Miracle Shovel Tornado

Not many people are familiar with the miracle shovel, but it is in demand among avid gardeners. The tool consists of two parts. During operation, the movable segment lifts the soil with teeth and loosens it on the pins of the fixed part. Now we will look at what the Tornado miracle shovel looks like, as well as the manual cultivator of this company.

Getting to know the tool

Miracle Shovel Tornado

If someone already has a miracle shovel Mole or Plowman at home, then you can see that the design of the Tornado is practically no different. The company produces a wide range of household equipment. For loosening the soil, as well as removing weed roots, a shovel and a manual cultivator are used.

The Tornado shovel reduces the effort required to dig the soil by 10 times. In this regard, there is less tension in the muscles of the lower back. This is achieved due to the fact that when raising the earth, the force must be directed downwards, and not upwards, as happens with a bayonet shovel. The tool has long been appreciated by older people, and now it has become popular among the younger generation of gardeners and gardeners.

The Tornado miracle tool allows you to loosen even hard or dry earth to a depth of up to 23 cm. In one pass, you get a finished bed about 50 cm wide, but no more. Such results are due to the limitation of the working part of the shovel. If you need a bed of greater width or the garden is being digged, then the required number of lanes are passed with a ripper.

In addition to loosening the soil, the forks pull weed roots to the surface. Moreover, the teeth do not chop them into pieces, but extract them whole, which prevents the vegetation from further multiplying in the garden.

Important! With a Tornado shovel, you can loosen virgin soil, provided that it is not overgrown with wheatgrass.

The Tornado miracle tool consists of three main parts: a working fork, a stationary frame with forks, a rear and front stop, and a handle. The tool is easy to disassemble and assemble. When disassembled, the shovel is compact. You can take it with you to the country in a bag. In the event of a breakdown, a spare part can be bought at a service center or made independently.

Operation of the miracle shovel Tornado

To use the Tornado shovel, you do not need much experience. The main working unit is a steel frame with movable forks. The teeth of both elements are located opposite each other. When the pins of the opposite forks converge, the soil on them is crushed into small pieces.

You need to start digging the soil with a shovel from the vertical installation of the handle. In this position, the teeth of the working forks pierce the ground. Of course, to do this, they need to be helped by pressing the foot until the backgauge bar touches the ground. Next, it remains to pull the handle towards you, gradually pressing down. Resting against the back stop, the working forks will go up, raising the earth layer and destroying it on the opposite teeth on the stationary frame. After that, the shovel is moved back to a new area and the actions are repeated.

Important! It is necessary to dig up the ground with a Tornado shovel, moving backwards along the site, that is, backwards.

Back to the miracle shovels

Miracle Shovel Tornado

The Tornado shovel has long gained popularity among summer residents. Interestingly, many doctors also speak positively about this tool. Remember how the soil is dug with a bayonet shovel. In addition to the effort of the legs, a large load goes to the spine and hip joint. This is especially unacceptable for people who have scoliosis and other similar diseases. The miracle shovel does not require a person to bend down to the ground and lift the soil in order to turn it over. It is enough just to tilt the handle towards you, while the back remains straight.

In the video, doctors talk about the miracle shovel:

Bring back the miracle of the shovel

Why it is worth changing the bayonet shovel to Tornado

Miracle Shovel Tornado

And now, as a summary, let’s look at why the bayonet tool needs to be changed to Tornado:

  • the speed of loosening the soil increases to 2 acres in 1 hour;
  • work as a tool within the power of the elderly, women and adolescents;
  • the factory-made ripper is quite light, which makes it easy to carry it around the garden;
  • forks effectively remove weed roots without cutting them into pieces;
  • the ripper can be used in hard-to-reach places.

There are many more advantages, but it is important to take into account the main advantage of Tornado over a bayonet shovel: the ripper reduces the load on the spine by 10 times and facilitates work in the garden.

Tornado cultivator

Miracle Shovel Tornado

In addition to the miracle shovel, the Tornado company also produces a rather interesting cultivator – a manual cultivator. It consists of a central core. It has a T-handle on one end, and sharp teeth wrapped counterclockwise on the other side. All elements are connected with bolts.

Miracle Shovel Tornado

The cultivator is intended for loosening the soil to a depth of 20 cm. It is convenient to work with the tool around trees, under the branches of shrubs, and you can even dig holes for planting. Spiral-wrapped teeth perfectly pull weed roots out of the ground. Summer residents adapted the cultivator for lawn aeration, collection of dry leaves and grass.

Miracle Shovel Tornado

The length of the Tornado cultivator can be adjusted to the height of the worker. To do this, the manufacturer thought over the device of the adjustable central rod. The tube has a number of holes. You just need to pick one of them and fix the bar.

Miracle Shovel Tornado

Before starting work, the cultivator is placed with its teeth on the ground. Further, the handle is tilted to the left, after which a rotational movement is performed clockwise. Sharp teeth easily dive into the soil, loosen it and wind the grass roots. Without scrolling the handle back, the cultivator is removed from the ground, after which it is moved to a new place, where the process is repeated again.


And now it’s time to get acquainted with the reviews of people who have been working with such rippers for a long time.

Tatyana Nikolaevna, 57 years old
My first purchase was the miracle shovel Tornado. The invention met all my expectations, although fatigue is still felt. I bought a cultivator last year. It is more convenient for them to loosen the soil in the garden around fruit trees.
Vladimir, summer resident, p. Revyakino
All garden tools I have from the manufacturer Tornado. The miracle shovel somehow did not suit me. But I always take a manual cultivator with me when I need to loosen the ground in the beds or in the garden under the trees. This spring I even tried to scroll the holes for planting strawberries. It turned out great.

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