Miracle Slimming Products

The problem of fighting overweight is year-round: we are losing weight by the beach season, by vacation, by the New Year’s corporate party. However, from all sorts of diets, there is sometimes more harm to health than benefits for the figure.

Nutritionist Sergei Oblozhko told about how to get a slender figure and not make problems with well-being.

“You can eat tasty, satisfying, low-calorie and at the same time it is easy to lose weight. For this, it is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in vitamin C. It turns out that it is very important not only in the treatment of colds, but also has the most direct relation to weight loss. From the point of view of biochemistry, vitamin C is the worst enemy of fat. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Vitamin C helps convert glucose into energy, which speeds up the fat burning process. In addition, foods rich in vitamin C promote collagen production and improve skin firmness.

The largest amount of vitamin C is found in sea buckthorn – 222% (of the daily requirement of 100 g), a lot of it in bell peppers – 103%, slightly less in oranges – 66,7% and in sauerkraut – 45-50%.

The basis of health and good physical shape is proper nutrition. And these are, as a rule, steamed dishes with a minimum amount of fat. But some people who lose weight overdo it and cook food completely fat-free, which is also wrong. The same chicken breasts, for example, do not contain fat. And you can make them not only healthy, but also tasty by adding bell pepper, sea buckthorn, lemon, sauerkraut, etc. to the dish.

With the arrival of spring, we want something bright, not only in taste, but also in color. Oranges and all citrus fruits are exactly what will brighten up not only the diet, but also the mood.

But the citrus diet does not mean that you need to eat only oranges, tangerines and grapefruits. They are acidic and, if overused, can irritate the stomach lining. In order not to make problems for yourself, it is better to add oranges and tangerines to dishes (to cottage cheese, cereals, desserts).

As for citrus juices, they are useful only freshly squeezed and with pulp. It is the pulp that contains fiber, vitamins and dozens of very important biologically active substances that contribute to weight loss. Therefore, if the juice is only fresh, and squeezed immediately before use, and not packaged store.

Add something from citrus fruits to every meal, and within a week you will see the result on the scale.

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