Miracle shovel Mole: what are the advantages of the tool

In the age of high technology, the most familiar objects have undergone changes, even a shovel in the XNUMXst century works more productively, and brings less fatigue. We are talking about a miracle shovel, which is called the “Mole”. Thanks to a good tool in the country or garden, time, effort, and health are saved, because the hardest work is connected with tillage.

What’s this

When we work with a shovel, we make a lot of effort to stick it into the ground. Then, with great tension, we twist the clod of earth, straining the back and muscles of the arms, raise the earth, turn the shovel over, throw this clod of earth. All this brings back pain, muscle fatigue. And then the earth, which was turned out with a shovel, needs to be broken, fluffed up, that is, a second time to walk through the same area with a rake. Very laborious, long and painful.

Miracle shovel Mole: what are the advantages of the tool

The Krot ripper was made to make the hardest part of gardening easier: digging. The cultivation of the land begins with the preparation of the soil, first they dig up the earth, then loosen it, only after that planting work can begin. From the time the plantings begin to grow until late autumn, the gardener loosens the ground, fights weeds. So the craftsmen created a miracle shovel that digs and loosens the earth at the same time. At the same time, weeds are still uprooted from the ground. Thus, one “Mole” replaces a bayonet shovel with a rake. Moreover, it facilitates the labor process itself, and significantly raises productivity.

It will not work to process virgin soil with this miracle shovel, but if a tractor or a walk-behind tractor has already passed through the site, then dig it up a second time, loosen it, remove the weeds – here the “Mole” miracle ripper will be at its best. You should not use it on very stony soil: if the stones are large, then you can break the teeth. On hard ground, it will not be easier for them to work than with an ordinary bayonet shovel, so it’s not worth it either.


Miracle shovel Mole: what are the advantages of the tool

At first glance, a shovel looks like a wide pitchfork with a small harrow. This miracle helper is arranged quite simply. It consists of a frame, two forks with five teeth, directed towards each other. There is a footrest located above the frame and two counterweights. At the back, the counterweight is in the shape of the letter T, and in front is a frame with skids. The fork teeth are 23 cm long, and the width of the working surface of the Mole sold in stores is 35 cm, 42 cm or 55 cm. It is made of durable steel and weighs 4,5 kg. This weight is large enough to help the force of the leg drive the sharp teeth into the ground, while at the same time the Mole does not need to be lifted and carried to another place in the process of work. When working, a person simply takes a step back, and the tool is dragged along the ground.

Such an improved shovel-ripper can be bought, or you can make it yourself. The only difficulty is that you will have to use welding, metal pipes and steel bars are not difficult to find. Do-it-yourself manufacturing ensures that the tool is made according to the needs of the site and the desires of the owner. You do not have to look for a model of the desired weight, frame width and handle length. Some craftsmen even complicate the device of the ripper with articulated joints and the presence of two frames.

Video “The principle of operation of the device”

Shovel-ripper Mole

Principle of operation

Miracle shovel Mole: what are the advantages of the tool

This miracle cultivator works on the principle of a lever. Above the frame is a footrest, when pressed, the pointed teeth easily pierce into the ground. Then the downward movement of the hands causes the earth to rise, it is broken by counter non-pointed teeth and a frame. The raised earth is loosened, and the weeds turn up without being cut, because the frame is not sharp. The weed turns out with a root and even shakes off the earth in the course of work. It remains only to pick it up.

A person working with a miracle shovel applies force by pressing his foot on the frame, and then presses the handle with his hands and the lever is triggered by the movement of the hands and the gravity of the body. It is very convenient that the force is applied in a downward direction, and not upward, which is why the lower back gets tired much less than when working with a bayonet shovel and rake.

Digging up the soil with this shovel, the summer resident does not turn the fertile layer upside down, but loosens it. With such a gentle treatment, there is no depletion of the fertile soil layer. This is what organic farmers are talking about.


Miracle shovel Mole: what are the advantages of the tool

Working with the Krot ripper does not burden the back, gardeners talk about this in the first place. A person presses on the handle with much less force than when working with a bayonet shovel.

This miracle shovel allows you to work much faster, so in one hour of work you can loosen 2 or even 3 acres. With this work, all weeds will rise to the surface, they are pulled out by the roots, and not cut, which is more likely to get rid of them. The width of the working plane of the “Mole” is greater than that of a shovel, this largely explains the speed of work: one row passed by the “Mole” is much wider than an ordinary shovel. But this also narrows its use, it is very convenient to prepare a plot for planting potatoes, but it is better to leave a narrow strip with close borders to other tools.

The miracle tool loosens the soil just to the right depth, up to 25 cm. But they will not work in a greenhouse and in areas with hard boundaries. The ripper allows you to work without overloading your back, to avoid fatigue and back pain. It will turn the earth that has packed over the winter into light fluffy soil, ready for planting quickly and without loss in the well-being of the summer resident.

Video “Garden cultivator”

What is a shovel-ripper mole? If you want to know how to work with this type of garden tool, do not miss the following video.

Shovel-ripper KROT (garden ripper)

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