Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

Mint Chill is one of the varieties of peppermint, of the Lamiaceae or Lamiaceae family. Contains substances that have a medicinal effect, due to which it is widely used in medicine. The pronounced taste and aroma made this spice indispensable in the preparation of culinary dishes, as well as in the field of perfumery.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

Description of mint Chill

A perennial herbaceous plant, resembling a nettle, reaches a height of 50-70 cm. The branched, flexible stems are densely covered with bright green foliage with notches. Small flowers with lilac-violet or dark red corollas are collected in inflorescences.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

Mint Chill is unpretentious and quickly adapts to various environmental conditions. Grows equally well in sun and shade, preferring soils with moderate moisture.

The creeping roots of mint variety Kholodok can grow to considerable distances from the main bush, and therefore, it is recommended to protect the landing site with a sheet of roofing material, plastic or slate.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

The flowering period is long and takes all summer, from June to August. Foliage of mint Kholodok can be collected already in the first year of the plant’s life, starting from the first summer month. But mint Chill reaches the highest content of essential oils in the green part by the end of flowering.

Application of mint Chill

Chill mint leaves can be added to fruit drinks, cocktails and other soft drinks. They are used as a decoration for various dessert dishes and as a basis for creating syrups, marinades and tinctures.

Relaxing baths are taken with mint Chill. She is an excellent assistant in carrying out procedures that contribute to the maintenance of beauty and health.

What is the flavor of mint Chill

Mint Chill has a pronounced menthol smell. This aroma is obtained from the leaves of the plant due to the content of essential oil, which is a mixture of menthol and its derivatives.

Important! In warmer regions, the mint variety Kholodok is better saturated with essential oils, which is the reason for its cultivation in these areas on an industrial scale.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

Where can I add mint Kholodok

In cosmetology, mint Kholodok is included in the composition of ointments and creams intended for skin and hair care, for relaxation and anti-aging procedures. The presence of menthol gives mint Chill bactericidal properties. Lotions from her infusion will relieve irritation from any, even sensitive skin. Applying green mint leaves Chill to boils and burns will reduce pain and speed up the healing process. Mint baths relieve fatigue, irritation and calm the nervous system.

Peppermint oil Chill is an integral component of mint drops, ointments for the common cold and stomach tablets. Such well-known drugs as Corvalol, Validol and Valocordin, containing mint, have an effective effect on the work of the heart. The characteristic minty taste of toothpaste and chewing gum that freshens breath is also a merit of this plant.

Adding Mint Chill to food stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. Fruit drinks and juices that include this fragrant ingredient are better than other means, they can bring a feeling of coolness on a hot summer day.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

Useful properties of mint Chill

Peppermint Chill is an excellent sedative for the nervous system. This variety has a choleretic and diuretic effect. The use of mint in the composition of medicines relieves the body of excess fluid and helps maintain water-salt metabolism. Herbal tea with the addition of mint Chill tones and adds strength.

Mint Chill has analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to take it for infectious and colds, to get rid of headaches and nausea. Peppermint decoction will help with asthma, bronchitis, flatulence, heartburn, colic and stomach pain. Chill mint leaves and petioles have an antiseptic, antispasmodic and vasodilating effect. An infusion of the green parts of the plant disinfects the oral cavity in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

Medicines with the addition of mint Chill contribute to the treatment of migraine and insomnia.

Rules of landing

Depending on the region, chilled mint is planted in April-May or August. It can be grown both on the balcony and on the plot, using seeds or seedlings.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

When choosing a soil, one should take into account its compliance with several basic conditions:

  • sufficient moisture content;
  • loamy or sandy loam structure;
  • ease;
  • porosity, allowing free passage of air and moisture to the roots;
  • humus saturation.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

The increased content of lime in the area will cause Chill mint leaves to lose their rich aroma.

Before planting, the soil is cleaned from weeds, dug up, enriched with organic and mineral fertilizers. Depending on the type of soil, the height of future beds is determined. If water stagnates on the site and the soil is damp, the planting level is made high to protect the roots of mint Chill from rotting. If the soil dries out quickly, the beds are made low, which will help retain moisture in the ground longer.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

The distance between the beds should be at least 40 cm. The interval between the mint bushes Chill is kept in the range of 30-50 cm. The seedlings are placed in holes to a depth of 5 cm. The procedure is completed with abundant watering.

If the planting of mint Kholodok was carried out using seeds, the furrow prepared for them is well watered beforehand, and after sowing, for the purpose of mulching, it is sprinkled with dry soil.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

In order for the mint Kholodok to grow green and fragrant, it is necessary to plant it away from such vegetable crops as beets, cabbage and cucumbers. Such a neighborhood negatively affects the appearance of its leaves, the surface of which may become covered with dark spots.

Peculiarities of growing

Mint Chill care is quite simple and includes the following basic procedures:

  1. Timely watering. The soil under young seedlings is moistened more often. The frequency of watering adult bushes in the dry season is 1 time in 1,5-2 weeks. During the rainy season, the natural level of soil moisture will be optimal for a plant such as Mint Chill.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  2. Top dressing is carried out in the spring 1 time for the entire season. To do this, the site is covered with a layer of mulch prepared from a combination of peat or compost with wood ash.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  3. Weeding is very important for Chill Mint because its roots are close to the surface of the soil and weeds interfere with their growth.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  4. Loosening the surface of the site enriches the soil with oxygen. Experienced gardeners recommend digging the soil deeper in autumn, introducing semi-rotted manure into it at the rate of 2 kg per 1 sq. m.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  5. Pruning. Thickening of mint bushes Chill should not be allowed, as this can lead to the appearance of such an unpleasant disease as powdery mildew.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

Important! If mint Chill is strongly stretched in height, it means that it lacks moisture.

