Mint plant

Mint plant

One of the most favorite crops among gardeners is mint. The plant does not require much attention, but at the same time it will always please with a rich harvest of “green mass”. One of the most popular varieties is wild mint, or, as it is called, oregano. It is often used in cooking as well as in folk medicine.

Wild mint: description of the plant and photo

This variety has other names, such as oregano, mother, field and meadow mint. Under natural conditions, this plant can be found on the banks of reservoirs, in forests and meadows. The main difference between wild mint is the incredibly subtle, rich aroma that its leaves and inflorescences spread. Due to this quality, the culture is often used in perfumery and cooking.

Wild mint is a plant considered to be an excellent honey plant

The essential oils of wild mint contain a considerable amount of menthol, citral, geroniol, cineole and other useful substances.

The plant has gained particular popularity in folk medicine. Oregano is often used for the preparation of decoctions and infusions. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat diseases such as tuberculosis and asthma. In addition, tea from the plant is considered one of the best means for removing harmful compounds, toxins and toxins from the body. It is also used as an anti-stress and sedative.

Growing wild mint and caring for the plant

The plant can be propagated in different ways: by seeds, by dividing the bush and by cuttings. But the easiest way is to grow oregano using the seedling method. For this, the seeds are sown in a pot or box at the end of February. Wild mint is unpretentious, but a little peat should still be added to the soil. Typically, seedlings hatch after a couple of weeks. But it should be planted in open ground in mid-May. When planting, keep a distance of 20 cm between each bush.

Since wild mint will grow in one place for several years, it is recommended to add manure to the soil before planting in the fall.

Oregano is undemanding to care and grows beautifully even without any attention from the gardener. But in the first two months, it is recommended to look after young seedlings. First of all, they should be provided with abundant watering, but without stagnation of moisture at the roots. You also need to weed and loosen the aisles in order to prevent the growth of weeds.

Wild mint is not only a beautiful plant, but also a useful plant. Its leaves and flowers can be used in both cooking and traditional medicine. Plus, oregano has a strong and pleasant scent that will attract many bees to your garden. And this, in turn, will have a positive effect on other cultures as well.

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