Mint – varieties, health properties, side effects, application

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Mint is a well-known herb valued for its healing properties. It is used in medicine, and its taste is also often used in the kitchen. What properties does mint have and what does it help?

Mint – varieties

Mint is a perennial plant with green, elliptical leaves. It is not particularly demanding to cultivate – it likes moist soil and moderate sunlight. The most recognizable varieties of mint are:

  1. peppermint – the most popular type of mint in Poland. It is used as a spice and addition to desserts and cocktails, as a medicinal infusion or as one of the ingredients of cosmetics. Peppermint is a cross between green and water mint;
  2. spearmint – has similar properties to its predecessor. It is used in the production of toothpastes and chewing gums;
  3. field mint – most often used for digestive problems.

Most often, mint leaves and stems are used in unprocessed form, or infusions, extracts and essential oils are prepared on their basis.

You can buy the peppermint leaf in the form of dried ready-to-brew at Medonet Market.

It should be added that mint not only freshens breath, but is also a source rich in vitamins A, C, B1 and B9 (folic acid), and minerals: magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and selenium. In addition, the pepper variety contains the highest amount of antioxidants among commonly available herbaceous plants.

See also: Herbal medicine – for whom and how to do it?

Mint – health properties

The main advantage of mint is its beneficial effect on irritations of the digestive system. It has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract and thus reduces pain. It is irreplaceable in treating digestive problems such as flatulence and constipation. It is all thanks to the menthol content in the mint leaves, which reduces the secretion of bile.

Try Pukka Peppermint & Licorice – mint and licorice tea that regulates the proper functioning of the intestines. You can buy the preparation at Medonet Market.

In the case of problems with the digestive system, the best infusion of mint leaves and stems, which is worth consuming even prophylactically after large and difficult to digest dishes.

In the case of indigestion with impaired juice secretion, peppermint increases the amount of gastric juice, which improves digestion and assimilation of food. At this point, it should also be added that mint is a great support for people who want to lose weight. Because mint, by influencing the digestive processes, support the slimming process. It is part of dietary supplements that support the maintenance of the figure, eg FIGURETE drops for a perfect figure and Peppermint Oil Plus DR Viridian – the preparation is available in packages of 60 capsules.

If you are struggling with flatulence, constipation or excessive kilograms, it is worth considering visiting a dietitian and doing basic tests. Make an e-appointment with a dietitian now – without leaving your home, on a date chosen by you.

Mint is also effective in the case of irritable bowel syndrome, a disease that affects about 20 percent of people. people all over the world. According to scientists at the Australian University of Adelaide, mint oil works to relieve pain in the gut and relieve pain associated with inflammation in the digestive tract.

Similarly, scientists who published their research in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology in 2014, and scientists at McMaster University in Canada, who believe that patients with irritable bowel syndrome should be prescribed mint oil, soluble fiber, and antispasmodics as the first line of relief for this condition. One should mention that, according to their research, mint oil was the most effective in their opinion.

  1. Buy now at Medonet Market Trzy Mint – freeze-dried organic tea containing gray, wild and pepper mint leaves.

According to research, mint also has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It supports the fight against bacteria that cause digestive ailments, as well as against Salmonella, E. coli and staphylococcus aureus. It also has a calming effect – mint tea is also given in stressful situations.

In the case of antimicrobial activity, mint owes it to the tannins it contains and some components of the essential oil, especially menthol and menthon. According to specialists, mint is also supposed to have a positive effect on combating yeast-like fungi Candida and dermatophytes and mold fungi.

Mint owes this effect to the content of menthol, which gently relaxes the muscles. If we drink mint leaf tea before going to bed, our sleep will be much calmer than normal. Interestingly, as the research published in the journal “Neuroscience” shows, the smell of mint can strengthen memory and increase our concentration.

  1. You can buy ecological mint syrup at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

In addition to its calming effect, mint, or rather its infusion, shows (as Pliny the Elder claimed) soothing the ailments associated with migraines and opening the mind (this is why the students of Pliny the Elder wore mint wreaths on their heads). Already in antiquity, mint oil rubbed into the skin was supposed to soothe migraine headaches. Moreover, mint oil used as an ointment has soothing properties in the case of neuralgia and muscle aches.

We can also reduce muscle pain by using a set of warming hemp gels that minimize severe pain. You can use them before physical activity.

In addition, mint leaves used as an ointment have an antipruritic, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect, and thanks to inducing a feeling of coolness, they are recommended in natural medicine as the use of, among others in the course of chicken pox. However, this is not the end of the great properties of mint, as it can be successfully used to speed up the healing process of unsightly blisters, which are a symptom of herpes. This is confirmed by the conducted studies, in which the mint leaf extract inhibited the activity of the herpes simplex virus.