Pests and diseases

Mint Chill is very attractive to many insects. A large number of various pests settle on its green plant part:

  1. Meadow moth. Able even alone to destroy the whole plant.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  2. Cicada. Carries various viral diseases and damages young shoots of Chill mint, laying eggs.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  3. Mint flea. In warm, dry weather in spring, small round holes may appear on the leaves of the plant. They are made by small yellow beetles, the length of which does not exceed 1,5 mm.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  4. Aphid. It settles in whole colonies on the reverse side of the leaf surface of mint Kholodok. In such bushes, the process of growth and development slows down.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  5. Weevil beetles. Pest larvae gnaw the roots of mint Kholodok, and adults – the edges of the leaves.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  6. Green shield. It gnaws the edges of the leaf plates and makes holes in them.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  7. Leaf beetle green mint. The pest beetle eats the whole foliage.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  8. Drooling pennitsa. Insects deform chilly mint stems, leaving behind frothy lumps.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  9. Wireworm. May undermine shoots if mint is planted in an area where potatoes were previously grown.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

To prevent insect pests from settling on Kholodok mint bushes, experienced gardeners recommend preventive treatment of the site. To do this, they change the place of planting mint once every 1 years. After each harvest, the soil is subjected to deep digging. All plant debris must be destroyed.

Insect pests and fungi are the cause of various diseases of mint variety Kholodok:

  1. Rust. It affects the underside of the leaf plates, forming dark red tubercles on them.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  2. Verticella wilt. Fungal infection leads to the staining of the upper pairs of leaves in black. After a short time, the whole plant dies.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  3. Septoria (spotting). Leaf plates are covered with black spots less than 1 cm in size with dark rims.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  4. Mučnistaâ rosa covers the plant with a white bloom.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  5. Anthracnose. Leads to the appearance of dark spots on the entire surface of the leaf plates.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

The affected bushes stop developing, acquire an unusual color of the leaves. The root system stops growing. Sick bushes are dug up and burned, the rest must be transplanted to another site.

When and how to collect mint Kholodok

The yield of the variety is 1,5-2 kg per 1 sq. m. You can collect mint in various ways:

  • cut off;
  • cut with scissors;
  • pinch.

If you remove part of the shoots, new ones will intensively appear on the mint bushes Chill. Leaves are cut in the morning or evening hours. There should be no traces of dew or raindrops on the leaves.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

Important! When cut from the base, the stems recede by 1/3 of the length, since solid areas are not suitable for harvesting for the winter, but they can still produce new shoots before the end of the season.

Between the time of cutting and the beginning of drying, no more than 2 hours should pass, otherwise the plant will lose its green color. The harvest will have healing properties only if the mint has not been treated with chemicals and the area where it grows is located away from busy highways and industrial enterprises.

How to dry mint Chill

The collected mint is sorted out, removing the dried parts, washed and dried.

There are several main methods:

  1. Dry branches are divided into small bunches. The tops are placed in large paper bags, which are tied at the base and hung out in a dry, ventilated area away from sunlight.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

    This method will protect the mint from dust, wind, exposure to ultraviolet rays and insects. If the room is humid, Chill mint should be moved to another place, as mold may appear on it.

  2. At home, you can dry mint by spreading it out in an even layer on pallets or white sheets of paper.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  3. Mint can be dried in the microwave. Leaves laid out in 1 layer will dry out within 15-45 seconds. If the plant is dried properly, its color will remain green.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  4. When using the oven, it is turned on at the minimum temperature in the ventilation mode. To prevent the mint from drying out, the process should take no more than 20 minutes. In case of overheating, the leaves begin to deform, the edges rise, changing color and losing flavor.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  5. A household dehydrator can also only be used at the lowest temperature setting. If you do not fill all the trays at the same time, the mint will be dried in 5 minutes.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

  6. Electric dryers will help you quickly prepare mint for the winter, but you can only ensure the safety of its beneficial properties when using the most gentle mode.

    Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

Fresh mint greens quickly lose moisture. It is not recommended to expose plants to high temperatures. The optimum level is 20-35 °C.

Dried greens are crushed or left whole, laid out in containers, closed and cleaned in a dark, cool place.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews

You can use ceramic or glass dishes with tight lids that do not allow moisture, odors and pests to penetrate. This method will retain the aroma and taste of mint for 2 years.

Mint Kholodok: photo, description, reviews


Mint Chill is a versatile plant. Due to its aroma and beneficial properties, it is widely used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, and cooking. The culture is undemanding to breeding conditions, and caring for seedlings will not take much time even for novice gardeners.


Valeria Eremeeva, 52 years old, Serpukhov
Mint Chill is a very good variety. The menthol smell is very strongly felt both fresh and in the dishes to which I add it. Grandchildren love to add leaves to ice cream and lemonade, it is very refreshing in summer.
Evgeny Melnikov, 47 years old, village of Seloma
My wife and I plant a lot of all kinds of greenery in the country. We bought Mint Kholodok by chance, we had never heard of this variety before. The bushes grow quickly, the taste and smell are very pleasant, they do not require special care. Add to sauces and gravies, freeze for the winter.
Natalya Obukhova, 38 years old, Yelets
Recently, mint bushes have been planted on the site. I liked this variety for its aroma and undemanding. There is no free time, but even without regular watering and any top dressing, the plantings remain dense with bright green foliage.
Peppermint medicinal properties

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