was at the junction, there was no time to walk on foot… My bike helped out! I brought my passport four minutes before the train left. The manager wrote me a bonus and brought me a gift from a business trip.

Who: manager.

About bicycles. The first was given to me by my beloved grandfather at the age of 14. He taught me how to ride it. At the age of 17, I successfully sold the bike and, having saved up money, bought a mountain bike. I ride a bike very often – to and from work, in the evening I like to ride with friends in the city, and, of course, trips to nature.

About life on wheels. Last year, my friends and I rode bicycles around the city, and suddenly I saw a child who was standing in the middle of the visiting unit, crying and could not cross the road. I had to turn around, go out onto the roadway, throw the bike, blocking the traffic, and transfer it to the other side. The boy promised me to become the coolest cyclist in the world!

Who: civil servant.

About bicycles. I acquired my personal iron horse seven years ago. For me, a bicycle is more of a pleasure than a means of transportation, since I usually ride it for walks.

About life on wheels. When cycling through the city, you have time to focus on things that you don’t have time for during the day. You manage to make plans for life, solve some problems and just enjoy the sights and smells of the evening city. For me, cycling is a must end to the working day.

Who: master of sports in sports aerobics.

About bicycles. I have been skating since I was 5 years old. I bought my bike recently – about a month ago. Before that I rented. With the advent of the bicycle, walking has become an integral part of life.

About life on wheels. The day before the exam at the traffic police, an error was found in my medical certificate. It was necessary to redo it within 1,5-2 hours, otherwise the exam would have been postponed for a month. Rush hour, traffic jams, and destination addresses, as luck would have it, in different parts of the city! Without thinking twice, I borrowed a bicycle from a friend, and did everything in time, minute by minute. After passing to the traffic police, I did not sit behind the wheel of a car anymore, but I became a road user like a cyclist!

Alexandra Maltseva, 29 years old

Who: a housewife.

About bicycles. I bought the last bike about 6 years ago and have been riding it ever since. With the birth of children, the bicycle faded into the background. But recently we bought a bicycle for our eldest son, and now we periodically arrange cycling with him in parks and just around the city, while the “horseless” husband walks with his youngest daughter.

About life on wheels. Literally a few days after buying a bike, I went out for a ride. I was driving through a rather deserted place, and then a company of heavily drunk men formed in front of me. Since I did not really have the skills to safely ride, I was at a loss. And then the “brilliant” idea occurred to me to go around them along the very edge of the sidewalk. Of course, I did not succeed – one of the men fell under the wheels of my bicycle, and I flew away on gravel. After this incident, I began to ride very carefully, trying to miss everyone.

Who: accountant.

About bicycles. Since childhood, I adore this type of transport – it is fast, simple and convenient. I often ride it to the garden, ride around the city. There is nothing better than having a whipping ride and airing your head after a hard day at work. After that, he falls asleep better.

About life on wheels. Once my husband and I arranged a competition, who will get from point A to point B faster – he is in a car or I am on a bike. I won. I didn’t drive very fast, but due to the fact that I cut through the yards and did not get stuck in traffic jams, I arrived faster!

Who: designer.

About bicycles. My last bike is nine years old. They gave it to me for my birthday. On it I often go to work, ride through the city, parks and forests, get out into nature. Since my bike is not new at all, is quite simple and has seen a lot, it has been breaking down a lot lately. But I often meet people who are ready to help.

About life on wheels. A funny story happened to me in Georgia. My sister and I decided to rent bicycles. It turned out that they are often broken there too, and besides, it is not easy to find a parking place. For example, we went to the dolphinarium. It started to rain on the way. Of course, there was no parking next to the establishment for us, we could barely find it in the distance. We still managed to see the performance, but we clearly understood that it is not worth renting bicycles in Georgia.

Who: manager.

About bicycles. The first time my older brother put me on a bicycle was when I was six. And the one I drive now was presented by a young man a few months ago. For me, cycling is a hobby. On weekdays I ride it on business, and on weekends I try to get out of town.

About life on wheels. Once a young man and I were returning from a bicycle ride in the rain. One fine moment a wet cat threw itself under our wheels – it’s good that they had time to brake. We picked her up, dried her, and now she lives with us.

Anastasia Leonova, 23 years old

Who: nurse.

About bicycles. I bought the bike 2 years ago. My passion for photography is perfectly combined with him: now I like to ride a bicycle, take a camera with me and go in search of beauty.

About life on wheels. I love my job very much, and the mere thought of losing it is unthinkable for me. But the boss was stern. May be fired even for a slight delay. Once it happened that I overslept. I look out the window, and there the traffic jam stretches almost from my entrance! I decided to ride a bike. And she showed up at work without delay.

Who: Procurement Specialist.

About bicycles. The first one appeared at school and was four times bigger than me! Now it has already gone out of order, and I was not going to buy a new one. Fortunately, rental is well developed in our city – you can choose for every taste and color.

About life on wheels. I rode a bike a couple of days ago from one area of ​​the city to another. On the way, five people tried to meet me! I don’t even remember such excitement anywhere in the club. And one young man himself was on a bicycle and rode to my meeting with the words: “Let’s get acquainted!” Therefore, advice to girls without a pair: if you want to find a guy – get on the bike!

Who: public relations specialist.

About bicycles. I have been riding a bicycle since I was three. And the last – dear – was given by my sister five years ago. Thanks to frequent cycling, I have found many friends.

About life on wheels. Recently we rode around the city with friends and met a cyclist who became ill. While they called an ambulance, we met a young man. Everything ended well – the victim received assistance. And we are still friends with the young man and ride together.

