Mint tincture: 5 recipes at home

Mint tinctures – drinks are not only for the amusement of the soul, they have healing properties. Mint has a pronounced fresh aroma, calms the nervous system, relieves headaches, has an expectorant property, and is used as a choleretic and diuretic.

Important! Peppermint tincture is contraindicated in people with hypotension and varicose veins. With frequent use reduces male potency. Drink the drink without zeal and excessiveness.

Also made from mint: liquor, syrup

Tips before starting

  1. It is best to use Peppermint or Garden (Spearmint) mint.

  2. The roots and stems of the plant are bitter, so do not use these parts.

  3. If you want to keep the drink from turning from green to brown for as long as possible, keep it in dark glass bottles.

  4. Collect fresh mint during the flowering period away from the roads, in ecologically clean places.

Mint tincture on vodka

Cooking time – 50-52 days.

Shelf life – 1 year in a dark cool place.

If desired, the sweetness of the drink can be adjusted independently by reducing or increasing the amount of sugar.

List of ingredients

  1. Fresh mint – 50 g

  2. Vodka – 500 ml

  3. Sugar – 50-150 g

Method of preparation

  1. Place the mint leaves in a jar and crush with a wooden rolling pin.

  2. Pour vodka over them, mix the contents.

  3. Close the jar tightly with a lid and leave for 45 days in a dark place to infuse at room temperature.

  4. Shake the container every 5 days.

  5. Filter the drink through cheesecloth, squeeze the leaves.

  6. Add sugar and mix thoroughly.

  7. Infuse for another 5 days in a dark, warm place.

  8. Next, filter the tincture and pour into the original bottle.

Mint tincture on vodka, ideal for a flask

Mint tincture on moonshine

Preparation time – 32-35 days.

For the recipe, use well-cleaned high-quality moonshine 40% -45%.

List of ingredients

  1. Moonshine – 1 l

  2. Peppermint – 30 g

  3. Fresh or dry barberry berries – 4 tbsp. l.

  4. Honey or sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

  5. Water – 100-150 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Wash and dry the mint.

  2. Finely chop the leaves and place in a jar.

  3. In a mortar, crush the barberry berries with a wooden rolling pin.

  4. Pour them into a container with mint and pour moonshine.

  5. Put the container with the mixture in a dark place for 30 days to infuse at a temperature of 18°C-20°C.

  6. After the required time has elapsed, strain the liquid through a dense gauze filter.

  7. Make a simple syrup from water and sugar. Then cool it down to room temperature.

  8. Pour the syrup into the infusion jar and mix well.

  9. Place the jar with the contents in a dark place for another 2-5 days.

  10. Filter the tincture through cheesecloth and bottle.

Mint alcohol tincture

Cooking time – 10 days.

List of ingredients

  1. Dried mint 30-40 g

  2. Vodka or 45-degree alcohol – 1 l

  3. Sugars – 200 g

  4. Water – 200 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Pour mint into a jar and pour alcohol.

  2. We put on a sunny windowsill for 3 days to infuse.

  3. After the required time has elapsed, filter the liquid through a cotton-gauze filter.

  4. Prepare a simple syrup.

  5. In the hot syrup, slowly, stirring constantly, pour in the alcohol-mint infusion.

  6. Pour the mixture into a container.

  7. Put in a dark place for 7 days to stand at room temperature.

  8. Filter again and keep refrigerated.

Mint tincture with lemon

Preparation time – 15-17 days. The drink has a slight sourness, improves appetite.

List of ingredients

  1. Vodka – 1 l

  2. Fresh mint – 120 g

  3. Lemon – 3 pcs.

  4. Sugar – 250-400 g

Method of preparation

  1. Wash the lemons and dry them with paper towels.

  2. Cut the zest from the fruit, leaving only the yellow part (the white gives bitterness)

  3. Chop mint leaves.

  4. Put them with zest in a jar, mix thoroughly.

  5. Squeeze juice from peeled lemons.

  6. Pour it into a jar.

  7. Pour vodka into the container and mix everything well.

  8. Close the jar tightly and put in a warm, dark place for 10 days.

  9. Shake the liquid once a day.

  10. Next, strain the infusion through a gauze filter.

  11. Add sugar and mix thoroughly.

  12. Hide the container with the contents for 5-7 days in a dark place at room temperature for settling.

  13. Filter the drink and pour into a beautiful container.

Spicy mint tincture

Preparation time – 2 weeks.

List of ingredients

  1. Vodka – 1 l

  2. Dried peppermint – 100 g

  3. Dill seeds – 40 g

  4. Juniper berries – 12-15 g

  5. Cover – 3-5 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pour mint, dill seeds, juniper berries and cinnamon into a jar.

    Important! You can only use the berries of the common juniper, which is often found in the wild. Fruits of other species are considered poisonous and it is better not to experiment with them.

  2. Mix the contents and fill with vodka.

  3. We close the container tightly and put it for 2 weeks in a dark, warm place.

  4. After the time is up, strain the liquid.

  5. We store in a cool place.

Relevance: 05.09.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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