Miscarriage in Questions

What is a miscarriage?

This is a involuntary termination of pregnancy. It manifests itself by bleeding accompanied by contractions.

Is bleeding during pregnancy necessarily a sign of miscarriage?

No. Bleeding can also be a sign of ectropion (a small inflammation of the cervix) or a placental abruption, which does not compromise the pregnancy. You have to consult to know exactly what it is. An ultrasound determines the origin of the bleeding. When there is a miscarriage, the embryo is too small for the size it should be and it has no heartbeat.

What is the cause of a miscarriage?

In 80 to 90% of cases, it is a embryo with a chromosomal abnormality. There may also be a ” clear egg “: The embryo has not developed, the ultrasound shows an empty and clear pouch in the uterus. It is therefore naturally eliminated by the body.

In video: The clear egg is rare, but it does exist

Miscarriage: can a very active life be the cause?

No. Being a very physically active woman does not mean miscarriages. A well-implanted embryo does not come off. On the other hand, a great stress can sometimes cause the termination of the pregnancy.

In video: miscarriage

Can the miscarriage start again?

Miscarriage is mainly linked to an embryonic anomaly due to chance. There is not necessarily a recurrence. It is only after three miscarriages that tests are undertaken to look for other causes of malformations.

Miscarriage: Does Smoking Increase Your Risks?

Several studies have shown that smokers are more at risk than non-smokers to miscarry or have an ectopic pregnancy. Stopping smoking before pregnancy lowers these risks very quickly.

Miscarriage: how long do you bleed?

The bleeding gradually decreases from the 3rd day but can last up to 10 days. If they continue beyond, in case of pain or fever, it is necessary to consult.

Miscarriage: can there be complications?

Normally no. Unless the expulsion is partial. This is why some doctors prefer to systematically prescribe a drug (Misoprostol ou Cytotec) to facilitate evacuation or even proceed to a curettage (under general anesthesia). Others are awaiting natural expulsion. In this case, it is best to consult a few days later to check that there is nothing left.

Miscarriage: does being rh negative make a difference?

If you are rh negative and your rh positive companion, the doctor will give you a injection of gamma globulines to avoid incompatibility between your blood and the baby’s blood during the next pregnancy. We speak of rhesus incompatibility.

Can we stop the miscarriage?

No. There is no treatment. In addition, this is not always desirable: if the embryo is expelled, it is because it was not viable.

Is miscarriage dangerous for health?

A anemia (lack of iron) can occur if the blood loss is severe. But it’s very rare for first trimester miscarriages.

Miscarriage: can we become sterile?

A miscarriage does not compromise subsequent fertility. Corn multiple miscarriages in a row may indicate a fertility disorder. A medical check-up is then necessary.

How long should you wait before getting pregnant again after a miscarriage?

Sometimes it is advisable to wait a cycle at least, but there is no rule, some studies have shown that there is no particular danger in getting pregnant again immediately after a miscarriage. Above all, you have to feel ready.

After the miscarriage, do you need treatment?

For a single miscarriage, this is not necessary. In case of recurrence, the doctor sometimes prescribes aspirin (to thin the blood) or cortisone (to prevent rejection of the embryo by the immune system), or even suggests surgery… But these treatments are offered after a complete assessment.

Miscarriage: when is a medical check-up done?

This assessment is only necessaryafter several miscarriages (at least three). This is called a repeated miscarriage. The doctor prescribes a hormonal, immunological and blood workup, a search for metabolic disorder (diabetes or hypothyroidism type), a karyotype of the parents (to find out if a chromosomal abnormality is involved), an examination of the genital system (form of l uterus, presence of fibroids, polyps, examination of the cervix, etc.). 

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