Who: student.

About bicycles. They bought me my first bike when I was two years old, so the riding experience is great! I got a modern mountain bike at the age of 16, and since that time I have not parted with it. I often ride it on business. When unforeseen things arise, a bicycle is very necessary; in such situations, a car is not the fastest means of transportation due to traffic jams.

About life on wheels. Once my friend and I were driving around the city and saw a puppy with a serious neck injury. We took him to the veterinary clinic, cured him, and then put him in good hands. The puppy was named Velos after his savior, the bicycle.

Victoria Sorokina, 26 years old

Who: coach-trainer.

About bicycles. I have had bicycles since childhood. As I got older, I changed them. I ride around the city until the autumn rains – the bike is definitely faster, and it is also a workout for the figure.

About life on wheels. I remember the very first independent trip for my whole life – when my mother no longer holds the trunk, and you go by yourself. The feeling of flight and lightness that you want to experience every spring!

Who: doctor.

About bicycles. I’ve been riding a bike for six years now – to work, to trainings, to meetings with friends, to shopping! If it’s raining outside, then I put on a raincoat – and go! I am directly glad when I overtake minibuses standing in traffic jams. And I arrive at the cafe earlier than my friends in cars, even if we left at the same time!

About life on wheels. I am a sleepyhead, and it can be difficult for me to get up on an alarm clock. The bike helps you get to work in seven minutes.

Who: fitness club administrator.

About bicycles. The first two-wheeled friend was presented to me in the fifth grade. Riding a bike is one of those little things that makes me happy, especially if my favorite music is playing through the headphones.

About life on wheels. When they tried to teach me how to ride a bicycle as a child, a goose chased me in the village. He looked spiteful and hostile. He was the size of me. After that, until my conscious age, I was terrified of a bicycle. And now I want to become “Miss Bicycle City” and I can’t imagine my life without a bicycle!

Who: engineer.

About bicycles. The first bicycle – “Kama” – was bought for me at school. She came a long way with me – many trips and adventures. Now I don’t have my own bike, but I often rent it. We often go out of town in a big company.

About life on wheels. When I was in the sixth grade, my neighbor and I went to the store. Everything is as it should be: the boy pedals, the girl is on the frame. Suddenly, in the middle of the way, I realize that I am slowly rolling down – the frame burst under me! Since then, I have been monitoring my weight, although at that time I was not a fat woman.

Who: leading specialist in banking.

About bicycles. The first bicycle appeared only this year. Before that I rented. On a new friend, I already managed to go around several lakes with friends. Long distances do not scare us, especially after we went to Lake Baltym by car and on the way back stood in a traffic jam for several hours. Now on vacation – only on bicycles: quickly, conveniently and without traffic jams.

About life on wheels. This year I went to rest abroad. In the hustle and bustle of the work, I did not have time to order a taxi to the airport in advance, I had to call at the very last moment. The wait for the car was delayed due to traffic jams. In order not to miss the plane, I rode a bicycle. As a result, I was not late for a wonderful vacation!

Who: software engineer.

About bicycles. I bought myself a bicycle six years ago when they received an unexpected bonus at work. Now I ride it out of town. I love long distances very much. The last interesting route was a hundred kilometers long, we went for a swim. I especially liked the obstacles – we overcame several steep long climbs, drove through fields, over stones, drank 5 liters of water. I love the route to Sredneuralsk, to the Iset Park, to the rocks, in the Devil’s Gorodishche. A bicycle for me is a rest and a way to relieve my brain from daily problems.

About life on wheels. Once we went on a trip with friends and took metal detectors with us. As it turned out, not in vain. Found a Siberian coin of 1774 from the time of Catherine II.

Anastasia Merzlyakova, 19 years old

Who: student.

About bicycles. I’ve been cycling since childhood. I love this type of transport very much. I bought mine only this summer, and now I don’t part with it for a minute!

About life on wheels. Often, while riding around the city, I saw other cyclists who had something wrong – a flat tire, a chain that fell off. At such moments, I really regretted that I could not help. Recently, I went broke and bought a repair kit. So now ready for any challenge!

Who: Executive Director.

About bicycles. A bicycle appeared in my house two years ago. It was a kind of challenge to myself – I still did not know how to ride a two-wheeled friend. I learned pretty quickly, with the help of friends.

About life on wheels. My friends are my wealth. When I first bought myself a bike, it was decided to repaint it. I chose my favorite color – white. But imagine my surprise when a few days later my friends brought me a hot pink machine! I was not delighted, but now, on every bike ride, all the girls aged 6 to 12 years old accompany me with admiring glances!

Ekaterina Babkina, 27 years old

Who: designer.

About bicycles. I bought a bike two years ago and I still ride it. Each ride is approximately 20 kilometers.

About life on wheels. Once I invited a friend to a bike ride with me. I understood that she was not prepared for long-distance driving and that I would be responsible for her. When we reached our destination, there was joy and surprise in her eyes that she was able to travel such a distance. I was very pleased!

Who: economist.

About bicycles. I was given a bicycle at the age of 14, since then every summer is an integral part of my life. All my youth I rode it to the village to see my great-grandmother. Now there is less time for rest, but on sunny days I try to get out for a bike ride in the park of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure.

About life on wheels. I am very glad that recently the infrastructure for cyclists has begun to develop in the city – bicycle paths have appeared. I especially like to ride in the Academic District. A few years ago, there were almost no bike parking lots in the city, and it was problematic to go to the store by bike. Now the city has become convenient in this sense. You can even come to a nightclub on a bike!

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