Mint liqueur according to my grandmother’s recipe: all you need is vodka, honey and mint itself

I was rummaging through my grandmother’s old notebook the other day and found notes on mint liqueur. I don’t remember anyone in my family cooking it, so I was very curious about how it would turn out and I decided to try it. Moreover, there was a lot of mint.

Although at first glance mint and alcohol, for me, things are absolutely incompatible. But read on, the recipe and my impressions.

This letter was sent to me by my subscriber Valentina from Vologda. I’m excited to share her recipe with you.

Necessary ingredients

For cooking I needed:

  • mint – 100g;
  • vodka – 1 l;
  • honey – 200g;
  • water – 300g.

Separately, it is worth talking about mint. There are a lot of types of it: the usual, so to speak classic, menthol, lemon balm, or as it is also called “lemon mint”. I take a bouquet of several types, as each of them is good in its own way.

If you just take mint or lemon balm, then the taste will not be so bright, menthol, it will give too chilling effect. Therefore, an excellent result is obtained, subject to balance.

Three news of each plant is the perfect combination. I take only fresh mint for liqueur. I collect young shoots, 10 centimeters high.

The result is a drink that tastes like the famous Mojito. It has a chilling coolness, but not so pronounced, and a lemon aftertaste.

Manufacturing process

In order to prepare this refreshing drink, you must follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Washed sprigs of mint are thrown into a jar and poured with vodka, tightly closed with a lid and infused in a warm place for 2 weeks.
  2. After two weeks, the infusion is filtered through gauze, the branches are removed, they have done their job and are no longer needed.
  3. Syrup is prepared: 200 ml of honey and 300 g of water, mixed and heated to 400C, stirring slowly, until the honey is completely dissolved.
  4. Mix syrup and infusion. Close and leave for a week in a cool place.
  5. After a week, filter through gauze. The drink is ready to drink.

I bottle the liquor in pretty bottles and keep it tightly closed in the fridge.

What happened as a result

When the infusion of mint was just beginning, the solution was colorless. Then it acquires a greenish tint, but with a long infusion can become brownish. It all depends on the type of grass used. The color does not affect the taste in any way.

The strength of the resulting liquor is 20-25 degrees. The taste is sweet, mint-lemon, reminiscent of a mojito cocktail, refreshing, soft, sweetish.

The drink is equally loved by both the fair sex and men. The color of the final product, I get a greenish-yellow. Very interesting to look over in a glass.

Separately, I want to note that my curiosity did not let me down. The drink is really very interesting from a taste point of view. Everyone who has tried it cannot believe that this is the creation of my hands. They ask where I buy.

The thing is very exclusive. I only tell the recipe to those who guess the composition. They recognize mint, but they don’t recognize lemon balm, they often call it lemon, well, honey, and even more so, we can’t define it by anyone.

How and with what to drink mint liqueur

Liquor we use in the summer, during gatherings by the pool in the heat. I usually add ice to a glass of liquor. I like to serve it to the table with light snacks: fruit and cheese canapes, tartlets, meat or cheese cuts, as well as ice cream.

Vegetables from the garden absolutely do not fit him. Tomatoes and cucumbers are superfluous here. Also, heavy dishes, such as meat, pilaf, baked fish, etc., will not work.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

Liquor is a drink of aristocrats served on major holidays. We love to use it in everyday life. What do you think: drinks should fit the situation? Or is alcohol optional?

I want liquor today and I will use it, and it does not matter that I am in worker-peasant clothes and have just dug up all the potatoes.

1 Comment

  1. Verwarmd tot 400° C?

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