Minus 60 kilos: a mother of four children lost half of her weight for a photo shoot

Over the course of a year, the 44-year-old woman has gone from being a bun into Jessica Rabbit.

Mothers with many children are rarely expected to meet glossy standards. Even the stars and those sometimes spread out in breadth after childbirth and then hardly come into shape. And what can we say about ordinary earthly women who have no nannies, no cook, no nutritionist, no time for sports? 44-year-old Rachel Ford was just an ordinary earthly woman. Four children, age is no longer quite young, is it up to the figure? Well, yes, the weight has exceeded a centner. And it’s getting harder and harder to find clothes by size. The 64th is not a joke after all. But one day everything changed thanks to one single photo. Rachel saw herself in the picture in a swimsuit.

“I hated myself. Looking at these pictures, I was tormented by a sense of guilt and was the most unhappy woman on earth, ”she recalls.

Rachel faced overweight at the age of 16. Chocolate bars, chips and cakes were on her menu every day. The girl could not refuse them. By the age of 20, she already weighed 83 kilograms. However, excess weight did not prevent her from meeting her love. Jim was much older than Rachel, at the time of their meeting he was 48 years old. Despite the age difference, they got married.

“We bought takeaway food every day. Curry, for example, or Chinese food. Eating a cake before bed is common. Jim didn’t care how much I weigh, ”says Rachel.

Then Rachel became pregnant and gave birth to her first child. George is now 13 years old. Of course, she also gained weight – the scales showed almost 130 kilograms. The woman did not even remember about diet and training. She didn’t have time for that. Two years later, Rachel and Jim’s second son, William, was born. The woman managed to lose some weight then. But with her monstrous weight, the difference was practically not noticeable.

“I realized that the time has come for decisive action. From this day on – no more food to go, no more fast food. There were no more cookies or chocolate in the house, so that there was no temptation, ”says Rachel.

Jim supported her husband in her endeavors. And even he himself began to monitor the diet. In a year and a half, Rachel has lost an incredible 57 kilograms!

“It was just a holiday. I bought new things and could not get enough of it. Friends could not believe that I could change so much. Compliments poured in from all sides. I felt like a completely different person, ”she says proudly.

Rachel even managed to maintain her weight during her third pregnancy. And then the fourth happened, when the woman was already 39 years old. Metabolism, you know, is not the same. And then the woman’s willpower let down. Rachel ordered curry once and disappeared. Food addiction has returned with renewed vigor. After giving birth, Rachel again weighed 130 kilograms.

“I was disappointed in myself. I crossed out all my works with my own hands, ”she says.

To recover, Rachel asked her husband to take a picture of her in a swimsuit. And it worked. Sports, diet – all over again. Now she was supported not only by her husband, but also by the children: they ran and trained with her. In a year, Rachel returned to her normal weight – 70 kilograms.

“I can run with my children without being out of breath, I can again put on clothes that I could not fit into for over a year,” says the lucky woman.

And to celebrate her achievement, Rachel arranged a photo shoot for herself, in which she appeared in daring images that she could only dream about: a sexy sailor and a fatal lady, somewhat similar to Jessica Rabbit.

“These pictures will motivate me. Now I definitely won’t go for junk food. I have a lot to be proud of and a lot to lose, ”Rachel is sure.

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