Another property of mint, according to data published in the “Cancer Journal”, the plant has properties that protect against radiation used in the treatment of cancer. The ingredients that are found in the mint are able to protect us from damaging DNA, radiation. According to data from animal studies, mint also has anti-cancer properties.

In conclusion, it is also worth adding that chewing mint leaves helps to reduce bad breath. Here, however, it should be mentioned that you do not have to spit them out, you can swallow them without fear for your own health, but remember to wash them thoroughly under running water beforehand.

We recommend the organic Mint Garden herbal tea, which you can buy at Medonet Market. Also try Pukka Three Mint – mint tea that has a positive effect on the digestive and respiratory systems.

Also read: Holistic medicine – description, methods of treatment, tradition

Mint essential oil – when to use?

Peppermint oil has been used in the fight against respiratory ailments. Mint extract is used in inhalation preparations, as well as in warming ointments or lotions to relieve the symptoms of sinusitis, colds and flu (pour 3 to 4 drops into hot water). Mint is also included in dietary supplements supporting the digestive system. Buy Lungs now – liquid supplement available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

When dealing with catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, mint oil can be used as an ointment, i.e. rubbed into the skin in the area of ​​the breast and nose. However, this technique cannot be used in young children and infants, as laryngospasm and bronchospasm may occur.

Peppermint oil has antibacterial and expectorant properties, making it much easier to get rid of excess secretions from the lungs. In addition, mint oil is one of the main ingredients of tablets and lozenges for a sore throat – it has a disinfecting and analgesic effect, especially on mucous membranes, while giving a feeling of coolness.

Mint in skin and hair care

Mint extract is also widely used in cosmetics: is one of the main ingredients of soothing creams and lotions. It is also used in foot and shoe fresheners, as well as in toothpastes, dental floss and mouthwashes.

In addition, it is used in hair care products. You can also make a shampoo with the content of mint by yourself, for this you need to add a few drops of this plant oil to the shampoo bottle, so you can get rid of persistent dandruff without any problems. On the other hand, by massaging mint oil into the scalp, you can accelerate hair growth. Mint oil can also be used successfully as a remedy for chapped lips.

At Medonet Market you can order care cosmetics with mint:

  1. mint lipstick with Sylveco peeling, which acts as a dressing for dry lips,
  2. Aromatherapeutic hair shampoo with essential oils of Green Laboratory, which thanks to the addition of mint reduces the itching sensation of the scalp, typical of dandruff,
  3. regenerating hair mask with mint, apple and grain extract Green Laboratory, which gives the hair freshness, moisturizes and strengthens,
  4. Oleiq peppermint hydrolate for skin and hair, which soothes inflammation of the skin, supports the production of collagen, makes the skin elastic and inhibits the process of premature skin aging,
  5. normalizing face scrub Vianek, which, in addition to mint oil, contains sage extract. The cosmetic is intended for the care of skin with imperfections.

Thanks to its refreshing scent, mint oil is also used in the production of perfumes, colognes and scented candles. However, this is not the end of the peppermint oil’s use as it is also used as an insecticide due to its ability to kill some common pests such as wasps, hornets, ants and cockroaches.

Give it a try essential mint oil

Mint – side effects

The main form in which peppermint can show side effects is peppermint oil, which is highly irritating when concentrated too much. Mint-based stomach drops, which reduce stomach pain, may cause vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, imbalance, lethargy and apathy when taken in too much. The side effects of peppermint tea are much less frequent, but drinking too much of it can have a laxative effect.

In particular, the oil should not come into contact with the skin of children under 2 years of age (the areas around the mouth and nose are most at risk).

For peppermint oil, it’s a good idea to dilute it with water or oils (e.g. jojoba, sweet almond, avocado) or olive oil. This dilution will make the use of the mint oil safer. Remember not to exceed the dose of the oil more than 5-10 drops.

It should also be remembered that peppermint can cause allergic skin reactions.

Mint in the kitchen

You cannot forget to use mint in the kitchen. The leaves and stems are a great addition to fish dishes, and also one of the main ingredients in lemonade, right next to the lemon. Bartenders also use mint on a large scale – as an addition to drinks and cocktails. Mint gives a feeling of refreshment, which is why it is so often used in the kitchen.

In addition, mint leaves are great for cooking milk. When they are thrown into a pot of boiling milk, they will prevent it from weighing. Additionally, fresh mint leaves go well with desserts, salads, dips and all kinds of sauces. Speaking of sauces, it is the mint that is the main ingredient of the popular mint sauces used in English cuisine.

