Miroslava Karpovich had complexes because of chubby cheeks: photos, details
Many girls dream of having the same slender figure, long legs and cute face as the star of the TV series “Daddy’s Daughters”. But not herself. The girl once admitted that she used to worry about the fact that her cheeks were too chubby.
Miroslava Karpovich often pleases her fans with different looks. The actress especially loves to change her hair color: now a burning blonde, now a sweet blonde, now a fiery redhead – it seems that Mira has tried everything! But not only the hair color influenced the fact that the girl all these years each time appeared before us in different roles! Everything is trite – age. As we age, our face and figure change. For example, Karpovich’s cheeks disappeared only after 25-26 years. And she was terribly happy about that. With this she shared with her subscribers on Instagram:
Such Miroslava was in “Daddy’s Daughters” …
… now the cheeks are “gone”
“You know, a funny thing! My not the most successful photographs were posted on the portal (in the life of every person there are such photos). And under them – clouds of comments about how I made my lips, nose, went under the knife, changed my eyes, removed my cheeks, which looks like some aunt from “House-10”, scary, not good, not sexy and tyrypyry … Well, what am I talking about! Dear people, it pleases my heart that your attention is riveted to me, albeit a negative one. It is a pity that no one takes into account that in one photo I am 20 years old, in the other – 28, and now I am 30 and a half. And yes, I had cheeks. And I suffered a lot because of this, because actresses usually don’t have them, everyone has such beautiful cheekbones. But God spared me, and closer to 25/6 I became embittered, and they left a little. My nose is in place. Although, frankly, sometimes I do not like him, and I would like to be different, well, someone else, just not my own. He is also always the first to blush treacherously when I cry from happiness or cold. And the legs would like to be longer, so that to the ears and the strings are sewn. In general, I understand that it is fashionable to reshape myself now, but I was brought up a little differently! My dad still forbids me to pierce the 2nd hole in my ear. And you want – darkness! Therefore, of course, lovers of “House” -1,2,3 … 8 are trying to equate me with similar …
So, all these battles with my discontent passed with the time of my development, physical and internal … As you know, I am a user of public transport. And always in front of people. You don’t think that I’m skating around Moscow in evening make-up since 8 in the morning! And I am always pleased with all the living compliments from each of you! And the magic phrase “You are even better than on the screen!” or “You are different!” And I love it! To be different, different, to change, become foolish, prettier with age, like French wine. “
By the way, very soon Miroslava can be seen in Yekaterinburg in the play “Male gender, singular”.
“Masculine, singular” (12+)
detective, director – Sergey Efremov, starring: Miroslava Karpovich, Andrey Kaikov, Galina Danilova, Alexander Nosik
June 27, 19.00, KKT “Cosmos” (Dzerzhinsky st., 2, tel. 3-782-782)
Tickets: 1000–4000 rubles.
The play introduces the viewer to a young guy named Louis. His father is a respectable official, and his mother mysteriously disappeared when Louis was a child. None of the attempts to understand her act were successful, and the Louis family gradually abandoned this venture. But the situation is heating up again with the arrival of an unexpected guest – Colonel of the US Armed Forces Frank Harder.
Performance “Masculine, singular”
Prize Sector
Win tickets to the show!
In which country was Miroslava Karpovich born?
1. Russia. 2. Ukraine. 3. Belarus.
Send your answers by June 27 to e-mail or SMS to the phone number 8-909-000-96-45, the keyword “Karpovich”.
The prize – two tickets to the play “Masculine, Singular” – will go to the first reader who gives the correct answer. When answering, indicate the name, surname and contact phone number.
Results of the competition – June 27.