Minttu liqueur – a mint piece of northern cold

Mintu is a Finnish liqueur based on peppermint. It is made in the city of Turku, but the production belongs to the French company Pernod Ricard. This is a real northern alcohol: strong (from 35%), silver-transparent, like liquid ice, in a stylish and strict bottle. The taste of the drink also does not let you forget about the country of origin: the liquor is so minty that it seems icy. Despite the high strength, Mintu is easy to drink, alcohol is practically not felt.

The history of the liquor began in 1986, when the Americans came up with the idea of ​​a new alcoholic drink. The producers wanted the new product to be unique, exotic and even revolutionary in some sense, so they decided to produce the liquor in the North, for greater authenticity. It was important to create alcohol “in the Finnish spirit”, but with an eye on American consumers. The Finnish company Chymos came up to fulfill this “mission”.

The plan was 100% successful – the drink quickly fell in love with the Americans. Initially, it was assumed that the bottle would be round – this shape is easier to manufacture, but marketing considerations prevailed: manufacturers settled on a container, shape, color and texture resembling a piece of ice. The fortress was 50%.

In one of the first batches, a marriage was discovered: some bottles contained a clear liquid, as required by the standards, while in others Mintu was yellowish. It soon became clear that the high iron content in the water was to blame, after switching to distilled water, the problem was resolved, but cooperation with the Americans came to an end.

Minttu liqueur – a mint piece of northern cold
Real Mintou is clear like vodka

Chymos quickly found a new market in Europe, especially Germany and Austria. Alcohol was especially popular in ski resorts. The liqueur is literally made for this kind of winter sport: warming, fresh, icy.

In the 1990s, Minta began to be sold on the domestic market, in Finland. Sales grew rapidly, the brand developed and strengthened, but in accordance with the new requirements, the strength of the drink had to be reduced from 50 to 40 degrees. This instantly switched Minta from schnapps to liqueurs and sales fell slightly, but not so critical that it led to bankruptcy.

In 2009, the alcohol concern Pernod Ricard acquired the rights to the brand. Today, mint liqueurs are not uncommon, similar products are made in Estonia and other countries, but Mintu was the first and remains the best.

Production technology

The original recipe is kept secret, but the transparent color and high strength of the drink suggest that first mint tincture is made (maceration is carried out), then it is distilled (possibly several times), diluted with water to the desired strength and sweetened.

The composition (according to the label) includes only natural ingredients: alcohol, water, sugar, mint essence.

Types of Mintu

The Mintou line includes four types of liquor:

  • Peppermint, 35%, 40% or 50% ABV. Sweet menthol taste.
  • Licorice mint (Black Mint), 35% abv. The taste is felt salty licorice (licorice root).
  • Mint with chili (Chili Mint), fortress 35%. With hot pepper.
  • Chocolate (Choco Mint), fortress 35%. Sweet, but not cloying, with a taste of milk chocolate.

Minttu liqueur – a mint piece of northern cold

How to drink Minta

It is best to drink Minta in a “clean” form in small piles, after cooling it in the freezer (then the drink thickens and becomes pleasantly viscous). Snacking liquor is not necessary – it will only spoil the experience. You can serve it with light snacks such as dark chocolate or fruit slices.

Minttu liqueur – a mint piece of northern cold
Serve well chilled

Minta is also added to coffee, hot chocolate or used as an ingredient in cocktails.

Cocktails with Mintou

  1. “Chocolate”. One part Minttu and any chocolate liqueur, 3 parts milk. Mix everything in a blender, serve with a mint leaf and chocolate chips.
  2. “Mint Breeze”. Mix Minta and any sparkling wine in a shaker in a ratio of 2:1. Serve in a daiquiri or champagne glass.
  3. “Destructive force”. Mix Minta and Schweppes (or other soda) in equal proportions. Serve with ice.
  4. “The sting”. Mix Minttu with brandy in a ratio of 1:2. Serve with ice.

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