Use of mint during pregnancy

In the event of pregnancy, as experts say, be careful with preparations containing mint in their composition. Although peppermint may help ease nausea during pregnancy, there is still uncertainty about the safety of using mint during this particular period.

Find out more about it: Mint in pregnancy – properties, contraindications


It is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist when taking herbal preparations, because the selection of an appropriate herbal preparation requires as much knowledge as in the case of a chemical preparation. It should be remembered that these types of preparations may interact with the medications taken, posing a threat to our health. Some herbal preparations can have a very strong effect, therefore all recommendations and restrictions provided by the manufacturer should be followed. Pregnant women and nursing mothers must exercise particular caution when using them.

Mint in the form of dried

Mint can be safely used dried. However, it is important that the dried mint leaves are of the right quality. The point is to pay attention to the state of the dried parts of the plant. However, if we use already prepared herbs in bags, remember that in this case it will be much more difficult for us to check their condition. The leaves should be crushed, but not so much, because it will not be possible to see if our herbs contain contaminants such as, for example, the stems.

Let us also pay attention to the color of the herbs. Mint should be greenish or brown in color. If we have such an opportunity, let’s also check the fragrance, which should be intense, with the scent of fresh mint. It is important to carefully check the herbs before buying, because only in this way will we be able to be sure that we are drinking an infusion full of natural chemical compounds, and not just water with the scent of mint.

At Medonet Market you can buy mint in the form of freeze-dried organic tea. The freeze-drying process involves drying the previously frozen leaves, which allows them to retain their natural color, smell and appearance. Also try Nettle with Mint – freeze-dried organic tea.

Mint – storage

Before storing the mint, remember to buy the plant fresh, then the leaves should be bright green and free of dark or yellowish spots. It may be a good idea to start your own mint farm at home. For this, we only need an ordinary pot and ordinary garden soil.

Mint is known to grow very fast like a weed, so there is no problem with its breeding. If we are going to plant mint, late spring will be a good time to do so. Mint can be easily grown on the balcony or in the apartment. In the case of breeding in a home garden, it is worth planting the mint in a deep pot with the bottom cut off. Such a pot should be pitched, leaving approximately 8 centimeters above ground level. In this way, we will prevent the mint shoots from spreading, both in the soil and on the surface.

About storing mint leaves, wrap them gently in a paper towel moistened with water and put them in a plastic bag. Mint packaged in this way will easily stay in the refrigerator for several days.

Szczepanówka mint syrup available on Medonet Market is convenient to store and use.

Mint for athletes

Interestingly, according to scientists from the Mohaghegh Ardabili University in Iran, mint can improve the body’s efficiency. Scientists watched two groups of men. One group consumed water with the addition of peppermint oil (10 ml) every day for 0,05 days, while the other did not. As it turned out, people who consumed water with the addition of mint obtained much better results of spirometric tests. In addition, a reduction in resting heart rate and blood pressure was noted. Moreover, this group said they were less tired and feeling better.

Similar conclusions can be drawn from another study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, where in the test people who smelt a piece of paper soaked in peppermint oil ran much faster than those who did not use this specific booster. According to scientists, mint has a positive effect on smooth muscle relaxation and bronchodilation, which makes the body better ventilated, which in turn increases its efficiency.

At Medonet Market you can buy 100% Apple Juice with Mint today.

Mint – recipes

Peppermint tea

  1. Ingredients: one and a half to two glasses of water, 1 tablespoon of mint leaves.
  2. Preparation: Pour one tablespoon of mint leaves with one and a half or two glasses of boiling water and leave it covered for 10 minutes to infuse. After this chat, we have to strain the prepared stock. Ready mint tea should be drunk half a glass 1 hour before eating in gastritis and in the case of anorexia. Mint tea can also be used after meals as a relaxant, carminative and choleretic. 

Mint smoothie

  1. Ingredients: a few fresh mint leaves, two oranges, four kiwis, a teaspoon of honey, half a lime juice.
  2. Preparation: First, peel the fruit, i.e. oranges and kiwi, and place them in a blender, squeeze the juice of half a lime into it and add a few mint leaves. Everything should be mixed until smooth. Finally, for flavor, we can add a teaspoon of honey.

Candied mint leaves

  1. Ingredients: powdered sugar, egg white, freshly picked mint leaves.
  2. Preparation: At the very beginning, the mint leaves should be soaked in the broken egg white, and then sprinkled with powdered sugar on both sides. Then, the leaves prepared in this way should be dried in a summer oven, where they will be placed on parchment. After all, they should be stored in tightly closed vessels.

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