Miscanthus Chinese: planting and care
Miscanthus Chinese is an ornamental cereal. It belongs to the genus of perennials of the bluegrass family. To grow this tropical plant in Russia, you need to know some of its features.
Description of miscanthus chinese
This plant is common in tropical regions of Asia, Australia and Africa. There are about 100 species of miscanthus.
Chinese Miscanthus “Blondeau” can winter without shelter
A perennial grows up to 2-3 m in height. Stems are erect, tough. Leaves are scaly, 15 mm wide. Panicle flowers 10-30 cm long, pubescent. They are made up of spikelets. The photo shows the flowering of Chinese miscanthus.
Plant benefits:
- unpretentious to the soil;
- resistant to adverse weather conditions;
- has an unusual appearance;
- has drought resistance, creeping roots in search of moisture penetrate 6 m deep.
Miscanthus can be used as fuel for power plants. When burned, it releases a lot of energy.
Planting and caring for miscanthus chinensis
You need to plant the plant in spring, the optimal time is from late March to mid-May. Find a sunny, wind-protected area for your Miscanthus. The plant loves warmth. It also loves water.
The soil should be moist and fertile, you can plant a shrub near the reservoir. For miscanthus to grow quickly, you should not choose a site with heavy clay or sandy soil for it.
For planting, purchase seedlings at least 2 years old, in this case, the likelihood that they will take root is much higher
Dig a hole larger in diameter than the root system of the bush. Dip the seedling along with the clod of earth into the hole. Cover with earth and compact the soil. Water the seedling liberally.
- Despite its drought tolerance, hose the plant abundantly in hot weather. With sufficient moisture, the bush grows faster.
- With a lack of nitrogen, the stems will begin to tilt to the ground. Start feeding from the 2nd year of life. Apply fertilizers 2 times per season, use liquid nitrogen fertilizers in May, and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers in summer.
- Remove weeds around the bush regularly.
- Limit the growth of miscanthus, otherwise it will take over the entire area. Dig slate or iron sheets into the ground.
- For the winter, cover the soil with peat.
The plant does not like transplanting. When the center of the bush begins to die off, dig up the rhizome and divide it up.
Miscanthus can be used to decorate lawns, entrances, ponds and fountains. It can grow near buildings, covering not very beautiful walls.